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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Tim Sheehan TimCSheehan
Data Scientist PhD Computation Neuroscience
Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

Tristan Nelson vtgreen
Autodidactic programmer

Faraday Nashville

Nicholas Husher nhusher
computer wicche

Boston, MA

Tom Caruso tomplex
jack of some trades

@faradayio Upper Valley, VT

Zeb Pykosz zebapy
Senior Front-end engineer @faradayio

Vermont, US

Andrew Becker abecker93

University of Vermont CSYS

Jessica Teipel jeteipel

Faraday Burlington, VT

Mike Musty michaelmusty

@faradayio Upper Valley

Chris Thomas chris802-ui

Faraday 431 Pine Street, Burlington, VT 05401

Sean Flynn seanpflynn

Faraday Burlington VT

Blake W blakew
Astrology enthusiast

Faraday Burlington, VT

Thibault Dody tdody
Data Scientist

Faraday Burlington, VT

Dave Shirley dave-shirley-faraday
Data Scientist

Faraday Burlington, VT

Ronan Launay ronanlaunay

Rennes, Bretagne, France

@RandyMcMillan RandyMcMillan
Operations Specialist @usnavy E616FA7221A1613E5B99206297966C06 BB06757B

@bitcoincore-dev ₿:8333

Ingrid_Cadu Ingrid-0906
A passionate for hiking, python and homemade food XD. My motto is "change the world one step at a time."

Universidade Estácio de Sá Brazil