Argo CD is a GitOps tool for deploying and managing Kubernetes services. The term GitOps is applied to applications or tools that are used to the deploy YAML files that are stored within a git repository. This repository can be private repository on GitHub or GitLab, on premise, or within a public git repository. GitOps tools can be triggered to deploy or update Kubernetes objects either manually, through a webhook, or automatically. Some GitOps tools even offer the ability to prune or remove resources automatically that are not currently defined wtihin the git repository.
- Configuration is “pulled” into an environment similiar to running a
git pull
on your system - Some tools require a component to be installed on all clusters. These tools will pull the objects into the cluster.
- Some tools do not require any remote resources to be running. Permissions are created on the remote clusters and configuration is pushed to the cluster.
- Templating available with Helm or Kustomize
- Quite simply “kubectl apply -f $path” runs over and over
- No Kubernetes object type creation limitations
Argo CD has already been predeployed for this lab. For context, we do not need to deploy Argo CD on the clusters we want to manage, we could deploy Argo CD to manage a single cluster or multiple clusters. In this lab, for convenience, we are using one of the clusters (cluster1
) to run the Argo CD components.
The Argo CD WebUI is exported using an OpenShift Route, you should be able to access the WebUI using the route hostname returned by the command below:
# Request the URL of the Argo CD Application through the `OpenShift Route`
oc --context cluster1 -n argocd get route argocd-server -o jsonpath="{.status.ingress[*].host}{\"\n\"}"
You can access to the Argo CD WebUI using your browser and the hostname returned by the command above, the login details for accessing Argo CD WebUi are as follows:
NOTE: You will be prompted to accept the self-signed certificate to access the Argo CD WebUI.
- User:
- Pass:
We won't be using the WebUI until Lab10, feel free to access the WebUI at any time to follow the application deployments.
We already setup the Argo CD Cli login for you. If you wanted to login the command you would use will be:
NOTE: This section has already been done for you. These steps are just an FYI or if you are running this lab outside of the Red Hat hosted lab environment.
# Login to Argo CD using the `argocd` binary and the `OpenShift Route`
argocd --insecure --grpc-web login <argocd_server_hostname>:<argocd_server_port> --username admin --password <admin_password>
The first time you login the admin_password
will be the argocd-server
pod's name.
A login example will be:
# Get the name of the Argo CD server pod
oc get pod -n argocd --context cluster1 | grep argocd-server
# The Argo CD server pod name is used to login to Argo CD
argocd --insecure --grpc-web login \
--username admin --password argocd-server-76d8b87f96-vvtzm
is used so we don't get asked about non valid TLS certificates--grpc-web
is used sogrpc
communications are done using HTTP protocol, this is required since OCP Router doesn't supportgrpc
Updating Admin Password (For reference only)
NOTE: You don't have to update the admin password, this is only for reference. In the current environment the admin password has been set to
Once you're logged in, you can update the admin user password, that's done with the command below:
# Changing the Argo CD Password
argocd --insecure --grpc-web --server <argocd_server_hostname>:<argocd_server_port> \
account update-password --current-password <current_admin_password> --new-password <new_admin_password>
There is a bug on Argo CD affecting OpenShift Servers where you cannot add multiple clusters due to colliding secrets, a workaround exists in the lab so you don't have to deal with secret deletion.
Usually, clusters are added to Argo CD using the argocd
tool and existing context in the oc tool
. Argo CD provides the steps here to add clusters but we will run a helper script that will add all three clusters into Argo CD. The script also provides a work around for the above issue.
# The helper script below will add clusters automatically into Argo CD for you
Verify the clusters are defined now within Argo CD.
NOTE: https://kubernetes.default.svc will already exist as a defined cluster within Argo CD. It will use the internal kubernetes service address to interact with cluster1. For this lab we are going to add it under the name of cluster1 anyway for ease of use.
# List the available clusters using the `argocd` binary
argocd cluster list
SERVER NAME VERSION STATUS MESSAGE cluster1 1.13+ Successful cluster2 1.13+ Successful cluster3 1.13+ Successful
https://kubernetes.default.svc Successful
Next Lab: Lab 4 - Deploying and Managing a Project with GitOps
Previous Lab: Lab 2 - Configure OpenShift client context for cluster admin access