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Brett Ferguson bferguso

QED Systems Inc Bowen Island, BC

Product owner with BC gov Forestry Digital Services.
Will Robins WillRobins32

Province of British Columbia

Jeremy Balliston jballiston

Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship Victoria, BC

Lucas Mendes lucasfabbrim
Software Engineer @ Java | Spring | Microservices | Typescript | Node.Js

Wehandle Brasil

Derek Roberts DerekRoberts
DevOps, systems administration, development and training. Two plus decades in fast-paced corporate, freelance, health data and gov environments. Guitar nerd.

@bcgov @bcgov-nr @bcgov-nr-labs Victoria, BC, Canada

Suzanne W suzannewoodward

Province of British Columbia

Paulo Gomes da Cruz Junior paulushcgcj
Coding to pay the bills, developing solutions for fun.

@bcgov Canada

Gary Wong garywong-bc
DevOps Lead at the ExchangeLab, supporting BC Gov Agile teams.

@bcgov Victoria, BC

Ricardo Campos RMCampos
Full-stack developer. Open to chat and have a coffee, just call me.
