Node.js binding for the HiGHS optimization solver.
- Native solver performance, equivalent to running the C++ HiGHS executable directly
- Non-blocking solves, optionally emitting progress updates (optimality gap, LP iterations, ...)
- Performance boosters: warm start, live objective and constraint updates, ...
npm i highs-solver
If your system's architecture doesn't match one of the prebuilt addons, the addon will be built automatically during installation. This requires a compatible toolchain, refer to the corresponding installation steps for details.
import * as highs from 'highs-solver';
const solution = await highs.solve('my-model.lp', {
options: {time_limit: 30, mip_rel_gap: 0.05, /* ... */},
style: highs.SolutionStyle.PRETTY,
All file formats (.lp
, .mps
, ...) and options supported by
HiGHS may be passed in.
const solution = await highs.solve('my-large-model.mps', {
monitor: highs.solveMonitor().on('progress', (prog) => {
// Called each time the solver emits a progress notification.
// Other options...
The monitor's 'progress'
event includes information such as optimality gap,
number of LP iterations, ...
const solver = highs.Solver.create();
solver.setModel(/* Model instance */);
solver.warmStart({primalColumns: new Float64Array(/* Starting point */)});
await solver.solve();
const solution = solver.getSolution();
Models set from a file can be warmstarted similarly.