The choice of initialization scheme plays a significant role in neural network learning, and it can be crucial for maintaining numerical stability. Moreover, these choices can be tied up in interesting ways with the choice of the nonlinear activation function.
How we initialize parameters can determine how quickly our optimization algorithm converges. Poor choices here can cause us to encounter exploding or vanishing gradients while training.
- The gradient of o w.r.t. W^[ℓ] is the product of a series matrices M^[L], ..., M^[ℓ+1] and the gradient vector v^{[ℓ]}.
- If all the M matrices, after diagonalized, are just a little bit bigger than or smaller than the identity matrix (I), then with a very deep network, their product might just explode (the exploding gradient problem) or decrease exponentially (the vanishing gradient problem).
The gradients of Sigmoid or Tanh activation functions approach to 0 when the input is very large or very small.
This is why ReLU is the most popular choice of activation function for the hidden layers in Neural Nets.
To stabilize the training process, when there are Sigmoid or Tanh activation functions in a network, we prefer to initialize the network weights to very small random values to avoid the values of hidden neurons falling to 'flattern zones' of Sigmoid or Tanh too soon.
No! This will bring us the dead neuron problem. The gradients for hidden layer h^[ℓ] are computed by multiplying the gradients obtained by backprop from layer ℓ+1 with the existing weights in this layer W^[ℓ] (see this slide for detail). If the initial weights in W^[ℓ] are all zeros, the gradients of hidden layer h^[ℓ] will also be zero.
Run the following code to test:
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.optim as optim
# --- define network structure ---
net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1, 2, bias=False),
nn.Linear(2, 1, bias=False))
learning_rate = 0.1
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
# --- init network weights to be 0. ---
nn.init.constant_(net[0].weight, 0.)
nn.init.constant_(net[2].weight, 0.)
print('--- layer 1 weights and biases')
print('--- layer 2 weights and biases')
# --- training loop ---
Niters = 100
for j in range(Niters):
x = torch.rand(1)
out = net(x)
# --- check network weights again ---
print('--- layer 1 weights and biases')
print('--- layer 2 weights and biases')
No. If initializing all the weights to be the same value, then all hidden units are basically computing the same thing, passing the same values to the next layer. No matter how many iterations of training, all the hidden units in the same layer are still in symmetry representing the same feature. -> There's no benefit of having more than one hidden unit in each layer.
Run the following code to test:
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.optim as optim
# --- define network structure ---
net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1, 2, bias=False),
nn.Linear(2, 1, bias=False))
learning_rate = 0.1
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
# --- init network weights to be 0. ---
nn.init.constant_(net[0].weight, 0.3)
nn.init.constant_(net[2].weight, 0.5)
print('--- layer 1 weights and biases')
print('--- layer 2 weights and biases')
# --- training loop ---
Niters = 100
for j in range(Niters):
x = torch.rand(1)
out = net(x)
# --- check network weights again ---
print('--- layer 1 weights and biases')
print('--- layer 2 weights and biases')
- The default parameter values in
in PyTorch is initialized with a uniform distribution from(-bound, bound)
, withbound = 1 / sqrt(N_inputs)
Initialize weights of each layer randomly from a Gaussian distribution or Uniform distribution with mean 0.
The variance of weights for each layer, Var[ w_ij^[ℓ] ], is scaled to be proportional to
1/(n_out + n_in)
(i.e. inverse of number of input neurons + number of output neurons).
- This way, we can end up with a nice property that the variance of logits, Var[ z_i^[ℓ] ], computed for each layer are more or less being the same throughout the entire network.
Var[ x_i ] = Var[ z_i^[1] ] = Var[ z_i^[2] ] ... = = Var[ o_i ]