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File metadata and controls

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OreSat Configs

Firmware/software configurations for OreSat missions.


  • A centralize "database" for all OreSat card object dictionaries (OD)
  • Beacon definition for each OreSat mission
  • The C3 F-RAM data definition (object values to be saved to the F-RAM chip)

Having all the OD defined in one place makes it much easier to update OD definitions without having to go to each repo to update each cards OD. Also, the C3 can easily import all the OD definitions to be used for SDO transfers.

How This Works

  • All object dictionaries for a specific OreSat mission are defined by YAML files.
    • All the OD configs are in oresat_configs/base/
    • All the beacon configs (beacon.yaml)are in their mission directories: oresat_configs/oresat<mission_num>/
  • All card specific configs are are named <card_name>.yaml format. They contain all card specific objects and PDOs.
    • NOTE: The cards YAML are similar to CANopen's .eds files; they are for a device type, not a unique device on a CAN network (if you add an object to solar.yaml, all solar cards will have that object).
  • The sw_common.yaml defines all CANopen standard objects, common objects, and common PDOs for all Octavo A8-based cards.
  • The fw_common.yaml defines all CANopen standard objects, common objects, and common PDOs for all STM32-based cards.
  • A standard_object.yaml contains some CANopen standard objects that any <card_name>.yaml or *_common.yaml can flag to include.
  • The beacon.yaml file defines the beacon definition as all the data is pulled strait out the C3's OD, which is mostly build from all other ODs.
  • The c3.yaml file also defines what objects have their values periodically saved to the C3's F-RAM chip.


Install project dev dependencies. libyaml should be installed by default on reasonable systems, but it never hurts to make sure.

$ sudo apt install libyaml-0-2
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If installing on ARM (e.g. Octavo cards like the C3) special work is needed to ensure that pyyaml uses the libyaml C bindings. The binary wheels from PyPI aren't built with them so we need to install from the source package:

Installing the first time:

$ sudo apt install libyaml-dev
$ pip install --no-binary pyyaml -r requirements.txt

Fixing an already installed pyyaml: (see here if you get "ImportError: pyyaml missing/installed without libyaml bindings.")

$ sudo apt install libyaml-dev
$ pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir --no-binary pyyaml pyyaml

Updating a Config

After updating configs for card(s), run the unit tests to validate all the configs.

$ python3 -m unittest

If there are no errors, the configs are valid.

Build and install the new version of oresat-configs to build, test, and/or import with.

Once the change have been tested with firmware/software, open a Pull Request to this repo to get all changes into the next release.

Build and Install Local Package

Just run the script.

$ ./