If you are not interested in the details and just want to get coding, see the code example.
The main Ambisonic processing classes are:
: Converts a mono signal to an Ambisonics signal of order 1 to 3. -
: Applies a user-specified rotation to the sound field. This is useful for head tracking or keeping the audio aligned with a 360 video. -
: An acoustical "zoom" that focuses on the front of the sound scene. -
: A decoder that converts an Ambisonics signal to a set of loudspeaker signals. It contains optimised presets for 5.1 and 7.1 loudspeaker layouts. Custom layouts can also have their decoding matrix defined by the user, for additional flexibility. -
: A decoder that converts an Ambisonics signal to a binaural signal. This allows for immersive audio to be experienced over headphones. Custom HRTFs can be loaded using the .SOFA format, allowing for a customised listening experience. -
: A decoder that converts an Ambisonics signal to a set of loudspeaker signals corresponding to the ITU layouts or IAMF specificiation layouts. It uses the AllRAD method to calculate the decoding matrix.
In general, unless your signal is already in Ambisonics format, the signal chain will begin with CAmbisonicEncoder
to bring the audio in to the Ambisonics domain.
The rotation and zooming processing elements are optional and will be context dependent. However, they should generally be applied to a summation of all the sound sources making up the scene, rather than applying to each one individually.
Finally, the signal needs to be converted from a Ambisonics to the listener's particular layout. The choice of which decoder should be used is generally decided by the target output layout. ITU layouts could use CAmbisonicAllRAD
or, if a custom decoder is available, CAmbisonicDecoder
. Binauralisation over headphones uses CAmbisonicBinauralization
The above figure shows the signal flow used to encode a mono input signal to HOA, perform rotation of the sound field (using CAmbisonicRotator
) and then to acoustically zoom on the front of the sound field (using CAmbisonicZoomer
Finally, it is decoded to the listener using one of the decoding methods.
This example shows how to apply the entire signal chain described above and to convert the output to binaural.
See here for specific examples on how to decode using CAmbisonicDecoder
or CAmbisonicAllRAD
#include "Ambisonics.h"
const unsigned int sampleRate = 48000;
const int nBlockLength = 512;
// Higher ambisonic order means higher spatial resolution and more channels required
const unsigned int nOrder = 1;
// Set the fade time to the length of one block
const float fadeTimeInMilliSec = 1000.f * (float)nBlockLength / (float)sampleRate;
std::vector<float> sinewave(nBlockLength);
// Fill the vector with a sine wave
for (int i = 0; i < nBlockLength; ++i)
sinewave[i] = (float)std::sin((float)M_PI * 2.f * 440.f * (float)i / (float)sampleRate);
// B-format buffer
CBFormat myBFormat;
myBFormat.Configure(nOrder, true, nBlockLength);
// Encode the signal to Ambisonics
CAmbisonicEncoder myEncoder;
myEncoder.Configure(nOrder, true, sampleRate, 0);
PolarPoint position;
position.fAzimuth = 0;
position.fElevation = 0;
position.fDistance = 1.f;
// Set up the rotator
CAmbisonicRotator myRotator;
myRotator.Configure(nOrder, true, nBlockLength, sampleRate, fadeTimeInMilliSec);
RotationOrientation rotOri;
rotOri.yaw = 0.5 * M_PI;
// Set up the zoomer processor
CAmbisonicZoomer myZoomer;
myZoomer.Configure(nOrder, true, nBlockLength, 0);
// Set up the binaural decoder
CAmbisonicBinauralizer myDecoder;
unsigned int tailLength = 0;
myDecoder.Configure(nOrder, true, sampleRate, nBlockLength, tailLength);
// Configure buffers to hold the decoded signal
const unsigned int nEar = 2;
float** earOut = new float* [nEar];
for (int iEar = 0; iEar < nEar; ++iEar)
earOut[iEar] = new float[nBlockLength];
// Process the audio ==============================
// Encode the signal to Ambisonics
myEncoder.Process(sinewave.data(), nBlockLength, &myBFormat);
// Rotate the Ambisonics signal
myRotator.Process(&myBFormat, nBlockLength);
// Apply zooming to the Ambisonics signal
myZoomer.Process(&myBFormat, nBlockLength);
// Decode the signal to binaural
myDecoder.Process(&myBFormat, earOut, nBlockLength);
// Cleanup
for (unsigned iEar = 0; iEar < nEar; ++iEar)
delete earOut[iEar];
delete[] earOut;