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Joshua Lee itsjslee
EE + Math @ Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI

Ryan Dunlap radunlap
Aerospace and Electrical Engineering student at the University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI

Rocketry enthusiast
Alexander Montoya Mon-Ton
Professional scooter rider
Matt Ludlow MatchueP
Aerospace Engineering at University of Michigan
Jack Hammerberg jhammerberg
Computer Engineering Student at the University of Michigan. Currently the Avionics Director for @masa-umich


Logan Harrold logharr
MASA Propulsion Lead


tracher 999 tracher999
hack the planet

memewarfare belgium

Theo Rulko trulko
Graduate Student, MIT AeroAstro Department

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Charles Vu ytsiwT
Student pursuing Computer Science at University of Michigan

Ann Arbor

Elham Islam Lham42

@synnaxlabs Ann Arbor, MIchigan