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Learn about Configs with YOLOv5

MMYOLO and other OpenMMLab repositories use MMEngine's config system. It has a modular and inheritance design, which is convenient to conduct various experiments.

Config file content

MMYOLO uses a modular design, all modules with different functions can be configured through the config. Taking as an example, we will introduce each field in the config according to different function modules:

Important parameters

When changing the training configuration, it is usually necessary to modify the following parameters. For example, the scaling factors deepen_factor and widen_factor are used by the network to control the size of the model in MMYOLO. So we recommend defining these parameters separately in the configuration file.

img_scale = (640, 640)            # height of image, width of image
deepen_factor = 0.33              # The scaling factor that controls the depth of the network structure, 0.33 for YOLOv5-s
widen_factor = 0.5                # The scaling factor that controls the width of the network structure, 0.5 for YOLOv5-s
max_epochs = 300                  # Maximum training epochs: 300 epochs
save_epoch_intervals = 10         # Validation intervals. Run validation every 10 epochs.
train_batch_size_pre_gpu = 16     # Batch size of a single GPU during training
train_num_workers = 8             # Worker to pre-fetch data for each single GPU
val_batch_size_pre_gpu = 1        # Batch size of a single GPU during validation.
val_num_workers = 2               # Worker to pre-fetch data for each single GPU during validation

Model config

In MMYOLO's config, we use model to set up detection algorithm components. In addition to neural network components such as backbone, neck, etc, it also requires data_preprocessor, train_cfg, and test_cfg. data_preprocessor is responsible for processing a batch of data output by the dataloader. train_cfg and test_cfg in the model config are for training and testing hyperparameters of the components.

anchors = [[(10, 13), (16, 30), (33, 23)], # Basic size of multi-scale prior box
           [(30, 61), (62, 45), (59, 119)],
           [(116, 90), (156, 198), (373, 326)]]
strides = [8, 16, 32] # Strides of multi-scale prior box

model = dict(
    type='YOLODetector', # The name of detector
    data_preprocessor=dict(  # The config of data preprocessor, usually includes image normalization and padding
        type='mmdet.DetDataPreprocessor',  # The type of the data preprocessor, refer to It is worth noticing that using `YOLOv5DetDataPreprocessor` achieves faster training speed.
        mean=[0., 0., 0.],  # Mean values used to pre-training the pre-trained backbone models, ordered in R, G, B
        std=[255., 255., 255.], # Standard variance used to pre-training the pre-trained backbone models, ordered in R, G, B
        bgr_to_rgb=True),  # whether to convert image from BGR to RGB
    backbone=dict(  # The config of backbone
        type='YOLOv5CSPDarknet',  # The type of backbone, currently it is available candidates are 'YOLOv5CSPDarknet', 'YOLOv6EfficientRep', 'YOLOXCSPDarknet'
        deepen_factor=deepen_factor, # The scaling factor that controls the depth of the network structure
        widen_factor=widen_factor, # The scaling factor that controls the width of the network structure
        norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', momentum=0.03, eps=0.001), # The config of normalization layers.
        act_cfg=dict(type='SiLU', inplace=True)), # The config of activation function
        type='YOLOv5PAFPN',  # The neck of detector is YOLOv5FPN, We also support 'YOLOv6RepPAFPN', 'YOLOXPAFPN'.
        deepen_factor=deepen_factor, # The scaling factor that controls the depth of the network structure
        widen_factor=widen_factor, # The scaling factor that controls the width of the network structure
        in_channels=[256, 512, 1024], # The input channels, this is consistent with the output channels of backbone
        out_channels=[256, 512, 1024], # The output channels of each level of the pyramid feature map, this is consistent with the input channels of head
        num_csp_blocks=3, # The number of bottlenecks of CSPLayer
        norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', momentum=0.03, eps=0.001), # The config of normalization layers.
        act_cfg=dict(type='SiLU', inplace=True)), # The config of activation function
        type='YOLOv5Head', # The type of BBox head is 'YOLOv5Head', we also support 'YOLOv6Head', 'YOLOXHead'
            type='YOLOv5HeadModule', # The type of Head module is 'YOLOv5HeadModule', we also support 'YOLOv6HeadModule', 'YOLOXHeadModule'
            num_classes=80, # Number of classes for classification
            in_channels=[256, 512, 1024], # The input channels, this is consistent with the input channels of neck
            widen_factor=widen_factor, # The scaling factor that controls the width of the network structure
            featmap_strides=[8, 16, 32], # The strides of the multi-scale feature maps
            num_base_priors=3), # The number of prior boxes on a certain point
        prior_generator=dict( # The config of prior generator
            type='mmdet.YOLOAnchorGenerator', # The prior generator uses 'YOLOAnchorGenerator. Refer to for more details
            base_sizes=anchors, # Basic scale of the anchor
            strides=strides), # The strides of the anchor generator. This is consistent with the FPN feature strides. The strides will be taken as base_sizes if base_sizes is not set.
        multi_label=True, # The config of multi-label for multi-clas prediction. The default setting is True.
        nms_pre=30000,  # The number of boxes before NMS
        score_thr=0.001, # Threshold to filter out boxes.
        nms=dict(type='nms', # Type of NMS
                 iou_threshold=0.65), # NMS threshold
        max_per_img=300)) # Max number of detections of each image

