The JSON over WebSockets client-server protocol allows customers to implement their own drivers for all kinds of platforms using a connection-based web protocol.
The main advantages are flexibility regarding the programming languages you want to integrate EXASOL into, and a more native access compared to the standardized ways of communicating with a database, such as JDBC, ODBC or ADO.NET, which are mostly old and static standards and create additional complexity due to the necessary driver managers.
Currently a native Python driver using this WebSocket API has been implemented. By that you don't need any pyodbc bridge anymore, but can connect your Python directly with EXASOL. PyODBC is not ideal due to the need for an ODBC driver manager and certain restrictions in data type conversions.
Further languages will be added in the future, and we encourage you to provide us feedback what languages you are interested in, and maybe you are even keen to support our community with own developments. It would then be nice if you could share your work with us, and we will of course help you by any means.
WebSocket Protocol v1 requires an EXASOL client/server protocol of at least v14. It follows the standards IETF as RFC 6455.
The connection server identifies the initial GET request by the client. This request contains information about the used protocol version. Depending on this information the matching login and protocol class is chosen.
After the handshake the process is identical to a connection using the standard drivers like JDBC or ODBC: The connection server listens to incoming messages and forwards the requests to the database.
This command invokes the login process which establishes a connection between the client and EXASOL. As long as the connection is open, the user can interact with EXASOL using the commands specified below.
The login process is composed of four steps:
The client sends the login command including the requested protocol version.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "login"
- protocolVersion (number) => requested WebSocket protocol version, (e.g., 1)
Request JSON format
{ "command": "login", "protocolVersion": <number> }
The server returns a public key which is used to encode the user's password. The public key can be obtained in one of two ways: a. importing the key using the publicKeyPem field b. constructing the key using the publicKeyModulus and publicKeyExponent fields
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- publicKeyPem (string) => PEM-formatted, 1024-bit RSA public key used to encode the user's password (see 3.)
- publicKeyModulus (string) => hexadecimal modulus of the 1024-bit RSA public key used to encode the user's password (see 3.)
- publicKeyExponent (string) => hexadecimal exponent of the 1024-bit RSA public key used to encode the user's password (see 3.)
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
{ "status": <"ok" | "error">, // if status is "ok" "responseData": { "publicKeyPem": <string>, "publicKeyModulus": <string>, "publicKeyExponent": <string> }, // if status is "error" "exception": { "text": <string>, "sqlCode": <string> } }
The client sends the username, encrypted password, and optionally other client information.
Request fields:
- username (string) => EXASOL user name to use for the login process
- password (string) => user's password, which is encrypted using publicKey (see 2.) and PKCS #1 v1.5 padding, encoded in Base64 format
- useCompression (boolean) => use compression for messages during the session (beginning after the login process is completed)
- sessionId (number, optional) => requested session ID
- clientName (string, optional) => client program name, (e.g., "EXAplus")
- driverName (string, optional) => driver name, (e.g., "EXA Python")
- clientOs (string, optional) => name and version of the client operating system
- clientOsUsername (string, optional) => client's operating system user name
- clientLanguage (string, optional) => language setting of the client system
- clientVersion (string, optional) => client version number
- clientRuntime (string, optional) => name and version of the client runtime
- attributes (object, optional) => array of attributes to set for the connection (see below)
Request JSON format
{ "username": <string>, "password": <string>, "useCompression": <boolean>, "sessionId": <number>, "clientName": <string>, "driverName": <string>, "clientOs": <string>, "clientOsUsername": <string>, "clientLanguage": <string>, "clientVersion": <string>, "clientRuntime": <string>, "attributes": { // as defined separately } }
The server uses username and password (see 3.) to authenticate the user. If successful, the server replies with an "ok" response and a connection is established. If authentication of the user fails, the server sends an "error" response to the client indicating that the login process failed and a connection couldn't be established.
