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United Nations – Complex Risk Analytics Fund (CRAF’d) ComplexRiskAnalyticsFund
@UN-CRAFd is the first and only multi-partner instrument to finance, connect, and reimagine data to save lives.
Billgo billgo
I'm a full-stack web developer finding robust, accessible solutions. Try it and learn from err != nil.

@bridge5 @piucoin Singapore ⇄ HongKong

UI Designer with Frontend Skills.
Samuel Okon SamyySwift
🤖Machine Learning || Deep Learning || Artificial Intelligence || ♻️MLOPs

Zimmaman B.V Nigeria

Emmanuel Ugochukwu EmmanuelUgo
I am a data guy. My passion lies in solving business problems with tailored data and algorithms and communicating complex ideas to non-technical audiences.


Siem Vaessen siemvaessen
Contributing to a better understanding for effective aid development through the lens of open data & data visualisation. Director at @zimmerman-team

Zimmerman BV Amsterdam, the Netherlands