Philadelphia 2.1.0 requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 11 or newer. If you are still on JRE 8, feel free to continue using Philadelphia 2.0.x or earlier.
Philadelphia 2.1.0 also contains minor API changes. See below for details.
Philadelphia 2.1.0 introduces the concept of message capacity: the number of fields a message container can hold. It provides two new configuration parameters for this purpose: the initial message capacity and the maximum message capacity. A message container will grow when necessary, but its capacity will not exceed its maximum.
The default initial message capacity is 64 fields, and the default maximum
message capacity is 65536 fields. Use the setMinMessageCapacity()
methods in FIXConfig.Builder
to alter these.
The FIXConfig.Builder#setMaxFieldCount()
method is now deprecated. If you
want to retain the same behavior, use the setMessageCapacity()
instead. It sets both the initial and the maximum message capacity to the
same value. See below for an example.
FIXConfig config = FIXConfig.newBuilder()
FIXConfig config = FIXConfig.newBuilder()
Philadelphia 2.1.0 introduces rudimentary Java module support by setting module names for all Philadelphia libraries. These correspond to their package names. For example, the module name for Philadelphia Core is:
If you use Java modules in your application and currently reference Philadelphia libraries using module names derived from their JAR names (as the JDK does by default), start using module names that correspond to their package names instead. See below for an example.
module example {
requires philadelphia.core;
requires philadelphia.fix42;
module example {
requires com.paritytrading.philadelphia;
requires com.paritytrading.philadelphia.fix42;