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Adding and Editing OGS Joseki

GreenAsJade edited this page Sep 11, 2019 · 38 revisions

Policy / Guidelines

Draft - thoughts needing firming up!

One loose goal is for the OGS Joseki to contain relevant and useful joseki.

A fear I have is that this usefulness might be diluted by sequences that were "played once by a pro or AI", or are "interesting for some reason" rather than being truly established as "joseki" in the sense of "sequences of play that are credibly established to be among the best that you can do" (quote from the Charter).

The "Joseki Dictionary" loses some value if it has too much in it!

It should be a filter through which only "the best" are seen, to save the user from having to do the filtering themselves.

So a guideline would be to err on the side of including positions and sequences only where this credibility is established.

However, we should not be too didactic about this. If a sequence or position is useful to document for analysis and awareness, then we should do that. In borderline or outlying cases, suitable descriptive text is important.

"Direction" of joseki - mirroring and reflection

Please follow the principle: all variations must go down and to the right


(Details tbd: Something about what level of source we expect, and whether every position has to have one)

Please do have a source.


I can't tell you how many times I've read on Josekipedia "this position requires the ladder" and been stuck on trying to figure out "what ladder??".

It would be nice if we can help the reader a bit with this!

Maybe mark the points where stones are going to be played that make the ladder or something?

How to Create & Edit


  • Enter the new sequence in Explore mode
  • Click Save to enter Edit mode
  • Enter the relevant details
    • Type in a description
    • Choose position type, tags and variation label
  • Click Save to save the new sequence

Options for entering

Position Description Markup

The "Position Description" is rendered using "Markdown".

This allows you to do simple formatting such as headers, italics etc.

There are also some "special joseki" markups...

Labelling a position on the board


Linking to another position


At the moment this just renders a labelled link, but ultimately it should show a thumbnail of the referenced position.

Variation label and meaning of

(A lower number means a more commonly used variation)

Position "type" and meaning of




QUESTION: actually I think we'll get rid of this, since editors surely don't have questions!?


Tags and use and meaning of

(tbd. Please put the "Joseki: Position Is Settled" tag on the final position of a joseki sequence)

Sources and expected level of

(tbd. We need details about what to do about traditional and recent pro game sources)