A context object is the entry point for using dedicated functional areas. It bundles all settings and extensions point implementations for this area.
Therefore, it provides a root object of the type Context
. This context
object then provides methods to
- set configurations and to
- get access to elements belonging to this area.
There might be any number of such context objects at the same time and with different settings. Context objects are typically intended to have a short lifetime (for example to execute a dedicated request) and can be garbage collected afterwards.
A context provides access to a set of basic root elements of the functional area it is responsible for. The root elements can then be used to access nested or dependent objects.
The basic elements of most context types are Specifications and Repositories. A specification object provides serializable attributes used to describe dedicated elements in the functional area. They are typed. There might be different types (with different attribute sets) used to describe instances provided by different implementations. Those descriptions are called descriptors.
The root element below the context object is typically a Repository object, which provides access to elements hosted by this repository.
The context itself manages all the specification and element types and acts as a central entry point to deserialize JSON/YAML based specification descriptors and to gain access to the described effective root elements. Those context extension points are managed by Registries used to configure implementations and specification types by globally unique names. These registration features are provided for every extension type and are accessible at the context object.
For example, the OCI context manages repository specifications and types used to describe instances of various types of repositories hosting OCI Artifacts (one such specification/repository type is an OCI Registry, another one the docker daemon and a third one a filesystem representation for storing OCI artifacts). All those different implementations can be used by a uniform common interface.
The repository object provided for a repository specification then provides access to namespaces (in OCI speak OCI repositories), which again provide access to OCI artifacts (versions): manifests and indices.
More complex contexts (especially the OCM context) may offer access to a more complex object ecosystem, including more kinds of specification and object types.
Typically, a context is based on contexts of required functional areas, for example an OCI context uses a credential context to gain access to required credentials, which again uses a configuration context to configure itself from a central configuration provided by a shared configuration context.
The following context types are provided:
: configuration management of all parts of the OCM library. It provides a uniform but generic way to manage configuration and its serialized form for all kinds of configuration consumers by supporting typed descriptors which, are mapped to objects capable to configure dedicated configuration targets. -
: credential management. It acts as factory to provide credentials for consumption targets in various environments (for example, GitHub, OCI registries, S3 repositories, etc). Those targets are described by so-called consumer ids, which are mapped to credentials by the credentials context.It includes a config context.
: working with OCI registries. It acts as central access point to instantiate OCI registry view for different backends hosting OCI images and OCM artifacts, like an OCI registry, a filesystem representation or a docker daemon.It includes a credentials context.
: working with OCM repositories. This is the central context type providing access to the elements of the open component model.It includes an oci context.
: command line interface. It acts as configuration container for the OCM command line client, hosting an OCM context. -
: base context functionality used for all kinds of contexts.
To just use the library without special configuration the complete standard settings will be available by accessing the default context for the area of question. Alternatively, context instances with specialized configurations can be orchestrated by context builders.
All functional areas supported by contexts can be found as sub packages of
A context package directly contains the typical user API for the functional
area. The most important interface is the interface Context
. It acts as main
entry point to access the functionality of the functional area.
Elements required to provide own extension point implementations
(for example new specification and repository types) can be found in the
(Context Programming Interface) sub-package. Internal implementation
utilities are located in the internal
sub package. It is not intended to
be used outside the context package.
The sub package repositories
contains sub packages for different implementations of the basic root elements of the context.
The sub package config
provides implementations for configuration objects
usable to configure contexts with a shared configuration context.
The sub package attrs
provides implementations for attribute objects
supported by this context type. Attributes a singleton settings which
might be attached to any kind of contexts. They are inherited along a
context usage relation (for example ocm -> oci -> credentials -> config).
If a context type supports multiple extension types there is typically
a dedicated sub package for this type (for example github.com/open-component-model/api/ocm/extensions/accessmethods
), which again
contains the various implementation types in sub packages.
The following diagram shows the element structured used for the OCM context as an instance of the general context blueprint described above.
Besides the standard sub packages, there are extension packages for
: Handlers responsible to upload local blobs. By default, local blobs are kept as local blobs when added to an OCM repository. Upload handlers can be used to influence this behaviour and export the content of dedicated blobs again into local repositories according to their native technologies, for example OCI images, S3 blobs, etc. -
: Handlers understanding dedicated artifact and mime types capable to provide then as filesystem content consumable by their native toolset, for example Helm charts. -
: The handling of predefined label content. -
: Merge algorithms used to support the merge of volatile labels during a transport step (used by the transport tool)
The package plugin
contains the plugin interface of the library,
which can be used to provide various kinds of extension points in form of
separate executables.
The embedding of handlers provided by plugins can always be found
in the package plugin
below the dedicated extension point handler
Additionally, there are more functional packages hosting predefined applications based on the open component model:
: A generic transport tool, which can be used to transport component versions from one repository environment to another one. It is completely configurable by transport handler and blob upload handlers (configured as extensions in the used OCM context). A transport handler may control the recursion behaviour for following component references and the way described artifacts are transported into the target environment. -
: a standard tool used to sign and verify component versions using different signing, hashing and normalization procedures. -
: A standard application using OCM labels to implement routing slips.
There is always a DefaultContext()
in the context package of a
functional area which gives access to a default context
object configured with all the extension implementations provided by the
actual version of the library.
Using a builder (functions starting with With...
), it is possible to
orchestrate own context objects from scratch.
The function New()
creates a new context object inheriting the
configuration of the default context. It accepts an optional mode
argument used to control the behaviour of the context creation and
the handling of other used context types:
uses the default contexts for unset nested context types.MODE_DEFAULTED
uses dedicated context instances configured with the context type specific default registrations.MODE_EXTENDED
uses dedicated context instances configured with context type registrations extending the default registrations.MODE_CONFIGURED
uses dedicated context instances configured with the context type registrations configured with the actual state of the default registrations.MODE_INITIAL
uses completely new contexts for unset nested context types and initial registrations.
Initial contexts do not contain any registrations for extension point implementations. They can/must be configured according to dedicated needs of their creator.
Specifications are a central concept of the complete library. They are used to describe dedicated instances of elements managed by contexts, for example, access methods in the OCM context, or repository objects.
They always feature a versioned globally unique type and a serialization/deserialization mechanism. There might be different specification realms per context, for example specifications for access methods and repositories in the OCM context.
The context object manages dedicated schema registrations per realm.
Therefore, the github.com/open-component-model/pkg/runtime
package is
used. It provides support for such schemes and the handling of
specification types for those schemes. A specification type is
split into a kind and a version. The kind describes the semantics (and
the internal object representation) of a dedicated kind of specification,
while the version may describe different serialization formats.
(If no version is specified the version v1
is assumed)
The scheme object manages the deserialization of a JSON/YAML based external representation of a specification into its internal object format.
A context object provides methods to register new specification types for the supported realms. The implementations/variants supported by this library will automatically be registered into default schemes used by the default contexts of all supported functional areas.
A specification object can then be used by the context to provide access to the described object, for example, a specification for an OCM repository can be used to gain access to the implementation object representing this repository instance. Those objects then provide methods to gain access to the repository content.