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Assertion-based testing with Quickcheck


Quickcheck was originally a package for the language Haskell aimed at simplifying the writing of tests. The main idea is the automatic generation of tests based on assertions a function needs to satisfy and the signature of that function. The idea spread to other languages and is now implemented in R with this package (for the first time according to the best of our knowledge). Because of the differences in type systems between Haskell and other languages, the original idea morphed into something different for each language it was translated into. In R, the main ideas retained are that tests are based on assertions and that the developer should not have to specify the inputs and output values of a test. The main difference from Haskell is that, in R, the user needs to specify the type of each variable in an assertion with the optional possibility to fully specify its distribution. The main function in the package, test, will randomly generate input values, execute an assertion and collect results. There are several advantages to this approach:

  • each test can be run multiple times on different data points, improving coverage and the ability to detect bugs, at no additional cost for the developer;
  • tests can run on large size inputs, possible but impractical in non-randomized testing;
  • assertions are more self-documenting than specific examples of the I/O relation -- in fact, enough assertions can constitute a specification for the function being tested, but that's not necessary for testing to be useful;
  • it is less likely for the developer to use implicit assumptions in the selection of testing data -- randomized testing "keeps you honest".

First example

Let's start with something very simple. Let's say we just wrote the function t for transpose. Using the widely used testing package testthat, one can just write a test as follows:

  "transpose test",
    t(matrix(as.numeric(1:6), ncol = 3)),
    matrix(c(1,3,5,2,4,6), ncol = 2)))

That works, but has some limitations. For instance, suppose we have to match some fictional military-grade testing which requires to run at least $10^4$ tests per function: writing them this way would be pretty laborious. One solution is to replace examples of what the function is supposed to do with a general statement of one or more properties that a function is supposed to have, also known as an assertion:

for(x in list(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), ncol = 2), matrix(c(5:10), ncol = 3)))
    "transpose  test",
      all(sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) all(x[i,] == t(x)[,i])))))

That's progress, yet the testing points are chosen manually and arbitrarily. It's hard to have many or very large input values, and unstated assumptions may affect their choice. For instance, is t going to work for non-numeric matrices?quickcheck can solve or at least alleviate all these problems:

    x = rmatrix(),
    any(dim(x) == c(0,0)) ||
      all(sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) all(x[i,] == t(x)[,i])))),
  about = "t")
Testing t
Using seed 63789058
 function (x = rmatrix())  
 any(dim(x) == c(0, 0)) || all(sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) all(x[i,  
     ] == t(x)[, i]))) 

Creating /tmp/quickcheck/1517.

We recognize the assertion in the previous code snippet, modified to take into account matrices with 0 rows or columns. Here, though, it becomes the body of a function, which is called "assertion" in quickcheck, which has one or more arguments, all with default values, and returns a length-one logical vector. TRUE means success, FALSE or an error mean failure. Some of those arguments are initialized randomly, in this case using what in quickcheck is called a Random Data Generator, or RDG -- more on these later. In this case rmatrix is a function that returns a random matrix. The forall function creates assertions and does little more than function, but its name clarifies intent. The test function evaluates the assertion multiple times and produces some messages:

  • The function being tested
  • the seed used, unique to each test
  • a "pass" message
  • the assertion tested -- useful when scanning a log of a long series of tests
  • when in non-interactive mode, a useful R expression -- more on that later.

The success of this test means that we have tested that t satisfies this assertion on a sample of random matrices, including a variety of sizes, element types and, of course, element values. We don't have to write them one by one and later we will see how we can affect the distribution of such inputs, to make them, say, larger in size or value, or more likely to hit corner cases. If we need to control the number of time the assertion is run, that's very simple:

    x = rmatrix(),
    any(dim(x) == c(0,0)) ||
      all(sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) all(x[i,] == t(x)[,i])))),
  about = "t",
  sample.size = 100)
Testing t
Using seed 568993531
 function (x = rmatrix())  
 any(dim(x) == c(0, 0)) || all(sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) all(x[i,  
     ] == t(x)[, i]))) 

Done! If one had to write down those 100 matrices one by one, there would never be time to. Let's review the advantages of this setup. We can increase the severity of the test by cranking up the number of runs of the assertion, just by changing a parameter. We can also change the distribution of matrices to test larger inputs, see Section Modifying or defining random data generators and help(rmatrix). Moreover quickcheck tests communicate intent. While each test is run in practice on a small set of examples, the promise implied by the test is unmistakably that it ought to pass for any matrix. Finally, a user doesn't have to guess from a small set of inputs what the function does and what its allowable range is. Assertions are also executable documentation.