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- sessionId (number) => current session ID
- protocolVersion (number) => protocol version of the connection (e.g., 14)
- releaseVersion (string) => EXASOL version (e.g. "6.0.0")
- databaseName (string) => database name (e.g., "productionDB1")
- productName (string) => EXASOL product name: "EXASolution"
- maxDataMessageSize (number) => maximum size of a data message in bytes
- maxIdentifierLength (number) => maximum length of identifiers
- maxVarcharLength (number) => maximum length of VARCHAR values
- identifierQuoteString (string) => value of the identifier quote string (e.g., "'")
- timeZone (string) => name of the session time zone
- timeZoneBehavior (string) => value of the session option "TIME_ZONE_BEHAVIOR"
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
{ "status": <"ok" | "error">, // if status is "ok" "responseData": { "sessionId": <number>, "protocolVersion": <number>, "releaseVersion": <string>, "databaseName": <string>, "productName": <string>, "maxDataMessageSize": <number>, "maxIdentifierLength": <number>, "maxVarcharLength": <number>, "identifierQuoteString": <string>, "timeZone": <string>, "timeZoneBehavior": <string> }, // if status is "error" "exception": { "text": <string>, "sqlCode": <string> } }
This command invokes the login process, which establishes a subconnection between the client and EXASOL. Using subconnections, the user can interact with EXASOL in parallel using the commands specified below.
The login process is composed of four steps:
The client sends the login command including the requested protocol version.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "login"
- protocolVersion (number) => requested WebSocket protocol version, (e.g., 1)
Request JSON format
{ "command": "subLogin", "protocolVersion": <number> }
The server returns a public key which is used to encode the user's password. The public key can be obtained in one of two ways: a. importing the key using the publicKeyPem field b. constructing the key using the publicKeyModulus and publicKeyExponent fields.
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- publicKeyPem (string) => PEM-formatted, 1024-bit RSA public key used to encode the user's password (see 3.)
- publicKeyModulus (string) => hexadecimal modulus of the 1024-bit RSA public key used to encode the user's password (see 3.)
- publicKeyExponent (string) => hexadecimal exponent of the 1024-bit RSA public key used to encode the user's password (see 3.)
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
{ "status": <"ok" | "error">, // if status is "ok" "responseData": { "publicKeyPem": <string>, "publicKeyModulus": <string>, "publicKeyExponent": <string> }, // if status is "error" "exception": { "text": <string>, "sqlCode": <string> } }
The client sends the username, encrypted password, and token.
Request fields:
- username (string) => EXASOL user name to use for the login process
- password (string) => user's password, which is encrypted using publicKey (see 2.) and PKCS #1 v1.5 padding, encoded in Base64 format
- token (number) => token required for subconnection logins (see, EnterParallel)
Request JSON format
{ "username": <string>, "password": <string>, "token": <number> }
The server uses username, password, and token (see 3.) to authenticate the user. If successful, the server replies with an "ok" response and a subconnection is established. If authentication of the user fails, the server sends an "error" response to the client indicating that the login process failed and a subconnection couldn't be established.
