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File metadata and controls

194 lines (140 loc) · 9.12 KB


PeterSvP's TikTokLiveTool is a powerful gui tool that processes and categorizes TikTok LIVE stream data in realtime and can output actions to flat files. It's primary use is for providing TikTok LIVE integration for video game mods (by modders), but the tool is as general purpose as possible and can be hooked in any scenario that requires real-time reactions to LIVE feeds.

This program connects to TikTok LIVE and receive realtime events such as comments, gifts and likes through a websocket connection to TikTok's internal Webcast service. No credentials are required to use TikTokLiveTool, you can connect to TikTok with just a username (@unique_id)

The program processes the LIVE Stream data against a flexible config file and outputs actions that react to different conditions, e.g. an action can be triggered when someone follows the streamer, specific message is typed in the chat, specific number of likes happen or someone sends specific gitfs.


  • Flexible Action Mapping: Dynamically map TikTok events like gifts, likes, and chat messages to customizable actions outputted to a special actions file.

  • Split LIVE data to multiple output files: Likes, gifts, chat and follows can go each into separate files, in custom defined format via the config file.

  • Likes leaderboards: The tool can generate almost-real-time top X likes leaderboard.

Supported Events

  • Chat Messages: Map specific chat messages to actions using regex patterns.
  • Follows and Shares: Trigger actions when viewers follow or share the LIVE stream.
  • Gifts: Map LIVE gifts to actions based on gift type, or on diamond thresholds.
  • Likes: Configure actions based on the number of likes received in a batch.


The tool uses relaxed YAML-like configuration file to determine how events should be processed and what actions should be triggered. Below is an example configuration with fuull explanations

Output Setup

TikTokLiveTool can output the unfiltered data into separate files by event type. Each event type has its own output format. Comment the output-* lines to disable that output type.

TikTokLiveTool will quickly open, append to and close the output files to avoid file locking. Your consumer application should open, read and clear or delete the files when their data is consumed. TikTokLiveTool keeps and will retry the data again if a file I/O fails.

Output formats support variables. $ts is a timestamp, $id is a user id, $user is the user display name.

output-chat: ~/TT-chat.txt
chat-format: "[$ts; $id] $user: $message"

$message is the chat message text.

output-follow: ~/TT-follows.txt
follow-format: "[$ts; $id] $user ($count)"

$count is the streamer's follow count after this follow event

output-share: ~/TT-shares.txt
share-format: "[$ts; $id] $user"
output-gift: ~/TT-gifts.txt
gift-format: "[$ts; $id] $user: $gift x $quantity = $gems"

$gift is the name of the gift being sent, $quantity is how many times a streakable gift was sent, $gems is the gift gems amount received by the streamer.

Likes are more complex. TikTok's internal WebCast service batches likes by chunks of 15 and sends them, which makes their accumulation non-deterministic. TikTokLiveTool collects and sums all like packets it receives and once likes-update-time seconds pass, the tool will check if one of the like thresholds has been met to trigger the appropriate event. TikTokLiveTool will then rewrite the output-likes file with the sorted leaderboard data for all users.

output-likes: ~/TT-likes.txt
likes-format: "[$id] $user = $count"
likes-update-time: 5
likes-mode: leaderboard # or all
likes-count: 10

You can make the program clear all output files when it starts. Comment the line to disable this behavior.

outputs-reset: true

Actions setup

TiktokLiveTool's main feature is filtering LIVE events based on advanced criteria and outputting the filtered data to a special action file. This is intended to communicate with apps that need to consume specific actions. Check PeterSvP's Spelunky 2 TikTok Integration mod for a real world example!

# The file where the translated & filtered output will go:
output-actions: ~/TT-actions.txt

Action definitions are either a single string, or an array contain one or more strings. In case array is used, one of its items will be randomly selected to be logged.

Follows and Shares are just a single action set. In this example, when someone follows the streamer, one of the array elements will be randomly logged, and when someone shares the stream, the crate 1 action will be logged alone.

follow: [snake 1, bat 1, lizard 1, spider 1, shopkeeper 1]
share: crate 1

You can disable these actions by removing them from your config.

Chat Messages are filtered based on regexes. For now only simple chat mappings are supported, no regex placeholders and command arguments. The snake, bat, lizard and hi substrings can appear anywhere in the message, so the word acrobat will trigger bat as written below. You can use ^ and $ to mark beginning / end of the strings.

    snake: snake 1
    bat: bat 1
    lizard: lizard 1
    hi: [snake 1, bat 1, lizard 1]
    ^Hello.*friend$: hiredhand 1
    ^/shop: shopkeeper 1
    ^/gold: gold 10
    ^/crate: crate 1

Mapping gifts to actions. Gifts are the primary way to monetize your TikTok LIVE stream and some people do explusively this. You can map the gifts in two ways. Either specific gift type like rose or rosa (Yes, both exists), or by the gift's gem price.


    # Actions mapped to specific gifts
    rose: ["snake $gems*2/3", "bat $gems*2/3", "skeleton $gems*2/3"]
    rosa: quillback 1
    finger heart: lizard 2
    TikTok: [crate 1, gems 5]
    money gun: plasmacannon 1

    # Entries starting with * are diamond amount thresholds
    *1: [snake $gems, bat $gems]
    *5: bat $gems/2
    *10: bomb $gems/3
    *99: explosion 1

In your gifts action definitions you can use variables and simple expressions like "gold $gems*2/3". The $gems variable is the gem price of the gift and when implementing your gem thresholds you may want to take this variable to parametrize your action strings.

You can check the gifts.txt file for the price and names of currently available TikTok LIVE gifts. This file will be regenerated every time you connect to a LIVE stream.

Likes are received in chunks of 15 and the app is trying to batch them as closely as it can but thresholds aren't guaranteed to be time-precise and match what happened on TikTok. If a viewer sends 10 likes, waits a bit and sends another 10 likes, TikTokLiveTool may instead register and trigger single 20 lieks threshold instead of 2 times the 10 likes threshold. You can change the batch time using the likes-update-time config property.

Here's how to define your Like thresholds. Just like gifts, you can use expressions around the $likes variable.

    10: gold $likes/5
    20: gem 1
    50: crate 1
    100: [bomb $likes/5, shopkeeper 1]

How to Build and Run TikTokLiveTool


Before building and running TikTokLiveTool, ensure you have the following installed:

  1. Python 3.8+: Download and install Python from the official website.
  2. pip: This is usually included with Python. If not, you can install it by following the official instructions.

Install Dependencies

Install the required Python packages using pip. Open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory containing your project, and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you don't have a requirements.txt file, you can manually install the dependencies with the following commands:

pip install customtkinter
pip install TikTokLive
pip install pyyaml

Running the Tool

To run the tool directly from the source code, execute the following command in your terminal. On windows you may be able to just double-click the pyw file.

python TikTokLiveTool.pyw

Building the project as an Executable

To distribute TikTokLiveTool as an executable, you can use PyInstaller. Follow these steps to build a executable:

Install PyInstaller:

If you haven't installed it yet, do so with:

pip install pyinstaller

Build the Executable:

Use the following command to build the executable.

pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --icon=icon.ico --add-data=icon.ico:. TikTokLiveTool.pyw

After the build process completes, you will find TikTokLiveTool.exe in the dist directory inside your project folder.

That's all of it!

If you like this tool and want to support my work, go check out my Steam Store Page and my game, ColorBlend FX: Desaturation. You can also check my social media.

The TikTokLiveTool project is community maintained and not associated with ByteDance in any way.