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Augusto Cedric AugustoCedric
Apaixonado por tecnologia, focado como dev. 👊🔥

João Pessoa - PB

Rob McDonald visualsbytheRob
Exploring and Learning Programming, Web Development, Artificial Intelligence, Generative 3D AV, Cloud and Quantum Computing. Check out my Starred Repositories.
Waterworth econics

@waterworth Victoria BC Canada



Kinzi Roze LetsGetKinKi
I’m Kinzi Roze! Keep Up w Me! I Keep it KinKy!

Kinzi Roze Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Dylan Austin Bigmoneyb
Krizmac we miss ya bro

Krizmac Springfield mo

Michael Beck MikelDean
When it comes to business I like to get down. And I don't need it all cause there's a lot to go around.

Art & Cayouette inc. High Point NC

Tryin to

Igbide isoko south

akae lbrealdev
Feelings alone can make you know.

High Places Of Anu