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- sessionId (number) => current session ID
- protocolVersion (number) => protocol version of the connection (e.g., 14)
- releaseVersion (string) => EXASOL version (e.g. "6.0.0")
- databaseName (string) => database name (e.g., "productionDB1")
- productName (string) => EXASOL product name: "EXASolution"
- maxDataMessageSize (number) => maximum size of a data message in bytes
- maxIdentifierLength (number) => maximum length of identifiers
- maxVarcharLength (number) => maximum length of VARCHAR values
- identifierQuoteString (string) => value of the identifier quote string (e.g., "'")
- timeZone (string) => name of the session time zone
- timeZoneBehavior (string) => value of the session option "TIME_ZONE_BEHAVIOR"
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
{ "status": <"ok" | "error">, // if status is "ok" "responseData": { "sessionId": <number>, "protocolVersion": <number>, "releaseVersion": <string>, "databaseName": <string>, "productName": <string>, "maxDataMessageSize": <number>, "maxIdentifierLength": <number>, "maxVarcharLength": <number>, "identifierQuoteString": <string>, "timeZone": <string>, "timeZoneBehavior": <string> }, // if status is "error" "exception": { "text": <string>, "sqlCode": <string> } }
This command closes the connection between the client and EXASOL. After the connection is closed, it cannot be used for further interaction with EXASOL anymore.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "disconnect"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
Request JSON format
"command": "disconnect",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes set for the connection (see below)
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Reponse JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// if status is "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command retrieves the session attribute values.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "getAttributes"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
JSON format
"command": "getAttributes",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes set for the connection (see below)
- exception(object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Reponse JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// if status is "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command sets the specified session attribute values.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "getAttributes"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
Request JSON format
"command": "setAttributes",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes set for the connection (see below)
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// if status is "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command creates a prepared statement.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "createPreparedStatement"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- sqlText (string) => SQL statement
Request JSON format
"command": "createPreparedStatement",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"sqlText": <string>
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes set for the connection (see below)
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- statementHandle (number) => prepared statement handle
- parameterData (object) => prepared statement parameter information
- numColumns (number) => number of columns in columns
- columns (object[]) => array of column metadata objects
- name (string) => column name
- dataType (object) => column metadata
- type (string) => column data type
- precision (number, optional) => column precision
- scale (number, optional) => column scale
- size (number, optional) => maximum size in bytes of a column value
- characterSet (string, optional) => character encoding of a text column
- withLocalTimeZone (true | false, optional) => specifies if a timestamp has a local time zone
- fraction (number, optional) => fractional part of number
- srid (number, optional) => spatial reference system identifier
- numResults (number) => number of result objects
- results (object[]) => array of result objects
- resultType (string) => type of result: "resultSet" or "rowCount"
- rowCount (number, optional) => present if resultType is "rowCount", number of rows
- resultSet (object, optional) => present if resultType is "resultSet", result set
- resultSetHandle (number, optional) => result set handle
- numColumns (number) => number of columns in the result set
- numRows (number) => number of rows in the result set
- numRowsInMessage (number) => number of rows in the current message
- columns (object[]) => array of column metadata objects
- name (string) => column name
- dataType (object) => column metadata
- type (string) => column data type
- precision (number, optional) => column precision
- scale (number, optional) => column scale
- size (number, optional) => maximum size in bytes of a column value
- characterSet (string, optional) => character encoding of a text column
- withLocalTimeZone (true | false, optional) => specifies if a timestamp has a local time zone
- fraction (number, optional) => fractional part of number
- srid (number, optional) => spatial reference system identifier
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// if status is "ok"
"responseData": {
"statementHandle": <number>,
"parameterData": {
"numColumns": <number>,
"columns": [ {
"name": <string>,
"dataType": {
"type": <string>,
"precision": <number>,
"scale": <number>,
"size": <number>,
"characterSet": <number>,
"withLocalTimeZone": <true | false>,
"fraction": <number>,
"srid": <number>
} ]
"numResults": <number>,
"results": [ {
"resultType": <"resultSet" | "rowCount">,
// if type is "rowCount"
"rowCount": <number>,
// if type is "resultSet"
"resultSet": {
"resultSetHandle": <number>,
"numColumns": <number>,
"numRows": <number>,
"numRowsInMessage": <number>,
"columns": [ {
"name": <string>,
"dataType": {
"type": <string>,
"precision": <number>,
"scale": <number>,
"size": <number>,
"characterSet": <number>,
"withLocalTimeZone": <true | false>,
"fraction": <number>,
"srid": <number>
} ]
} ]
// if status is "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command executes a prepared statement which has already been created.
