Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/peijl1998/UrbanKit.git
For urban_kit_frontend (root_path = "xxx/urban_kit_frontend")
Get your BaiduMap token(AK) from https://lbsyun.baidu.com/apiconsole/key#/home
Fill the AK in the
(indicated by ak:xxxx) -
install nodejs dependencies
npm install
start the frontend
npm run start
For urban_kit_backend (root_path = "xxx/urban_kit_backend")
install mongodb
apt install mongodb
install required python libs
pip install django pip install django-cors-headers pip install pymongo pip install geopy pip install torch torchvision fastdtw lightgbm
some operations on mongodb
# interactive mongodb mongo > use urbankit > db.createUser({user:"root",pwd:"123456",roles:[{role:"dbAdmin",db:"urbankit"}]})
some preparations
mkdir Config echo "{}" > ./Config/SI-AGAN.cfg
start backend
python3 manage.py runserver
Start the service
assign the backend addr in
(like addr in "start backend" command) -
in the root path of repo (the path of user_config_example.json), fill in your mongodb config, like{ "mongodb": { "database": "urbankit", "user": "root", "password": "123456", "address": "", "port": "27017" } }
upload the demo.csv and enjoy it:)
- NOTE: set attribute in the MapController at first.
- for interpolation model, you can upload the demo model in the