Defining assertions

Unlike testthat, which requires the constructions of specially defined expectations, quickcheck accepts logical-valued functions, with a length-one return value and a default value for each argument. For example

function(x = rdouble()) all(x + 0 == x)
function(x = rlist()) identical(x, rev(rev(x)))

are valid assertions -- independent of their success or failure. For readability and safety, forall can be used, as in forall(x = rdouble(), all(x + 0 == x)). As an added benefit, forall checks that all arguments have a default. If an assertion returns TRUE, it is considered a success. If an assertion returns FALSE or generates an error, it is considered a failure. For instance, forall(x = rcharacter(), stop(x)) is a valid assertion but always fails. How can we express the fact that this is stop's correct behavior? testthat has a rich set of expectations to capture this and other requirements, such as printing something or generating a warning. quickcheck has a way to access those, implemented as the function expect:

  forall(x = rcharacter(), expect("error", stop(x))),
  about = "stop")
Testing stop
Using seed 1383265062
 function (x = rcharacter())  
 expect("error", stop(x)) 

By executing this test successfully we have built confidence that the function stop will generate an error whenever called with any character argument. expect implements four testthat expectations, "error", "message", "output", "warning". Other expectations are easily implemented with ordinary R code and are not supported.

What to do when tests fail

quickcheck doesn't fix bugs automatically yet, but tries to assist that activity in a couple of ways. The first is its output:

test(forall(x = rdouble(), mean(x) > -0.2), stop = TRUE, about = "mean")
Testing mean
Using seed 1457646180
FAIL: assertion:
function (x = rdouble()) 
mean(x) > -0.2
FAIL: assertion:
function (x = rdouble()) 
mean(x) > -0.2
Error in test(forall(x = rdouble(), mean(x) > -0.2), stop = TRUE, about = "mean"): 
to reproduce enter repro("/tmp/quickcheck/1517/tr5ed1a26b2f0")

This output shows that some of the default 10 runs have failed and then invites us to enter a command, repro(<some-path>), that will execute the assertion in the debugger with the input data that made it fail. Another way to achieve the same is to run the test with the option stop = FALSE which doesn't produce an error and returns the same debugging data. This is convenient for interactive sessions, but less so when running R CMD check. In fact, the default for the stop argument is FALSE for interactive sessions and TRUE otherwise, which should work for most people.

test.out = test(forall(x = rdouble(), mean(x) > -0.2), stop = FALSE, about = "mean")
Testing mean
Using seed 1457646180
FAIL: assertion:
function (x = rdouble()) 
mean(x) > -0.2
FAIL: assertion:
function (x = rdouble()) 
mean(x) > -0.2

In most cases all we need to do with the output of test is to pass it to another function, repro:

debugging in: (function (x = rdouble()) 
mean(x) > -0.2)(x = c(-6.65729066543014, -14.3899169752211, 31.9287715279062, 
-89.7578411993386, -168.372562610363, -121.325771981739))
debug: mean(x) > -0.2
exiting from: (function (x = rdouble()) 
mean(x) > -0.2)(x = c(-6.65729066543014, -14.3899169752211, 31.9287715279062, 
-89.7578411993386, -168.372562610363, -121.325771981739))

This opens the debugger at the beginning of a failed call to the assertion. Now it is up to the developer to fix any bugs.

To achieve reproducibility, one has to write assertions that depend exclusively on their arguments and are deterministic functions thereof, and leave all the randomness to quickcheck and the assertion arguments default values. The test function seeds the random number generator in a way that ensures reproducibility from one call to the next. The seed is unique to each assertion, to guarantee independence of tests on different assertions and different implementations -- one can't code assuming certain data will occur again and again.