If the SQL statement returns a result set which has less than 1,000 rows of data, the data will be provided in the data field of resultSet. However if the SQL statement returns a result set which has 1,000 or more rows of data, a result set will be opened whose handle is returned in the resultSetHandle field of resultSet. Using this handle, the data from the result set can be retrieved using the Fetch command. Once the result set is no longer needed, it should be closed using the CloseResultSet command.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "executePreparedStatement"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- statementHandle (number) => prepared statement handle
- numColumns (number) => number of columns in data
- numRows (number) => number of rows in data
- columns (object[], optional) => array of column metadata objects
- name (string) => column name
- dataType (object) => column metadata
- type (string) => column data type
- precision (number, optional) => column precision
- scale (number, optional) => column scale
- size (number, optional) => maximum size in bytes of a column value
- characterSet (string, optional) => character encoding of a text column
- withLocalTimeZone (true | false, optional) => specifies if a timestamp has a local time zone
- fraction (number, optional) => fractional part of number
- srid (number, optional) => spatial reference system identifier
- data (array[], optional) => array containing the data for the prepared statement in column-major order
Request JSON format
"command": "executePreparedStatement",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"statementHandle": <number>,
"numColumns": <number>,
"numRows": <number>,
"columns": [ {
"name": <string>,
"dataType": {
"type": <string>,
"precision": <number>,
"scale": <number>,
"size": <number>,
"characterSet": <number>,
"withLocalTimeZone": <boolean>,
"fraction": <number>,
"srid": <number>
} ],
"data": [
<string | number | true | false | null>
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes set for the connection (see below)
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- numResults (number) => number of result objects
- results (object[]) => array of result objects
- resultType (string) => type of result: "resultSet" or "rowCount"
- rowCount (number, optional) => present if resultType is "rowCount", number of rows
- resultSet (object, optional) => present if resultType is "resultSet", result set
- resultSetHandle (number, optional) => result set handle
- numColumns (number) => number of columns in the result set
- numRows (number) => number of rows in the result set
- numRowsInMessage (number) => number of rows in the current message
- columns (object[]) => array of column metadata objects
- name (string) => column name
- dataType (object) => column metadata
- type (string) => column data type
- precision (number, optional) => column precision
- scale (number, optional) => column scale
- size (number, optional) => maximum size in bytes of a column value
- characterSet (string, optional) => character encoding of a text column
- withLocalTimeZone (true | false, optional) => specifies if a timestamp has a local time zone
- fraction (number, optional) => fractional part of number
- srid (number, optional) => spatial reference system identifier
- data (array[], optional) => object containing the data for the prepared statement in column-major order
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// in case of "ok"
"responseData": {
"numResults": <number>,
"results": [ {
"resultType": <"resultSet" | "rowCount">,
// if type is "rowCount"
"rowCount": <number>,
// if type is "resultSet"
"resultSet": {
"resultSetHandle": <number>,
"numColumns": <number>,
"numRows": <number>,
"numRowsInMessage": <number>,
"columns": [ {
"name": <string>,
"dataType": {
"type": <string>,
"precision": <number>,
"scale": <number>,
"size": <number>,
"characterSet": <number>,
"withLocalTimeZone": <true | false>,
"fraction": <number>,
"srid": <number>
} ],
"data": [
<string | number | true | false | null>
} ]
// in case of "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command closes a prepared statement which has already been created.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "closePreparedStatement"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- statementHandle (number) => prepared statement handle
Request JSON format
"command": "closePreparedStatement",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"statementHandle": <number>
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object) => attributes set for the connection (see below)
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// in case of "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command executes an SQL statement.
