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Interested in support for dart language #262
@insinfo This is quite an undertaking to start from scratch, and I'm excited to see your interest in working on this! That said, I want to set expectations that you'll need to drive this effort mainly yourself, i.e. we can't help with any of the Dart-specific aspects. For context, we do not have anyone on the team here at pganalyze working with Dart, and I'm currently not aware of other community members experienced with it that could help (but if someone reads this and wants to help, please comment!). It sounds like your use case involves both parsing and deparsing (although given COPY uses a custom format for its data, maybe my assumption is not correct?). If you do need deparsing: The way this is implemented in other bindings (e.g. pg_query in Ruby) is that the You then work with the tree, modifying it as you see fit. When you're done you encode it again as Protobuf, and call the In case you do not need the deparsing, and you don't want to deal with Protobufs, there is also the older Hope that gives you some ideas on how to go about this! |
I was going to implement the script to convert dumps with insert instructions to copy instructions in Dart because it is the language I use on a daily basis, but there is no library in the Dart ecosystem to deal with SQL analysis (POSTGRESQL). I am not very familiar with C, but since I found this library in C, I am trying to implement this in C. Any help with this would be very great in any language. I have a very large dump with 8GB with insert instructions, and I need a quick way to convert this dump to COPY instructions. So far I have done this code below but I still don't know how to accumulate the insert instructions of the same table so that there is only one copy instruction per table instead of converting each INSERT to COPY If I manage to implement this in C or in any other language in theory I could then reimplement it in Dart since Dart is very powerful because it supports writing unmanaged code dealing with pointers similar to C // .\build\Release\insert_to_copy.exe arquivo_input.sql arquivo_output.sql
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <pg_query.h>
#include "cJSON.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define strncasecmp _strnicmp
// Função para substituir aspas simples escapadas por uma única aspa simples
char* unescape_single_quotes(const char* input) {
size_t len = strlen(input);
char* output = malloc(len + 1);
if (!output) {
fprintf(stderr, "Erro de alocação de memória\n");
size_t j = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (input[i] == '\'' && input[i + 1] == '\'') {
output[j++] = '\'';
i++; // Pular a segunda aspa
else {
output[j++] = input[i];
output[j] = '\0';
return output;
// Função para ignorar comentários e espaços em branco no início do buffer
char* skip_comments_and_whitespace(char* input) {
char* ptr = input;
while (*ptr) {
// Ignorar espaços em branco iniciais
while (isspace((unsigned char)*ptr)) {
// Verificar se é um comentário de linha
if (ptr[0] == '-' && ptr[1] == '-') {
// Pular até o final da linha ou do buffer
ptr += 2;
while (*ptr && *ptr != '\n') {
// Se chegar ao fim do buffer, sair
if (!*ptr) {
ptr++; // Pular o '\n'
// Verificar se é um comentário de bloco
if (ptr[0] == '/' && ptr[1] == '*') {
// Pular até o final do comentário de bloco
ptr += 2;
while (*ptr && !(ptr[0] == '*' && ptr[1] == '/')) {
// Se chegar ao fim do buffer, sair
if (!*ptr) {
ptr += 2; // Pular '*/'
// Se não for espaço em branco nem comentário, sair do loop
return ptr;
// Função para processar uma instrução analisada
void process_parsed_statement(const char* parse_tree_json, FILE* output) {
// Analisar o JSON
cJSON* root = cJSON_Parse(parse_tree_json);
if (!root) {
fprintf(stderr, "Erro ao analisar o JSON\n");
//printf("JSON: %s",parse_tree_json);
cJSON* stmts = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "stmts");
if (!stmts) {