Dataset and evaluator config

Dataloaders are required for the training, validation, and testing of the runner. Dataset and data pipeline need to be set to build the dataloader. Due to the complexity of this part, we use intermediate variables to simplify the writing of dataloader configs. More complex data augmentation methods are adopted for the lightweight object detection algorithms in MMYOLO. Therefore, MMYOLO has a wider range of dataset configurations than other models in MMDetection.

The training and testing data flow of YOLOv5 have a certain difference. We will introduce them separately here.

dataset_type = 'CocoDataset'  # Dataset type, this will be used to define the dataset
data_root = 'data/coco/'  # Root path of data

pre_transform = [ # Training data loading pipeline
        type='LoadImageFromFile'), # First pipeline to load images from file path
    dict(type='LoadAnnotations', # Second pipeline to load annotations for current image
         with_bbox=True) # Whether to use bounding box, True for detection

albu_train_transforms = [		     # Albumentation is introduced for image data augmentation. We follow the code of YOLOv5-v6.1, please make sure its version is 1.0.+
    dict(type='Blur', p=0.01),       # Blur augmentation, the probability is 0.01
    dict(type='MedianBlur', p=0.01), # Median blue augmentation, the probability is 0.01
    dict(type='ToGray', p=0.01),	 # Randomly convert RGB to gray-scale image, the probability is 0.01
    dict(type='CLAHE', p=0.01)		 # CLAHE(Limited Contrast Adaptive Histogram Equalization) augmentation, the probability is 0.01
train_pipeline = [				# Training data processing pipeline
    *pre_transform,				# Introduce the pre-defined training data loading processing
        type='Mosaic',          # Mosaic augmentation
        img_scale=img_scale,    # The image scale after Mosaic augmentation
        pad_val=114.0,          # Pixel values filled with empty areas
        pre_transform=pre_transform), # Pre-defined training data loading pipeline
        type='YOLOv5RandomAffine',	    # Random Affine augmentation for YOLOv5
        max_rotate_degree=0.0,          # Maximum degrees of rotation transform
        max_shear_degree=0.0,           # Maximum degrees of shear transform
        scaling_ratio_range=(0.5, 1.5), # Minimum and maximum ratio of scaling transform
        border=(-img_scale[0] // 2, -img_scale[1] // 2), # Distance from height and width sides of input image to adjust output shape. Only used in mosaic dataset.
        border_val=(114, 114, 114)), # Border padding values of 3 channels.
        type='mmdet.Albu',			# Albumentation of MMDetection
        transforms=albu_train_transforms, # Pre-defined albu_train_transforms
            label_fields=['gt_bboxes_labels', 'gt_ignore_flags']),
            'img': 'image',
            'gt_bboxes': 'bboxes'
    dict(type='YOLOv5HSVRandomAug'),            # Random augmentation on HSV channel
    dict(type='mmdet.RandomFlip', prob=0.5),	# Random flip, the probability is 0.5
        type='mmdet.PackDetInputs',				# Pipeline that formats the annotation data and decides which keys in the data should be packed into data_samples
        meta_keys=('img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'flip',
train_dataloader = dict( # Train dataloader config
    batch_size=train_batch_size_pre_gpu, # Batch size of a single GPU during training
    num_workers=train_num_workers, # Worker to pre-fetch data for each single GPU during training
    persistent_workers=True, # If ``True``, the dataloader will not shut down the worker processes after an epoch end, which can accelerate training speed.
    pin_memory=True, # If ``True``, the dataloader will allow pinned memory, which can reduce copy time between CPU and memory
    sampler=dict( # training data sampler
        type='DefaultSampler', # DefaultSampler which supports both distributed and non-distributed training. Refer to
        shuffle=True), # randomly shuffle the training data in each epoch
    dataset=dict( # Train dataset config
        ann_file='annotations/instances_train2017.json', # Path of annotation file
        data_prefix=dict(img='train2017/'), # Prefix of image path
        filter_cfg=dict(filter_empty_gt=False, min_size=32), # Config of filtering images and annotations