If the SQL statement returns a result set which has less than 1,000 rows of data, the data will be provided in the data field of resultSet. However if the SQL statement returns a result set which has 1,000 or more rows of data, a result set will be opened whose handle is returned in the resultSetHandle field of resultSet. Using this handle, the data from the result set can be retrieved using the Fetch command. Once the result set is no longer needed, it should be closed using the CloseResultSet command.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "executePreparedStatement"
- attributes (object) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- sqlText (string) => SQL statement to execute
Request JSON format
"command": "execute",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"sqlText": <string>
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes set for the connection (see below)
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- numResults (number) => number of result objects
- results (object[]) => array of result objects
- resultType (string) => type of result: "resultSet" or "rowCount"
- rowCount (number, optional) => present if resultType is "rowCount", number of rows
- resultSet (object, optional) => present if resultType is "resultSet", result set
- resultSetHandle (number) => result set handle
- numColumns (number) => number of columns in the result set
- numRows (number) => number of rows in the result set
- numRowsInMessage (number, optional) => number of rows in the current message
- columns (object[]) => array of column metadata objects
- name (string) => column name
- dataType (object) => column metadata
- type (string) => column data type
- precision (number, optional) => column precision
- scale (number, optional) => column scale
- size (number, optional) => maximum size in bytes of a column value
- characterSet (string, optional) => character encoding of a text column
- withLocalTimeZone (true | false, optional) => specifies if a timestamp has a local time zone
- fraction (number, optional) => fractional part of number
- srid (number, optional) => spatial reference system identifier
- data (array[], optional) => object containing the data for the prepared statement in column-major order
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// in case of "ok"
"responseData": { // Optional: ok
"numResults": <number>,
"results": [ {
"resultType": <"resultSet" | "rowCount">,
// if type is "rowCount"
"rowCount": <number>,
// if type is "resultSet"
"resultSet": {
"resultSetHandle": <number>,
"numColumns": <number>,
"numRows": <number>,
"numRowsInMessage": <number>,
"columns": [ {
"name": <string>,
"dataType": {
"type": <string>,
"precision": <number>,
"scale": <number>,
"size": <number>,
"characterSet": <number>,
"withLocalTimeZone": <true | false>,
"fraction": <number>,
"srid": <number>
} ],
"data": [
<string | number | true | false | null>
} ]
// in case of "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command retrieves data from a result set.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "fetch"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- resultSetHandle (number) => result set handle
- startPosition (number) => row offset (0-based) from which to begin data retrieval
- numBytes (number) => number of bytes to retrieve (max: 64MB)
Request JSON format
"command": "fetch",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"resultSetHandle": <number>,
"startPosition": <number>,
"numBytes": <number>
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- numRows (number) => number of rows fetched from the result set
- data (array[]) => object containing the data for the prepared statement in column-major order
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
// in case of "ok"
"responseData": {
"numRows": <number>,
"data": [
<string | number | true | false | null>
// in case of "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command closes result sets.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "closeResultSet"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- resultSetHandles (number[]) => array of result set handles
Request JSON format
"command": "closeResultSet",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"resultSetHandles": [ <number> ]
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
// in case of "error"
"exception": { // Optional: error
"text": <string>, // Exception text
"sqlCode": <string> // Five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
This command gets the number hosts and the IP address of each host in an EXASOL cluster.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "getHosts"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
Request JSON format
"command": "getHosts",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- numNodes (number) => number of nodes in the cluster
- nodes (string[]) => array of cluster node IP addresses
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
// in case of "ok"
"responseData": {
"numNodes": <number>,
"nodes": [
// in case of "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command executes multiple SQL statements sequentially as a batch.