cJSON* stmt_item;
cJSON_ArrayForEach(stmt_item, stmts) {
cJSON* stmt = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stmt_item, "stmt");
if (!stmt) continue;
cJSON* insert_stmt = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stmt, "InsertStmt");
if (insert_stmt) {
// Este é um comando INSERT
// Extrair o nome da tabela
cJSON* relation = cJSON_GetObjectItem(insert_stmt, "relation");
if (!relation) continue;
cJSON* schemaname = cJSON_GetObjectItem(relation, "schemaname");
cJSON* relname = cJSON_GetObjectItem(relation, "relname");
char full_table_name[512];
if (schemaname && schemaname->valuestring) {
snprintf(full_table_name, sizeof(full_table_name), "%s.%s", schemaname->valuestring, relname->valuestring);
else {
snprintf(full_table_name, sizeof(full_table_name), "%s", relname->valuestring);
// Iniciar o comando COPY
fprintf(output, "COPY %s FROM stdin;\n", full_table_name);
// Processar valores
cJSON* cols = cJSON_GetObjectItem(insert_stmt, "cols");
cJSON* colnames = NULL;
if (cols) {
colnames = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON* col_item;
cJSON_ArrayForEach(col_item, cols) {
cJSON* res_target = cJSON_GetObjectItem(col_item, "ResTarget");
if (res_target) {
cJSON* name = cJSON_GetObjectItem(res_target, "name");
if (name) {
cJSON_AddItemToArray(colnames, cJSON_Duplicate(name, 1));
cJSON* values_lists = cJSON_GetObjectItem(insert_stmt, "selectStmt");
if (values_lists) {
cJSON* values = cJSON_GetObjectItem(values_lists, "SelectStmt");
if (values) {
cJSON* values_clause = cJSON_GetObjectItem(values, "valuesLists");
if (values_clause) {
cJSON* row_values;
cJSON_ArrayForEach(row_values, values_clause) {
cJSON* vList = cJSON_GetObjectItem(row_values, "List");
cJSON* vItems = cJSON_GetObjectItem(vList, "items");
// Processar cada valor da linha
cJSON* value_item;
int first_value = 1;
cJSON_ArrayForEach(value_item, vItems) {
if (!first_value) {
fputc('\t', output);
first_value = 0;
cJSON* val_node = value_item->child;
if (!val_node) {
fputs("\\N", output);
cJSON* a_Const = cJSON_GetObjectItem(value_item,"A_Const");
if (a_Const) {
if (cJSON_GetObjectItem(a_Const, "ival")) {
cJSON* ival = cJSON_GetObjectItem(a_Const, "ival");
int int_val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(ival, "ival")->valueint;
fprintf(output, "%d", int_val);
else if (cJSON_GetObjectItem(a_Const, "fval")) {
cJSON* fval = cJSON_GetObjectItem(a_Const, "fval");
const char* float_val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(fval, "fval")->valuestring;
fprintf(output, "%s", float_val);
else if (cJSON_GetObjectItem(a_Const, "sval")) {
cJSON* sval = cJSON_GetObjectItem(a_Const, "sval");
const char* str_val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(sval, "sval")->valuestring;
// Desfazer escape de aspas simples
char* unescaped_str = unescape_single_quotes(str_val);
// Escapar tabulações e quebras de linha
for (char* p = unescaped_str; *p; p++) {
if (*p == '\t') {
fputs("\\t", output);
else if (*p == '\n') {
fputs("\\n", output);
else {
fputc(*p, output);
else if (cJSON_GetObjectItem(a_Const, "Null")) {
fputs("\\N", output);
else {
// Tipo de valor não suportado
fputs("\\N", output);
else if (strcmp(val_node->string, "Null") == 0) {
fputs("\\N", output);
else {
// Tipo de nó não suportado
fputs("\\N", output);
// Fim da linha
fputc('\n', output);
// Finalizar o comando COPY
fprintf(output, "\\.\n");
if (colnames) {
else {
// Não é um INSERT, pode ser processado conforme necessário
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Uso: %s <input.sql> <output.sql>\n", argv[0]);
FILE* input = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!input) {
perror("Erro ao abrir o arquivo de entrada");
FILE* output = fopen(argv[2], "w");
if (!output) {
perror("Erro ao abrir o arquivo de saída");
char* statement_buffer = malloc(INITIAL_BUFFER_CAPACITY);
if (!statement_buffer) {
fprintf(stderr, "Erro de alocação de memória\n");
size_t statement_buffer_size = 0;
size_t statement_buffer_capacity = INITIAL_BUFFER_CAPACITY;
