Released: Upcoming
Released: 2021-03-11
- The dateTime validator don't accept invalid dates like 2021-02-30 anymore
Released: 2021-03-04
- Checking if the input is actually a string, thanks to for the fix!
Released: 2020-01-14
- Valdi itself entered the 1.0!
- Attention: The minimum required PHP version is now 7.0
Released: 2019-09-09
- Attention: Renamed the RuleBuilder function "addFieldRule" to "field"
- Attention: Renamed the RuleBuilder function "addRule" to "rule"
- Added examples to all validators to the manual
Released: 2019-07-30
- Attention: The "or" validator now accepts complete rules instead of parts so the RulesBuilder and actually more complex rules can be used
- Attention: The RulesBuilder function "getRules" got renamed to "build" with an additional reset of the rules builder
- Attention: Renamed the RuleBuilder function "addRule" to "addFieldRule" and added a new version of "addRule" without a $field parameter so Rules for collection, nested and or validators can be build with it
- Added a collection validator
- Added a nested validator
Released: 2016-08-30
- Attention: The minimum PHP version is now 5.5
- Switched to the array shorthand
- Switched the versioning to SemVer
Released: 2016-07-17
First release.