If the SQL statement returns a result set which has less than 1,000 rows of data, the data will be provided in the data field of resultSet. However if the SQL statement returns a result set which has 1,000 or more rows of data, a result set will be opened whose handle is returned in the resultSetHandle field of resultSet. Using this handle, the data from the result set can be retrieved using the Fetch command. Once the result set is no longer needed, it should be closed using the CloseResultSet command.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "executeBatch"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- sqlTexts (string[]) => array of SQL statement to execute
Request JSON format
"command": "executeBatch",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"sqlTexts": [
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes set for the connection (see below)
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- numResults (number) => number of result objects
- results (object[]) => array of result objects
- resultType (string) => type of result: "resultSet" or "rowCount"
- rowCount (number, optional) => present if resultType is "rowCount", number of rows
- resultSet (object, optional) => present if resultType is "resultSet", result set
- resultSetHandle (number, optional) => result set handle
- numColumns (number) => number of columns in the result set
- numRows (number) => number of rows in the result set
- numRowsInMessage (number) => number of rows in the current message
- columns (object[]) => array of column metadata objects
- name (string) => column name
- dataType (object) => column metadata
- type (string) => column data type
- precision (number, optional) => column precision
- scale (number, optional) => column scale
- size (number, optional) => maximum size in bytes of a column value
- characterSet (string, optional) => character encoding of a text column
- withLocalTimeZone (true | false, optional) => specifies if a timestamp has a local time zone
- fraction (number, optional) => fractional part of number
- srid (number, optional) => spatial reference system identifier
- data (array[], optional) => object containing the data for the prepared statement in column-major order
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// in case of "ok"
"responseData": {
"numResults": <number>,
"results": [ {
"resultType": <"resultSet" | "rowCount">,
// if type is "rowCount"
"rowCount": <number>,
// if type is "resultSet"
"resultSet": {
"resultSetHandle": <number>,
"numColumns": <number>,
"numRows": <number>,
"numRowsInMessage": <number>,
"columns": [ {
"name": <string>,
"dataType": {
"type": <string>,
"precision": <number>,
"scale": <number>,
"size": <number>,
"characterSet": <number>,
"withLocalTimeZone": <true | false>,
"fraction": <number>,
"srid": <number>
} ],
"data": [
<string | number | true | false | null>
} ]
// in case of "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command opens subconnections, which are additional connections to other nodes in the cluster, for the purpose of parallel execution. If the requested number of subconnections is 0, all open subconnections are closed.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "enterParallel"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- numRequestedConnections (number) => number of subconnections to open. If 0, all open subconnections are closed.
Request JSON format
"command": "enterParallel",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"numRequestedConnections": <number>
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- numOpenConnections (number) => number of subconnections actually opened
- token (number) => token required for the login of subconnections
- nodes (string[]) => IP addresses and ports of the nodes, to which subconnections may be established
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
// in case of "ok"
"responseData": {
"numOpenConnections": <number>,
"token": <number>,
"nodes": [
// in case of "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command retrieves a header (i.e., empty result set) which contains the metadata for an open result set.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "getResultSetHeader"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- resultSetHandles (number[]) => array of open result set handles
Request JSON format
"command": "getResultSetHeader",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"resultSetHandles": [
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes set for the connection (see below)
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- numResults (number) => number of result objects
- results (object[]) => array of result objects
- resultType (string) => type of result: "resultSet"
- resultSet (object) => result set
- resultSetHandle (number, optional) => result set handle
- numColumns (number) => number of columns in the result set
- numRows (number) => number of rows in the result set
- numRowsInMessage (number) => number of rows in the current message
- columns (object[]) => array of column metadata objects
- name (string) => column name
- dataType (object) => column metadata
- type (string) => column data type
- precision (number, optional) => column precision
- scale (number, optional) => column scale
- size (number, optional) => maximum size in bytes of a column value
- characterSet (string, optional) => character encoding of a text column
- withLocalTimeZone (true | false, optional) => specifies if a timestamp has a local time zone
- fraction (number, optional) => fractional part of number
- srid (number, optional) => spatial reference system identifier
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// in case of "ok"
"responseData": {
"numResults": <number>,
"results": [ {
"resultType": "resultSet",
"resultSet": {
"resultSetHandle": <number>,
"numColumns": <number>,
"numRows": <number>,
"numRowsInMessage": <number>,
"columns": [ {
"name": <string>,
"dataType": {
"type": <string>,
"precision": <number>,
"scale": <number>,
"size": <number>,
"characterSet": <number>,
"withLocalTimeZone": <true | false>,
"fraction": <number>,
"srid": <number>
} ]
} ]
// in case of "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command retrieves the row offset of the result set of this (sub)connection. This is the row number of the first row of the current (sub)connection's result set in the global result set.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "getOffset"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see below)
- resultSetHandle (number) => open result set handle
Request JSON format
"command": "getOffset",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
"resultSetHandle": <number>
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- rowOffset (number) => row offset of connection's result set
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
// in case of "ok"
"responseData": {
"rowOffset": <number>
// in case of "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>
This command aborts a running query. It does not have a response.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "abortQuery"
Request JSON format
"command": "abortQuery"
Attributes can be queried with the GetAttributes command and some of them can be modified with the SetAttributes command. Modified attributes are included in command replies.