bool in_string = false;
bool in_line_comment = false;
bool in_block_comment = false;
char line[8192];
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), input)) {
size_t line_length = strlen(line);
// Anexar a linha ao buffer
if (statement_buffer_size + line_length >= statement_buffer_capacity) {
// Expandir o buffer se necessário
size_t new_capacity = statement_buffer_capacity * 2;
while (statement_buffer_size + line_length >= new_capacity) {
new_capacity *= 2;
char* new_buffer = realloc(statement_buffer, new_capacity);
if (!new_buffer) {
fprintf(stderr, "Erro de alocação de memória\n");
statement_buffer = new_buffer;
statement_buffer_capacity = new_capacity;
memcpy(statement_buffer + statement_buffer_size, line, line_length);
statement_buffer_size += line_length;
statement_buffer[statement_buffer_size] = '\0';
// Atualizar o estado de acordo com o conteúdo da linha
for (size_t i = 0; i < line_length; i++) {
char c = line[i];
char next_c = (i + 1 < line_length) ? line[i + 1] : '\0';
if (in_line_comment) {
if (c == '\n') {
in_line_comment = false;
else if (in_block_comment) {
if (c == '*' && next_c == '/') {
in_block_comment = false;
else if (in_string) {
if (c == '\'') {
if (next_c == '\'') {
i++; // Pular aspas escapadas
else {
in_string = false;
continue; // Continuar dentro da string
else {
if (c == '-' && next_c == '-') {
in_line_comment = true;
else if (c == '/' && next_c == '*') {
in_block_comment = true;
else if (c == '\'') {
in_string = true;
else if (c == ';') {
// Fim da instrução
// Temos uma instrução completa
// Remover comentários e espaços em branco iniciais
char* statement_trimmed = skip_comments_and_whitespace(statement_buffer);
if (strncasecmp(statement_trimmed, "INSERT INTO", 11) == 0) {
// É um INSERT, tentar analisar e converter
PgQueryParseResult result = pg_query_parse(statement_buffer);
if (result.error) {
fprintf(stderr, "Aviso: Erro ao analisar SQL: %s\n", result.error->message);
// Escrever a instrução original no arquivo de saída
fprintf(output, "%s", statement_buffer);
else {
// Processar o resultado analisado
process_parsed_statement(result.parse_tree, output);
else {
// Não é um INSERT, escrever a instrução original no arquivo de saída
fprintf(output, "%s", statement_buffer);
// Ajustar o índice para continuar após o ponto e vírgula
i++; // Avançar para o próximo caractere
if (i < line_length) {
// Processar o restante da linha
statement_buffer_size = 0;
statement_buffer[0] = '\0';
// Copiar o restante da linha para o buffer de instrução
size_t remaining_length = line_length - i;
memcpy(statement_buffer, line + i, remaining_length);
statement_buffer_size = remaining_length;
statement_buffer[statement_buffer_size] = '\0';
// Como já atualizamos o índice, continuamos o loop
else {
// Reiniciar o buffer
statement_buffer_size = 0;
statement_buffer[0] = '\0';
// Processar qualquer instrução restante
if (statement_buffer_size > 0) {
char* statement_trimmed = skip_comments_and_whitespace(statement_buffer);
if (strncasecmp(statement_trimmed, "INSERT INTO", 11) == 0) {
PgQueryParseResult result = pg_query_parse(statement_buffer);
if (result.error) {
fprintf(stderr, "Aviso: Erro ao analisar SQL: %s\n", result.error->message);
fprintf(output, "%s", statement_buffer);
else {
process_parsed_statement(result.parse_tree, output);
else {
fprintf(output, "%s", statement_buffer);
return 0;
} https://github.com/insinfo/insert_to_copy/blob/main/examples/insert_to_copy.c |
I would like support for making libpg_query bindings for dart, in dart we have ffigen (https://pub.dev/packages/ffigen) to help make automated bindings of c libraries, but for that I need to know which header files I should use in ffigen, I have already made a binding of libpq (https://pub.dev/packages/libpq_dart), now I need libpg_query to try to make a tool that converts dumps with INSERT instructions into COPY instructions, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
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