What tests should we write?

There is no general answer to this question. One possible criterion is that of test coverage, the fraction of code that has been executed during the execution of tests, which is considered a practical proxy for "thoroughness". The other is the strictness assertions. The conjunction of all the assertions in a test set should imply the correctness of a program, in the ideal case and when universally quantified over their inputs. For instance test(forall(x = rinteger(), identical(x,x)) tests one important property of the identical function for all integer vectors. That doesn't mean it runs the test for all integer vectors, which is impossible, but it means that there should be no failure no matter how many runs we allow the test to include. Also, while this may be the ideal case, we should not let "perfection be the enemy of the good". Any set of assertions is better than no assertion.

The attentive reader may have already noticed that this is not the strictest test we could have written, independent of the fact that it achieves 100% coverage. identical is supposed to work with any R object, so test(forall(x = rany(), identical(x,x)) is also expected to pass and, if universally quantified over all inputs, implies the previous test, which means that it is stricter and better captures the developer's intent. Hence, we should prefer the latter version of this test.

As a final guideline for test-writing, there is practical and some theoretical evidence that shorter programs can be tested more effectively, provided that the tests are also short. To summarize:

  • Write the strictest set of tests possible. Only a correct program should be able to pass them, given infinite time to run the tests
  • Aim for 100% coverage
  • Keep code and tests short.

Quickcheck can help with the second point. Argument cover to function test, when set to TRUE or the name of a function will cause test to start a Shiny app detailing coverage for a specific function. To get a package-level coverage report, enter coverage(<path-to-package>).

Modifying or defining random data generators

There are built in random data generators for most built-in data types. They follow a simple naming conventions, "r" followed by the class name. For instance rinteger generates a random integer vector. Another characteristic of random data generators as defined in this package is that they have defaults for every argument, that is they can be called without arguments. That's one difference with R random number generators, such as rnorm and rpois, the other being that those return a sample of a specific size, whereas for random data generators even that is random, unless specified otherwise. Like RNGs, quickcheck's generators promise statistical independence between calls -- whatever that means in the pseudo-random setting.

 [1]  -32.6233361  132.9799263  127.2429321   41.4641434 -153.9950042
 [6]  -92.8567035  -29.4720447   -0.5767173  240.4653389   76.3593461
[11]  -79.9009249 -114.7657009  -28.9461574  -29.9215118  -41.1510833
[16]   25.2223448  -89.1921127   43.5683299 -123.7538422  -22.4267885
[21]   37.7395646   13.3336361   80.4189510   -5.7106774   50.3607972
[26]  108.5769362  -69.0953840 -128.4599354    4.6726172  -23.5706556
[31]  -54.2888255  -43.3310317  -64.9471647   72.6750747  115.1911754
[36]   99.2160365  -42.9513109  123.8304101  -27.9346282  175.7903090

Both elements and length change from one call to the next and in fact they are both random and independent. This is generally true for all generators, with the exception of the trivial generators created with constant. Most generators take two arguments, elements and size which are meant to specify the distribution of the elements and size of the returned data structures and whose exact interpretation depends on the specific generator. In general, if the argument elements is a numeric it is construed as providing parameters of the default RNG invoked to draw the elements, if it is a function, it is called with a single argument to generate the elements of the random data structure. For example:

 [1]   -1.104548  -94.064916  -11.582532  -81.496871   24.226348
 [6] -142.509839   36.594112   24.841265    6.528818    1.915639
[11]   25.733838  -64.901008  -11.916876   66.413570  110.096910

generates some random double vector. The next expression does the same but with expectation 100 and standard deviation 20

rdouble(elements = c(mean = 100, sd  = 20))
[1]  97.64493  81.75863  71.24828  84.05821 125.08166 115.44284  95.60969
[8]  91.50379  91.62040

and finally this extracts the elements from a uniform distribution with all parameters at default values.