Name | JSON value | Read-only | Committable | Description |
autocommit | true | false | no | no | If true, commit() will be executed automatically after each statement. If false, commit() and rollback() must be executed manually. |
compressionEnabled | true | false | yes | no | If true, the WebSocket data frame payload data is compressed. If false, it is not compressed. |
currentSchema | string | no | yes | Current schema name |
dateFormat | string | yes | yes | Date format |
dateLanguage | string | yes | yes | Language used for the day and month of dates. |
datetimeFormat | string | yes | yes | Timestamp format |
defaultLikeEscapeCharacter | string | yes | yes | Escape character in LIKE expressions. |
feedbackInterval | number | no | no | Time interval (in seconds) specifying how often heartbeat/feedback packets are sent to the client during query execution. |
numericCharacters | string | no | yes | Characters specifying the group and decimal separators (NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS). For example, ",." would result in "123,456,789.123". |
openTransaction | true | false | yes | no | If true, a transaction is open. If false, a transaction is not open. |
queryTimeout | number | no | yes | Query timeout value (in seconds). If a query runs longer than the specified time, it will be aborted. |
snapshotTransactionsEnabled | true | false | no | no | If true, snapshot transactions will be used. If false, they will not be used. |
timestampUtcEnabled | true | false | no | no | If true, timestamps will be converted to UTC. If false, UTC will not be used. |
timezone | string | yes | yes | Timezone of the session. |
timeZoneBehavior | string | yes | yes | Specifies the conversion behavior of UTC timestamps to local timestamps when the time value occurs during a time shift because of daylight saving time (TIME_ZONE_BEHAVIOR). |
Attributes are specified as an object of name/value pairs. Multiple attributes are separated by a comma.
Attribute JSON format
// name: value
<string>: <string | number | true | false>
The following data types and properties can be used to specify column types in the executePreparedStatement request.
Type | Required Properties | Optional Properties |
CHAR | size | |
DATE | ||
DECIMAL | precision, scale | |
INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND | precision, fraction | |
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH | precision | |
TIMESTAMP | withLocalTimeZone | |
VARCHAR | size |
The following data types and properties are used to specify column types in responses from EXASOL.
Type | Properties |
CHAR | size, characterSet |
DATE | size |
DECIMAL | precision, scale |
GEOMETRY | size, srid |
INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND | size, precision, fraction |
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH | size, precision |
TIMESTAMP | size, withLocalTimeZone |
TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE | size, withLocalTimeZone |
VARCHAR | size, characterSet |
The data in the WebSocket data frames may be compressed using zlib. In order to enable compression, the client must set the useCompression field in the login command to true. If compression is enabled during login, all messages sent and received after login completion must be binary data frames, in which the payload data (i.e., command request/response) is zlib-compressed.
The feedbackInterval session attribute specifies how often (in seconds) unidirectional heartbeat/feedback messages are sent to the client during query execution. These messages are sent using Pong WebSocket control frames (see RFC 6455), and thus a response is not expected.
The client may send Ping WebSocket control frames (see RFC 6455) to EXASOL, for example, as client-initiated keepalives. EXASOL will respond to a Ping frame with a Pong response.
EXASOL will not send Ping frames to the client.