All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Moved vuepress to peerDependencies
- Ability to pass-through flexSearch configuration (@echojoshchen in #44)
- Fixed #41 - HTML parsing by updating dependency on html-to-text (@echojoshchen in #42)
- updated dependencies
- Support for Hiragana and Katakana in Japanese. (@shout-star in #20)
- Support for hooks functions (@bobheadxi in #10)
- Ability to set search query from URL parameter (@bobheadxi in #10)
- Ability to exclude page from search (@bobheadxi in #10)
- Specified "simple" encoder for english-based languages to allow fuzzy search (see #22)
- If page title is not specified on page itself, title will be taken from sidebar (#21)
- Highlighting of search term (#2)