rdouble(elements = runif)
 [1] 0.3913593 0.3804939 0.8954454 0.6443158 0.7410786 0.6053034 0.9030816
 [8] 0.2937302 0.1912601 0.8864509 0.5033395 0.8770575 0.1891936 0.7581031
[15] 0.7244989 0.9437248 0.5476466 0.7117439 0.3889051 0.1008731 0.9273021
[22] 0.2832325 0.5905732 0.1103606 0.8405070 0.3179637 0.7828513 0.2675082
[29] 0.2186453 0.5167968 0.2689506 0.1811683 0.5185761 0.5627829 0.1291569
[36] 0.2563676 0.7179353 0.9614099 0.1001408 0.7632227 0.9479664 0.8186347
[43] 0.3082923

For other generators the parameters may have different names and semantics, for instance

rinteger(elements = c(min = 3, max = 7))
 [1] 7 4 4 3 4 5 7 5 4 3 5 7 4 3 4

For added convenience, the vector of parameters is subject to argument matching as if they were argument to a separate function, for instance:

rinteger(elements = c(3, 7))
 [1] 6 6 5 5 5 4 5 7 3 5 4 5 3 5

is equivalent to the previous one, and

rinteger(elements = c(max = 7))
 [1]   0 -50 -35 -48 -89 -74 -47 -60   0 -44 -66 -70 -15 -25 -83 -94 -19
[18] -33 -82 -94 -89 -59 -82 -68 -80 -73 -81 -49 -17 -97 -44  -5 -60 -95
[35] -86 -66 -84 -86 -77 -76 -86   6 -65 -46 -27 -90 -88 -95   0 -28 -90
[52] -47 -51 -60   7 -81 -13 -93 -57 -85 -80 -10 -23 -72 -47 -92 -62   4
[69] -33 -29 -67 -57   7  -8

leaves the min component at its default. The defaults are controlled by package options, see help(qc.options).

There is also a formula syntax, for instance to modify the parameters of runif, as in

rdouble(elements = ~runif(size, min = -1))
 [1]  0.56436423 -0.46424374  0.52430306  0.97262318 -0.41278890
 [6] -0.20129779  0.62426305 -0.84569666 -0.27260638 -0.11481507
[11] -0.68657173  0.16441054  0.94032436  0.97899967 -0.64709593
[16]  0.08426085 -0.23139222  0.35232810 -0.46141244 -0.06149812
[21] -0.65639984 -0.26162108  0.45081055 -0.02770179 -0.87239507
[26]  0.56909246 -0.16335673  0.96203617 -0.43423209  0.69576430
[31] -0.83552154  0.77291750 -0.05613854 -0.78179807 -0.33344403
[36]  0.67483314 -0.44630032  0.17407028  0.67346454 -0.85769195

which is the same as

rdouble(elements = Curry(runif, min = -1))
[1] -0.9777010  0.8806174  0.9874985

Remember to use the variable size anywhere appropriate in the formula, so that it evaluates to exactly size elements.

To summarize, elements can be:

  • a named or unnamed vector of distribution parameters
  • an RNG that takes the sample size as its first argument;
  • a formula containing the variable size and evaluating to a length size vector.

In general the RNG or formula should return exactly size elements. If not, recycling will be applied after issuing a warning. Recycling random numbers in general changes their stochastic properties and it is not recommended. But there are some use cases, like creating a random-length vector of 0s.

rinteger(elements = ~0, size = 100)
Warning in rdata(elements, size): recycling random numbers
  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [36] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 [71] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

A similar range of options is available for argument size. It can be a range, partially or completely specified, a RNG function or a formula returning exactly a vector of length 1.