In the testing phase of YOLOv5, the Letter Resize method resizes all the test images to the same scale, which preserves the aspect ratio of all testing images. Therefore, the validation and testing phases share the same data pipeline.

test_pipeline = [ # Validation/ Testing dataloader config
        type='LoadImageFromFile'), # First pipeline to load images from file path
    dict(type='YOLOv5KeepRatioResize', # Second pipeline to resize images with the same aspect ratio
         scale=img_scale), # Pipeline that resizes the images
        type='LetterResize', # Third pipeline to rescale images to meet the requirements of different strides
        scale=img_scale, # Target scale of image
        allow_scale_up=False, # Allow scale up when radio > 1
        pad_val=dict(img=114)), # Padding value
    dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True), # Forth pipeline to load annotations for current image
        type='mmdet.PackDetInputs', # Pipeline that formats the annotation data and decides which keys in the data should be packed into data_samples
        meta_keys=('img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape',
                   'scale_factor', 'pad_param'))

val_dataloader = dict(
    batch_size=val_batch_size_pre_gpu, # Batch size of a single GPU
    num_workers=val_num_workers, # Worker to pre-fetch data for each single GPU
    persistent_workers=True, # If ``True``, the dataloader will not shut down the worker processes after an epoch end, which can accelerate training speed.
    pin_memory=True, # If ``True``, the dataloader will allow pinned memory, which can reduce copy time between CPU and memory
    drop_last=False, # IF ``True``, the dataloader will drop data, which fails to make a batch
        type='DefaultSampler', # Default sampler for both distributed and normal training
        shuffle=False), # not shuffle during validation and testing
        test_mode=True, # # Turn on test mode of the dataset to avoid filtering annotations or images
        data_prefix=dict(img='val2017/'), # Prefix of image path
        ann_file='annotations/instances_val2017.json', # Path of annotation file
        batch_shapes_cfg=dict(  # Config of batch shapes
            type='BatchShapePolicy', # Policy that makes paddings with least pixels during batch inference process, which does not require the image scales of all batches to be the same throughout validation.
            batch_size=val_batch_size_pre_gpu, # Batch size for batch shapes strategy, equals to validation batch size on single GPU
            img_size=img_scale[0], # Image scale
            size_divisor=32, # The image scale of padding should be divided by pad_size_divisor
            extra_pad_ratio=0.5))) # additional paddings for pixel scale

test_dataloader = val_dataloader

Evaluators are used to compute the metrics of the trained model on the validation and testing datasets. The config of evaluators consists of one or a list of metric configs:

val_evaluator = dict(  # Validation evaluator config
    type='mmdet.CocoMetric',  # The coco metric used to evaluate AR, AP, and mAP for detection
    proposal_nums=(100, 1, 10),	# The number of proposal used to evaluate for detection
    ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/instances_val2017.json',  # Annotation file path
    metric='bbox',  # Metrics to be evaluated, `bbox` for detection
test_evaluator = val_evaluator  # Testing evaluator config

Since the test dataset has no annotation files, the test_dataloader and test_evaluator config in MMYOLO are generally the same as the val's. If you want to save the detection results on the test dataset, you can write the config like this:

# inference on test dataset and
# format the output results for submission.
test_dataloader = dict(
    sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False),
        ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/image_info_test-dev2017.json',
test_evaluator = dict(
    ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/image_info_test-dev2017.json',
    format_only=True,  # Only format and save the results to coco json file
    outfile_prefix='./work_dirs/coco_detection/test')  # The prefix of output json files

