Releases: oracle/wookiee-zookeeper
Support for Scala Versions 2.11 and 2.12
Merge pull request #42 from malibuworkcrew/master Move back to using a single pom, since it made it much harder to work with Idea
Don't register self in ZK if register-self set to 'false'
Merge pull request #40 from malibuworkcrew/zookBack Don't register self in ZK if register-self set to 'false'
Shading on Curator
Merge pull request #39 from malibuworkcrew/zookBack Shading on Curator
DistributedAtomicLong Support
Can now create an atomic long counter on a path
If same path specified, will return existing one
Test case for using two identical longs
Kill ZookeeperService
Mock improvements and added convenience methods
Move initial node creation off of NodeRegistration and into ZKActor
Don't start two ZKActors when wookiee-cluster is included
ZKAdapter now skips the service, and can be applied to non-actors
ZK Actors now register to the actor system they are on, makes it way less likely for tests to clash
Deprecation Note: If anyone was using MockZookeeper, switch to expecting a ZookeeperAdapterNonActor instead of ZookeeperService
Support for mock-port setting
Merge pull request #35 from malibuworkcrew/zookBack Support for mock-port setting
Support for mock-enabled run mode
mock-enabled = true
to have wookiee-zookeeper spin up a local test zookeeper server on initialization, to be used for all zookeeper operations. Removes the need to spin one up yourself if just testing.
Delete Children if Present on deleteNode
Merge pull request #32 from malibuworkcrew/zookBack Delete children when told to delete a node
Mocking Improvements and Cluster Compatibility
Merge pull request #31 from malibuworkcrew/zookBack Cleanup config, add stop methods to mock classes, pass along clusterEnabled in mock
Mock and Useability Overhaul
Merge pull request #30 from malibuworkcrew/zookBack Mock and Useability Changes (last PR was incorrect branch)