OCM content can be directly crated in public OCM repositories as shown in other examples. But it is also possible to compose component versions in local or temporary filesystem structured according the Common Transport Format. Afterward, they can be transferred/published to public OCM repositories.
This example shows some cases how this can be achieved directly using the OCM library. A complete example can be found in transfer1.
If you do not want to configure your credentials or other settings directly using the API, you could apply the standard CLI configuration files directly via API calls.
// configure default context by evaluating standard config sources
err = configutils.Configure("")
if rerr != nil {
return err
Many API calls provide closeable objects. They must be closed to release potential external or internal resources held for this objects.
To be able to catch potential errors provided by those methods, simple
defer statements like defer x.Close()
should be avoided. To catch errors
appearing during the cleanup of a function body, a finalizer can be used:
func TransferApplication() (rerr error) {
// setup error propagation for deferred cleanup/close methods.
var finalize finalizer.Finalizer
defer finalize.FinalizeWithErrorPropagation(&rerr)
// ...
This code snippet creates a finalizer object and requests the handling of
all finalization code at the end of the function. Potential errors occurring
during the cleanup are incorporated into the error return of the function
call. Close
calls can then simply be added by finalize.Close(x)
First, a temporary filesystem is created, which is then used to create a CTF directory structure.
// import "github.com/mandelsoft/vfs/pkg/memoryfs"
// create a temporary orchestration environment for a set of
// component versions. We use a CTF here stored either
// in a temporary filesystem folder or in memory.
tmpfs, err := osfs.NewTempFileSystem()
if err != nil {
return err
finalize.With(func() error { return vfs.Cleanup(tmpfs) })
// if you have not much direct blob content, you could use
// a memory filesystem instead
// tmpfs:=memoryfs.New()
repo, err := ctf.Open(octx, accessobj.ACC_CREATE, "ctf", 0o700, accessio.PathFileSystem(tmpfs), accessio.FormatDirectory)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot create CTF")
Instead of using a temporary filesystem it is also possible to create the CTF file directly in some path in your filesystem to keep the content for later usage. Or, you can directly use a memory filesystem, if the size of the intended blobs is very limited.
The resulting repository can be used like any other OCM repository implementation to orchestrate new component versions using the standard repository API of the OCM context.
This can be done as shown in the credential examples.
The next step then is to transfer the orchestrated content to another OCM repository. The basic functionality provided by the library is the transport of a dedicated component version (optionally by traversing all the component references). CTF objects support a Lister interface, which can be used to discover contained components.
This can be easily combined to transfer the complete content. First, we have get access to the intended target repository:
uni, err := ocm.ParseRepo(cfg.Repository)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid repo spec")
repoSpec, err := octx.MapUniformRepositorySpec(&uni)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid repo spec")
// if you know you have an OCI registry based OCM repository
// repoSpec := ocireg.NewRepositorySpec(cfg.Repository)
// if you want to provide specific credentials....
// target, err := octx.RepositoryForSpec(repoSpec, cfg.GetCredentials())
// use credentials from config context (for example initialized by Configure above)
target, err := octx.RepositoryForSpec(repoSpec)
if err != nil {
return err
To parse an OCM repository reference you can use the ParseRepo
It provides a uniform representation of a parsed string representation.
This one can then be mapped to a regular RepositorySpec
object, which is mapped by the OCM context to a repository implementation.
Instead of this string parsing, an appropriate repository specification object can directly be created as shown in the other examples.
Once we have access to the target repository we just list the components and subsequent versions contained in the CTF, which are then transferred to the target repository.
As preparation step we create a standard transfer handler,
which controls the transfer process. The standard handler
just offers some commonly used options, like transfer-by-value
for the found resources. In this example we just want to keep
the location of the resources as they are provided by the CTF,
but to potentially overwrite existing component versions in the
target repository (transferHandler, err := standard.New(standard.Overwrite())
lister := repo.ComponentLister()
if lister == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("repo does not support lister")
comps, err := lister.GetComponents("", true)
if rerr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot list components")
printer := common.NewPrinter(os.Stdout)
closure := transfer.TransportClosure{}
transferHandler, err := standard.New(standard.Overwrite())
if rerr != nil {
return err
for _, cname := range comps {
loop := finalize.Nested()
c, err := repo.LookupComponent(cname)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot get component %s", cname)
vnames, err := c.ListVersions()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, " cannot list versions for component %s", cname)
for _, vname := range vnames {
loop := loop.Nested()
cv, err := c.LookupVersion(vname)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot get version %s for component %s", vname, cname)
err = transfer.TransferVersion(printer, closure, cv, target, transferHandler)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot transfer version %s for component %s", vname, cname)
if err := loop.Finalize(); err != nil {
return err
if err := loop.Finalize(); err != nil {
return err
With closure := transfer.TransportClosure{}
a shared transport store is
created, which remembers already transported component versions. It is
used for all calls of TransferVersion
to avoid duplicate transfers.
THis is especially relevant, if the transitive transfer option is set.
In this example this all content of the CTF is transferred without the
transitive option, so it is not necessarily required.
But if your setup creates component versions with references to component versions not contained in the CTF, the transitive option might be useful to assure the completeness of your component versions in the target repository. To resolve those external references a resolver must be specified for the transfer handler.
One common problem in Go is the finalization of elements in loops. We have here two nested loops and want to close elements allocated in a loop step as soon as possible directly when the loop step is finished.
The problem is, that the Close
methods should also be called, if the
complete function is left in case of an error occurring in a loop step.
Therefore, we cannot just put the call to the Close
methods at the end of the loop.
But, also the regular defer
mechanism cannot be used, because it would delay
the execution of all Close
methods to the final end of the function.
Using both a defer
and an explicit Close
at the end of the loop step is also
not possible, because then Close
would potentially be called twice.
Here, the used finalizer object can help. It is possible to create a nested finalizer specifically used inside a loop step:
for ... {
loop := finalize.Nested()
if err := loop.Finalize(); err != nil {
return err
The nested finalizer can be finalized at the end of the loop,
but it is also executed once the function is left for the defer
the root finalizer at the beginning of the function, if it is not yet
executed. Once it has been explicitly called it is automatically removed
from the next outer scope.