Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting -- Srivastava et al. 2014
During training, randomly drop hidden units (along with their connections) on some probability p from the neural network on each training iteration.
Debiases each layer by normalizing by the fraction of nodes that were retained (1-p).
For a given layer, with dropout probability p, each intermediate activation h is replaced by a random variable h' as follows:
By design, the expectation remains unchanged, i.e., E[h'] = h. -
Can apply higher dropout probability to layers with more hidden units.
At test or validation time, turn off dropout. (We don't want to add noise at predictions).
Dropout breaks co-adaption among neurons.
Co-adaptation means that some neurons are highly dependent on others. If one of the neurons receive bad inputs, then the dependent neurons can be affected as well. -
Model weights are more motivated to spread out across many hidden units, rather than depending too much on a small number of potentially spurious associations.
Dropout prevents the network to overly rely on using a small set neurons with large weights to generate outputs. In other words, it encourages small weights among neurons, which is similar to the effect of applying L2 regularization.
Test error for different architectures with and without dropout. From Fig.4 of Srivastava et al. 2014
- Hidden layers trained with dropout tend to be able to capture more meaningful features.