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itjustbong itjustbong

LG Electronics Seoul

Hwangon Jang HwanGonJang
SSU Software 20

전능아이티 Dongjak, Seoul

I'm Heo SeokMun to be a student at Soongsil University

Soongsil University


LG Electronics seoul

jihyung.lee July249
Software Engineer


이중곤 2wndrhs

Soongsil Univ. CSE

Aman Uchitkar amanuchitkar
🚀 Aspiring passionate about Web Development. Currently learning Backend with Python and Django. Proficient in GCF. Let's connect.
Oliy eunsoA

Soongsil Univ

yuri kangyuri1114

Soongsil University Seoul, Korea

Beomsu Son shon5544

Soongsil University Seoul | 서울특별시

solmee ssolfa

Soongsil University

SungJun Park realsung

Republic of Korea, Seoul

JungTae Kwon oxdjww

Soongsil Univ. Seoul, KR

Jung Haesung cometj03

Soongsil University CSE, @yourssu Seoul, Korea

나상우(Roy) sang-w0o
Primitives, not frameworks. Server Engineer | AWS Community Builder

@tossbank Seoul, South Korea

Minjun Kim(김민준) mjKim1229

Soongsil Univ. Software engineering Seoul , Korea

DongHyun Kim bricksky

@yourssu Seoul, South Korea

숭실대학교 AI융합학부

SOONGSIL UNIVERSITY Incheon, Republic of Korea

HyunSoo rover0811
호학(好學)의 기질을 가진 책임지는 개발자

Soongsil Univ (Software Engineering)

Sanghyeon Sim halfmoon-mind
Flutter Dev.

@toodat-platform South Korea

SSUN SeonHwan-Kim

soongsil univ, Computer Science && Engineering

Bomi Kim (Blu) calledBlu
iS Engineer

Seoul, South Korea

Sona Gong ballsona
Frontend Developer

Soongsil University Seoul, South Korea

Minjun Kim (Lapis0875) Lapis0875
I'm a korean student learning in Software department, Soongsil University. I'm interested in new technologies. Currently learning BE stacks.

Soongsil University Korea, Republic of