Training and testing config

MMEngine's runner uses Loop to control the training, validation, and testing processes. Users can set the maximum training epochs and validation intervals with these fields.

max_epochs = 300 # Maximum training epochs: 300 epochs
save_epoch_intervals = 10 # Validation intervals. Run validation every 10 epochs.

train_cfg = dict(
    type='EpochBasedTrainLoop',  # The training loop type. Refer to
    max_epochs=max_epochs,  # Maximum training epochs: 300 epochs
    val_interval=save_epoch_intervals)  # Validation intervals. Run validation every 10 epochs.
val_cfg = dict(type='ValLoop')  # The validation loop type
test_cfg = dict(type='TestLoop')  # The testing loop type

MMEngine also supports dynamic intervals for evaluation. For example, you can run validation every 10 epochs on the first 280 epochs, and run validation every epoch on the final 20 epochs. The configurations are as follows.

max_epochs = 300 # Maximum training epochs: 300 epochs
save_epoch_intervals = 10 # Validation intervals. Run validation every 10 epochs.

train_cfg = dict(
    type='EpochBasedTrainLoop',  # The training loop type. Refer to
    max_epochs=max_epochs,  # Maximum training epochs: 300 epochs
    val_interval=save_epoch_intervals,  # Validation intervals. Run validation every 10 epochs.
    dynamic_intervals=[(280, 1)]) # Switch evaluation on 280 epoch and switch the interval to 1.
val_cfg = dict(type='ValLoop')  # The validation loop type
test_cfg = dict(type='TestLoop')  # The testing loop type

Optimization config

optim_wrapper is the field to configure optimization-related settings. The optimizer wrapper not only provides the functions of the optimizer but also supports functions such as gradient clipping, mixed precision training, etc. Find out more in the optimizer wrapper tutorial.

optim_wrapper = dict(  # Optimizer wrapper config
    type='OptimWrapper',  # Optimizer wrapper type, switch to AmpOptimWrapper to enable mixed precision training.
    optimizer=dict(  # Optimizer config. Support all kinds of optimizers in PyTorch. Refer to
        type='SGD',  # Stochastic gradient descent optimizer
        lr=0.01,  # The base learning rate
        momentum=0.937, # Stochastic gradient descent with momentum
        weight_decay=0.0005, # Weight decay of SGD
        nesterov=True, # Enable Nesterov momentum, Refer to
        batch_size_pre_gpu=train_batch_size_pre_gpu),  # Enable automatic learning rate scaling
    clip_grad=None,  # Gradient clip option. Set None to disable gradient clip. Find usage in
    constructor='YOLOv5OptimizerConstructor') # The constructor for YOLOv5 optimizer

param_scheduler is the field that configures methods of adjusting optimization hyperparameters such as learning rate and momentum. Users can combine multiple schedulers to create a desired parameter adjustment strategy. Find more in the parameter scheduler tutorial. In YOLOv5, parameter scheduling is complex to implement and difficult to implement with param_scheduler. So we use YOLOv5ParamSchedulerHook to implement it (see next section), which is simpler but less versatile.

param_scheduler = None

Hook config

Users can attach hooks to training, validation, and testing loops to insert some operations during running. There are two different hook fields, one is default_hooks and the other is custom_hooks.

default_hooks is a dict of hook configs for the hooks that must be required at the runtime. They have default priority which should not be modified. If not set, the runner will use the default values. To disable a default hook, users can set its config to None.

default_hooks = dict(
        type='YOLOv5ParamSchedulerHook', # MMYOLO uses `YOLOv5ParamSchedulerHook` to adjust hyper-parameters in optimizers
        type='CheckpointHook', # Hook to save model checkpoint on specific intervals
        interval=save_epoch_intervals, # Save model checkpoint every 10 epochs.
        max_keep_ckpts=3)) # The maximum checkpoints to keep.

custom_hooks is a list of hook configs. Users can develop their hooks and insert them in this field.

custom_hooks = [
        type='EMAHook', # A Hook to apply Exponential Moving Average (EMA) on the model during training.
        ema_type='ExpMomentumEMA', # The type of EMA strategy to use.
        momentum=0.0001, # The momentum of EMA
        update_buffers=True, # # If ``True``, calculate the running averages of model parameters
        priority=49) # Priority higher than NORMAL(50)