First form:

rdouble(size = c(max = 100))
 [1]   -6.063478  -50.137832   92.606273    3.693769 -106.620017
 [6]  -23.845635  149.522344  117.215855 -145.770721    9.505623
[11]   84.766496 -162.436453  140.856336  -54.176036   27.866472
[16]  -19.397274  157.615818 -147.554764  -14.460821 -107.501019
[21]   40.654273  222.926220 -151.449701   -6.170742  -14.727079
[26]  154.159307  -98.185567   49.657817  169.694788  -26.073631
[31]  -70.592859  -16.117851   50.132183 -101.353967

Second form:

rdouble(size = c(min = 0, max = 10))
[1]    0.5641985 -290.4899060 -110.7164819  154.7566933  -97.6830350
[6]  -10.1503448    4.2650250 -159.6718014   49.0967373


rdouble(size = function(n) 10 * runif(n))
[1]   -6.965481  -24.766434   69.555081  114.622836 -240.309621   57.273956
[7]   37.472441

With the formula syntax:

rdouble(size = ~10*runif(1))
[1]   35.28745   55.03934 -113.43310

Two dimensional data structures have the argument size replaced by nrow and ncol, with the same possible values. Nested data structures have an argument height. For now height can only be one number construed as maximum height and applies only to rlist. To define a test with a random vector of a specific length as input, one can use the generator constructor constant:

rdouble(size = constant(3))
[1] 146.23515  70.21167 250.71111
rdouble(size = constant(3))
[1] -189.00271  -58.98128 -171.45023

Or, since "succintness is power":

rdouble(size = ~3)
[1] -42.09979  31.01414 170.25706

Without the ~ it would be a min size, with it it is deterministic. Sounds contrived, but if one starts with the assumption that in quickcheck random is the default, it make sense that slightly more complex expressions be necessary to express determinism.

function description
rany any R object
ratomic any atomic vector
rcharacter character
rdata.frame data.frame
rDate Date
rdouble double
rfactor factor
rinteger integer
rlist list
rlogical logical
rmatrix matrix
rnamed random names for a vector
rnumeric any numeric
rraw raw
rsample sample from vector
constant trivial constant RDG
mixture mixture RDG
named named version of any RDG

We can not exclude adjustments to the default distributions in future versions. Please don't write tests that rely on implementation details of the generators.

Advanced topics

Custom generators

There is no reason to limit oneself to built-in generators and one can do much more than just change the parameters. For instance, we may want to make sure that extremes of the allowed range are hit more often than the built-in generators ensure. For instance, rdouble uses by default a standard normal, and values like 0 and Inf have very small or 0 probability of occurring. Let's say we want to test the following assertion about the ratio:

is.reciprocal.self.inverse = function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, 1/(1/x)))

We can have two separate tests, one for values returned by rdouble:

test(forall(x = rdouble(), is.reciprocal.self.inverse(x)))
Testing is.reciprocal.self.inverse
Using seed 1218381074
 function (x = rdouble())  

and one for the corner cases:

test(forall(x = rsample(c(0, -Inf, Inf)), is.reciprocal.self.inverse(x)))
Testing is.reciprocal.self.inverse
Using seed 1421030040
 function (x = rsample(c(0, -Inf, Inf)))  

That's a start, but the two types of values never mix in the same vector. We can combine the two with a custom generator

rdoublex =
  function(elements = c(mean = 0, sd = 1), size = c(min = 0, max = 100)) {
    data = rdouble(elements, size)
      c(data, c(0, -Inf, Inf)),
      size = length(data),
      replace = FALSE)}
rdoublex(size = ~10)
 [1]         Inf -0.12589279 -0.41486412        -Inf -0.13377222
 [6]  0.06936754 -0.53545759 -1.06867910 -1.14770851  1.54599703
rdoublex(size = ~10)
 [1]  0.3887475  0.9186447 -0.8863064 -2.0320849        Inf -1.3586576
 [7] -0.8698331       -Inf  0.0000000 -1.8034260

And use it in a more general test.

test(forall(x = rdoublex(), is.reciprocal.self.inverse(x)))
Testing is.reciprocal.self.inverse
Using seed 890091164
 function (x = rdoublex())  

Composition of generators

The alert reader may have already noticed how generators can be used to define other generators. For instance, a random list of double vectors can be generated with rlist(rdouble) and a list thereof with rlist(function() rlist(rdouble)). Since typing function() over and over again gets old quickly and adds clutter, we can use ~ as a shortcut rlist(~rlist(rdouble)).