Releases: openpaperwork/paperwork
Includes only bug fixes for Windows.
paperwork-gui 1.0.4:
- Windows: Fix import error dialog
- Windows: Fix GtkLinkButtons (didn't do anything when clicked)
paperwork-backend 1.0.4:
- Windows: Fix image import
- bug fix in pyinsane WIA support for flatbed scanners
- Pyinsane: Fix ADF support
- Fix document deletion
I've released Paperwork 1.0.3 ( on Pypi, due to an upload problem).
It's simply a third batch of bug fixes.
Main changes are:
- Paperwork-backend 1.0.3:
- Windows: Fix import / export
- Paperwork-gui 1.0.3:
- Style: New icon 'paperwork_halo.svg' (used for small icons)
- Label editor: Fix the reloading of the label list when a label has been
changed - Label editor/Color picker: Fix the switch of the mouse cursor to a pipette
- Label list: Add a button to delete labels
- Windows: Fix export dialog
As usual, installation/update instructions are available here:
Best regards,
2016/11/13 - 1.0.2:
- Fix export dialog:
- Don't use GtkWidget.set_visible(False) / GtkWidget.set_visible(True)
anymore to avoid weird GTK behavior when reopening - Fix endless loop that occured with some versions of the GLib
- Don't use GtkWidget.set_visible(False) / GtkWidget.set_visible(True)
- French translations: "Scanner" --> "Numeriser"
- Windows support: Fix translations support
- CSS: Add small padding to make sure the GtkEntry and GtkButton in the header
bar all have the same heights on all environments. - Fix menu icon: Add PNG versions of the PAperwork icon.
It's about time
I'm pleased to announce the release of Paperwork 1.0, code-named "it's
about time !" :).
This new release brings a lot of changes. A lot of them are actually
internal (Python 3, etc).
Main changes are:
- Export: generated PDF now includes the text from the OCR
- 'paperwork-chkdeps' has been replaced by 'paperwork-shell'
- Export: Add an option to automatically simplify the content (makes
the output files smaller in size) - Page editing: Add an option to adjust automatically colors
- Allow scrolling using the middle click
- Split backend and frontend (separate Python packages and separate Git
repositories) - Switch to Python 3
- Switch from Pyinsane to Pyinsane2
- Add a dialog to help bug diagnostics
- Windows portage is in progress
A more detailed list of changes is available in the ChangeLog :
As usual, installation and update instructions are available here :
I would also like to thank all the people who contributed to Paperwork
in any manner (code, translations, bug reports, etc).
Enjoy :-)
Ooh shiny !
I'm pleased to announce the release of Paperwork 0.3.0, code-named
"ooh shiny !" :).
This new releases brings mainly a revamped GUI, and less dependencies.
To be more specific, changes are:
- GUI revamped:
- New document list
- Label list merged with the document list, using sliding panes
- Reduced toolbars, integrated in the header bars
- A new dialog to make easily advanced searches
- Scikit and Numpy are not used anymore for label prediction. They
have been replaced by simplebayes to make packaging Paperwork in
distributions easier. - gir1.2-gladeui has also been removed from the dependency list
(obsolete/unused anymore).
I want to thank all the people who contributed to this release (code
contributors, translators, testers, etc). With special thanks to
Mathieu Jourdan, who contributed to this new GUI by providing
excellent ideas and mockups[1] and by also coding a piece of it.
Enjoy :-)
Do my bidding
1 year, 1 month, and 13 days after the release of Paperwork 0.1, here
is Paperwork 0.2. This new release brings mainly many GUI improvements
and a feature called 'label prediction' (so you can be even more lazy
when scanning).
To be more specific, changes are:
- Improved search : whoosh.FuzzyTerm is now used
- Label look has been improved
- Menu bar has been removed and replaced by an application menu
- Label prediction : when a new document is scanned, predicted labels
are automatically set on it - Pages are not displayed separately anymore (you can scroll directly
from one to another) - New settings:
- scan source
- number of page orientations to try
- OCR can be disabled
- Scans are displayed in real time
- And of course, new bugs .. :-)
Also, here are the new additional dependencies (used for label prediction):
- joblib
- numpy
- scipy
- scikit-learn
- scikit-image
The git branch 'stable' has been renamed 'old-stable-0.1.x'.
The git branch 'testing' has been renamed 'stable'.
Enjoy :-)
After many years of heavy R&D, 3 heart attacks due to caffeine abuse,
and 2 divorces, it's finally here : Paperwork 0.1, the perfect
solution for the lazy guys who want to sort easily their paperwork (or
The main functionnailities are:
- automatic OCR & indexation
- automatic page orientation detection
- scanner feeder support
- PDF and images import
- labels
- quick image editing
A Git tag has been created :
A Git branch 'stable' has been created (it will always point to the
last released version).
Enjoy :)