Runtime config

default_scope = 'mmyolo'  # The default registry scope to find modules. Refer to

env_cfg = dict(
    cudnn_benchmark=True,  # Whether to enable cudnn benchmark
    mp_cfg=dict(  # Multi-processing config
        mp_start_method='fork',  # Use fork to start multi-processing threads. 'fork' is usually faster than 'spawn' but may be unsafe. See discussion in
        opencv_num_threads=0),  # Disable opencv multi-threads to avoid system being overloaded
    dist_cfg=dict(backend='nccl'),  # Distribution configs

vis_backends = [dict(type='LocalVisBackend')]  # Visualization backends. Refer to:
visualizer = dict(
    type='mmdet.DetLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=vis_backends, name='visualizer')
log_processor = dict(
    type='LogProcessor',  # Log processor to process runtime logs
    window_size=50,  # Smooth interval of log values
    by_epoch=True)  # Whether to format logs with epoch style. Should be consistent with the train loop's type.

log_level = 'INFO'  # The level of logging.
load_from = None  # Load model checkpoint as a pre-trained model from a given path. This will not resume training.
resume = False  # Whether to resume from the checkpoint defined in `load_from`. If `load_from` is None, it will resume the latest checkpoint in the `work_dir`.

Config file inheritance

config/_base_ contains default runtime. The configs that are composed of components from _base_ are called primitive.

For all configs under the same folder, it is recommended to have only one primitive config. All other configs should be inherited from the primitive config. In this way, the maximum inheritance level is 3.

For easy understanding, we recommend contributors inherit from existing methods. For example, if some modification is made based on YOLOv5-s, such as modifying the depth of the network, users may first inherit the _base_ = ./ , then modify the necessary fields in the config files.

If you are building an entirely new method that does not share the structure with any of the existing methods, you may create a folder yolov100 under configs,

Please refer to the mmengine config tutorial for more details.

By setting the _base_ field, we can set which files the current configuration file inherits from.

When _base_ is a string of a file path, it means inheriting the contents of one config file.

_base_ = '../_base_/'

When _base_ is a list of multiple file paths, it means inheriting multiple files.

_base_ = [

If you wish to inspect the config file, you may run mim run mmdet print_config /PATH/TO/CONFIG to see the complete config.

Ignore some fields in the base configs

Sometimes, you may set _delete_=True to ignore some of the fields in base configs. You may refer to the mmengine config tutorial for a simple illustration.

In MMYOLO, for example, to change the backbone of RTMDet with the following config.

model = dict(
        act_cfg=dict(type='SiLU', inplace=True)),

If you want to change CSPNeXt to YOLOv6EfficientRep for the RTMDet backbone, because there are different fields (channel_attention and expand_ratio) in CSPNeXt and YOLOv6EfficientRep, you need to use _delete_=True to replace all the old keys in the backbone field with the new keys.

_base_ = '../rtmdet/'
model = dict(
        norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', momentum=0.03, eps=0.001),
        act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True)),

Use intermediate variables in configs

Some intermediate variables are used in the configs files, like train_pipeline and test_pipeline in datasets. It's worth noting that when modifying intermediate variables in the children configs, users need to pass the intermediate variables into corresponding fields again. For example, we would like to change the image_scale during training and add YOLOv5MixUp data augmentation, img_scale/train_pipeline/test_pipeline are intermediate variables we would like to modify.

_base_ = './'

img_scale = (1280, 1280)  # image height, image width
affine_scale = 0.9

mosaic_affine_pipeline = [
        scaling_ratio_range=(1 - affine_scale, 1 + affine_scale),
        border=(-img_scale[0] // 2, -img_scale[1] // 2),
        border_val=(114, 114, 114))

train_pipeline = [
    *pre_transform, *mosaic_affine_pipeline,
        type='YOLOv5MixUp',	# MixUp augmentation of YOLOv5
        prob=0.1, # the probability of YOLOv5MixUp
        pre_transform=[*pre_transform,*mosaic_affine_pipeline]), # Pre-defined Training data pipeline and MixUp augmentation.
            label_fields=['gt_bboxes_labels', 'gt_ignore_flags']),
            'img': 'image',
            'gt_bboxes': 'bboxes'
    dict(type='mmdet.RandomFlip', prob=0.5),
        meta_keys=('img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'flip',

test_pipeline = [
    dict(type='YOLOv5KeepRatioResize', scale=img_scale),
    dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True),
        meta_keys=('img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape',
                   'scale_factor', 'pad_param'))

train_dataloader = dict(dataset=dict(pipeline=train_pipeline))
val_dataloader = dict(dataset=dict(pipeline=test_pipeline))
test_dataloader = dict(dataset=dict(pipeline=test_pipeline))

We first define a new train_pipeline/test_pipeline and pass it into data.

