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306 lines (234 loc) · 9.22 KB

Coding Standard - PHP

PHP coding standard built on top of PHP_CodeSniffer and Slevomat Coding Standard rules.



  1. Install with composer require --dev orisai/coding-standard
  2. Create phpcs.xml in root of your project
    • Or wherever you want, just modify paths (starting with ./) in xml file then.
  3. Insert following content
    	<!-- Show only relevant part of path -->
    	<arg name="basepath" value="./"/>
    	<!-- Configure cache -->
    	<arg name="cache" value="./var/tools/PHP_CodeSniffer/cache.dat"/>
    	<!-- Import coding-standard -->
    	<rule ref="./vendor/orisai/coding-standard/src/ruleset-<VERSION>.xml"/>
    	<!-- Configure PSR-4 rule -->
    	<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName">
    			<property name="rootNamespaces" type="array">
    				<element key="src" value="<NAMESPACE>"/>
    				<element key="tests" value="Tests\<NAMESPACE>"/>
  4. Replace <VERSION> with minimal php version you want to support
    • supported are 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4
  5. Replace <NAMESPACE> with your root namespace
    • by default expected code directory is src and tests directory is tests with Tests namespace prefix
  6. Create directory for temp files
    • phpcs.xml from example expects directory var/tools/PHP_CodeSniffer (see <arg name="cache")

Run CodeSniffer

Check code

vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml src tests

Fix errors

vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=phpcs.xml src tests

Suppressing rules

You can always suppress rules instead of fixing the errors. Rules can be suppressed either locally, in path or entirely for project.

vendor/bin/phpcs outputs all errors like this:

FILE: src/Example.php
 1 | ERROR | An error message.
   |       | (Name.Of.The.Sniff)

The Name.Of.The.Sniff printed in brackets under the error is the string which can be used to suppress the sniff, as described below.

Suppress rule locally

You can suppress rules by specific comments inside file, either for the whole file or part of it.

Suppress all rules in whole file

// phpcs:ignoreFile

Suppress rules in code between phpcs:disable and phpcs:enable

// phpcs:disable
echo 'some php code';
// phpcs:enable
// phpcs:disable Name.Of.The.Sniff
echo 'some php code';
// phpcs:enable Name.Of.The.Sniff

Suppress rules on current and next line

// phpcs:ignore
echo 'some php code';
// phpcs:ignore Name.Of.The.Sniff
echo 'some php code';

Learn more in PHP_CodeSniffer docs

Suppress rule in a path

Suppress specific rule in a path

	<rule ref="Name.Of.The.Sniff">

You can also suppress all rules in a path


The <exclude-pattern> is treated like a regular expression


Suppress rule entirely

Inside of the coding standard importing rule you can suppress the rules it imports entirely

	<rule ref="Namespace.Sniff">
		<exclude name="Namespace.Sniff"/>
		<!-- OR -->
		<exclude name="Namespace.Sniff.SpecificError"/>

Code-breaking sniffs

These sniffs may break code due to incorrect phpdoc types or parent class/interface lacking native types.

If you are not ready to use them, just disable them entirely:

	<!-- Excluded because they are unsafe to auto-fix without tests or passing static analysis (e.g. PHPStan) -->

	<!-- Adds declare(strict_types=1) -->
	<!-- Unsafe when code is not strict types compatible -->
	<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing">
		<exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing"/>

	<!-- Adds property type based on annotation typehint -->
	<!-- Unsafe for overridden properties and properties with incorrect phpdoc type -->
	<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.PropertyTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint">
		<exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.PropertyTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint"/>

	<!-- Adds function parameter type based on annotation typehint -->
	<!-- Unsafe for overridden third-party methods and methods with incorrect parameter phpdoc type -->
	<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ParameterTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint">
		<exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ParameterTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint"/>

	<!-- Adds function return type based on annotation typehint -->
	<!-- Unsafe for overridden third-party methods and methods with incorrect return phpdoc type -->
	<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ReturnTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint">
		<exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ReturnTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint"/>

	<!-- Replaces inline phpdoc with assert() when possible -->
	<!-- Unsafe with incorrect phpdoc types -->
	<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.PHP.RequireExplicitAssertion">
		<exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.PHP.RequireExplicitAssertion"/>

	<!-- Makes anonymous closures static when $this is not used inside them -->
	<!-- May be unsafe if closure binding is used -->
	<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.StaticClosure">
		<exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.StaticClosure"/>

	<!-- Causes changes in what PHPStan reports because PHPStan treats short and generic array syntax differently -->
	<!-- User[]|ICollection (iterable ICollection of User) -> array<User>|ICollection (union) -->
	<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DisallowArrayTypeHintSyntax">
		<exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DisallowArrayTypeHintSyntax"/>

Compatibility with specific untyped parent/interface properties, method parameters and method return types may be solved by local ignores:

class Example extends ClassNotDeclaringTheTypes

	 * @var int
	 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.PropertyTypeHint
	protected $exampleProperty;

	 * @param int $example
	 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ParameterTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint
	 * @return int
	 * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ReturnTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint
	protected function exampleMethod($example)
		return $example;


Closures using binding to an instance cannot be static and must be ignored by static closure sniff:

// phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.StaticClosure
(fn () => $object->$name = $value)
	->bindTo($object, get_class($object))();
// phpcs:enable


In case you use EditorConfig, here is an easy preset, compatible with our coding standard

root = true

charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4

[**.{yaml, yml}]
indent_style = space

PhpStorm / IntelliJ IDEA

For PhpStorm IDE is available config compatible with our coding standard.

Code style

To use our code style options, navigate to File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | PHP, choose Import scheme option in dropdown menu and select config file from ide-config/.idea/php-config.xml in package directory.

File and code templates

We offer code generation templates compatible with our coding standard. To use them, follow instructions:

  • Navigate to IDE configuration folder.
    • Or navigate to project .idea folder to set templates for project only.
  • Copy into the folder the package ide-config/.idea/fileTemplates directory and override existing files.

Alternatively you can also import templates one by one via settings at File | Settings | Editor | File and Code Templates.