Likewise, if we want to switch from SyncBN to BN or MMSyncBN, we need to modify every norm_cfg in the configuration file.

_base_ = './'
norm_cfg = dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True)
model = dict(

Reuse variables in _base_ file

If the users want to reuse the variables in the base file, they can get a copy of the corresponding variable by using {{}}. The latest version of MMEngine also supports reusing variables without {{}} usage.


_base_ = '../_base_/'

pre_transform = _base_.pre_transform # `pre_transform` equals to `pre_transform` in the _base_ config

Modify config through script arguments

When submitting jobs using tools/ or tools/, you may specify --cfg-options to in-place modify the config.

  • Update config keys of dict chains.

    The config options can be specified following the order of the dict keys in the original config. For example, --cfg-options model.backbone.norm_eval=False changes the all BN modules in model backbones to train mode.

  • Update keys inside a list of configs.

    Some config dicts are composed as a list in your config. For example, the training pipeline train_dataloader.dataset.pipeline is normally a list, e.g. [dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), ...]. If you want to change 'LoadImageFromFile' to 'LoadImageFromNDArray' in the pipeline, you may specify --cfg-options data.train.pipeline.0.type=LoadImageFromNDArray.

  • Update values of list/tuples.

    Sometimes the value to update is a list or a tuple, for example, the config file normally sets model.data_preprocessor.mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53]. If you want to change the mean values, you may specify --cfg-options model.data_preprocessor.mean="[127,127,127]". Note that the quotation mark " is necessary to support list/tuple data types, and that NO white space is allowed inside the quotation marks in the specified value.

Config name style

We follow the below style to name config files. Contributors are advised to follow the same style.

{algorithm name}_{model component names [component1]_[component2]_[...]}-[version id]_[norm setting]_[data preprocessor type]_{training settings}_{training dataset information}_[testing dataset information].py

The file name is divided into 8 name fields, which have 4 required parts and 4 optional parts. All parts and components are connected with _ and words of each part or component should be connected with -. {} indicates the required name field, and [] indicates the optional name field.

  • {algorithm name}: The name of the algorithm. It can be a detector name such as yolov5, yolov6, yolox, etc.
  • {component names}: Names of the components used in the algorithm such as backbone, neck, etc. For example, yolov5_s means its deepen_factor is 0.33 and its widen_factor is 0.5.
  • [version_id] (optional): Since the evolution of the YOLO series is much faster than traditional object detection algorithms, version id is used to distinguish the differences between different sub-versions. E.g, YOLOv5-3.0 uses the Focus layer as the stem layer, and YOLOv5-6.0 uses the Conv layer as the stem layer.
  • [norm_setting] (optional): bn indicates Batch Normalization, syncbn indicates Synchronized Batch Normalization
  • [data preprocessor type] (optional): fast incorporates YOLOv5DetDataPreprocessor and yolov5_collate to preprocess data. The training speed is faster than the default mmdet.DetDataPreprocessor, while results in extending the overall pipeline to multi-task learning.
  • {training settings}: Information of training settings such as batch size, augmentations, loss trick, scheduler, and epochs/iterations. For example: 8xb16-300e_coco means using 8-GPUs x 16-images-per-GPU, and train 300 epochs. Some abbreviations:
    • {gpu x batch_per_gpu}: GPUs and samples per GPU. For example, 4xb4 is the short term of 4-GPUs x 4-images-per-GPU.
    • {schedule}: training schedule, default option in MMYOLO is 300 epochs.
  • {training dataset information}: Training dataset names like coco, cityscapes, voc-0712, wider-face, and balloon.
  • [testing dataset information] (optional): Testing dataset name for models trained on one dataset but tested on another. If not mentioned, it means the model was trained and tested on the same dataset type.