diff --git a/docs/evm/cadence/vm-bridge.md b/docs/evm/cadence/vm-bridge.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf4b029200
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+++ b/docs/evm/cadence/vm-bridge.md
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+title: Cross-VM Bridge
+sidebar_label: Cross-VM Bridge
+sidebar_position: 6
+# Cross-VM Bridge
+Flow provides the [Cross-VM Bridge](https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge) which enables the movement of
+fungible and non-fungible tokens between Cadence & EVM. The Cross-VM Bridge is a contract-based protocol enabling the
+automated and atomic bridging of tokens from Cadence into EVM with their corresponding ERC-20 and ERC-721 token types.
+In the opposite direction, it supports bridging of arbitrary ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens from EVM to Cadence as their
+corresponding FT or NFT token types.
+The Cross-VM Bridge internalizes the capabilities to deploy new token contracts in either VM state as needed, resolving
+access to, and maintaining links between associated contracts. It additionally automates account and contract calls to
+enforce source VM asset burn or lock, and target VM token mint or unlock.
+Developers wishing to use the Cross-VM Bridge will be required to use a Cadence transaction. Cross-VM bridging
+functionality is not currently available natively in EVM on Flow. By extension, this means that the EVM account bridging
+from EVM to Cadence must be a [`CadenceOwnedAccount` (COA)](./interacting-with-coa.md) as this is the only EVM account
+type that can be controlled from the Cadence runtime.
+This [FLIP](https://github.com/onflow/flips/pull/233) outlines the architecture and implementation of the VM bridge.
+This document will focus on how to use the Cross-VM Bridge and considerations for fungible and non-fungible token
+projects deploying to either Cadence or EVM.
+## Deployments
+The core bridge contracts can be found at the following addresses:
+|All Cadence Bridge contracts|[`0xdfc20aee650fcbdf`](https://contractbrowser.com/account/0xdfc20aee650fcbdf/contracts)|[`0x1e4aa0b87d10b141`](https://contractbrowser.com/account/0x1e4aa0b87d10b141/contracts)|
+And below are the bridge escrow's EVM addresses. These addresses are COAs and are stored stored in the same Flow account
+as you'll find the Cadence contracts (see above).
+## Interacting With the Bridge
+All bridging activity in either direction is orchestrated via Cadence on COA EVM accounts. This means that all bridging
+activity must be initiated via a Cadence transaction, not an EVM transaction regardless of the directionality of the
+bridge request. For more information on the interplay between Cadence and EVM, see [How EVM on Flow
+### Overview
+The Flow EVM bridge allows both fungible and non-fungible tokens to move atomically between Cadence and EVM. In the
+context of EVM, fungible tokens are defined as ERC20 tokens, and non-fungible tokens as ERC721 tokens. In Cadence,
+fungible tokens are defined by contracts implementing
+[the `FungibleToken` interface](https://github.com/onflow/flow-ft/blob/master/contracts/FungibleToken.cdc)
+and non-fungible tokens implement
+[the `NonFungibleToken` interface](https://github.com/onflow/flow-nft/blob/master/contracts/NonFungibleToken.cdc).
+Like all operations on Flow, there are native fees associated with both computation and storage. To prevent spam and
+sustain the bridge account's storage consumption, fees are charged for both onboarding assets and bridging assets. In
+the case where storage consumption is expected, fees are charged based on the storage consumed at the current network
+storage rate.
+### Onboarding
+Since a contract must define the asset in the target VM, an asset must be "onboarded" to the bridge before requests can
+be fulfilled.
+Moving from Cadence to EVM, onboarding can occur on the fly, deploying a template contract in the same transaction as
+the asset is bridged to EVM if the transaction so specifies.
+Moving from EVM to Cadence, however, requires that onboarding occur in a separate transaction due to the fact that a
+Cadence contract is initialized at the end of a transaction and isn't available in the runtime until after the
+transaction has executed.
+Below are transactions relevant to onboarding assets:
+```cadence title="onboard_by_type.cdc"
+// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/onboarding/onboard_by_type.cdc
+import "FungibleToken"
+import "FlowToken"
+import "ScopedFTProviders"
+import "EVM"
+import "FlowEVMBridge"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
+/// This transaction onboards the asset type to the bridge, configuring the bridge to move assets between environments
+/// NOTE: This must be done before bridging a Cadence-native asset to EVM
+/// @param type: The Cadence type of the bridgeable asset to onboard to the bridge
+transaction(type: Type) {
+ let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
+ prepare(signer: auth(CopyValue, BorrowValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue) &Account) {
+ /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
+ //
+ // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
+ if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
+ let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
+ /storage/flowTokenVault
+ )
+ signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
+ }
+ // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
+ let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
+ from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
+ ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
+ let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(FlowEVMBridgeConfig.onboardFee)
+ self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
+ provider: providerCapCopy,
+ filters: [ providerFilter ],
+ expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
+ )
+ }
+ execute {
+ // Onboard the asset Type
+ FlowEVMBridge.onboardByType(
+ type,
+ feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
+ )
+ destroy self.scopedProvider
+ }
+ post {
+ FlowEVMBridge.typeRequiresOnboarding(type) == false:
+ "Asset ".concat(type.identifier).concat(" was not onboarded to the bridge.")
+ }
+// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/onboarding/onboard_by_evm_address.cdc
+import "FungibleToken"
+import "FlowToken"
+import "ScopedFTProviders"
+import "EVM"
+import "FlowEVMBridge"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
+/// This transaction onboards the NFT type to the bridge, configuring the bridge to move NFTs between environments
+/// NOTE: This must be done before bridging a Cadence-native NFT to EVM
+/// @param contractAddressHex: The EVM address of the contract defining the bridgeable asset to be onboarded
+transaction(contractAddressHex: String) {
+ let contractAddress: EVM.EVMAddress
+ let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
+ prepare(signer: auth(CopyValue, BorrowValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue) &Account) {
+ /* --- Construct EVMAddress from hex string (no leading `"0x"`) --- */
+ //
+ self.contractAddress = EVM.addressFromString(contractAddressHex)
+ /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
+ //
+ // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
+ if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
+ let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
+ /storage/flowTokenVault
+ )
+ signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
+ }
+ // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
+ let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
+ from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
+ ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
+ let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(FlowEVMBridgeConfig.onboardFee)
+ self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
+ provider: providerCapCopy,
+ filters: [ providerFilter ],
+ expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
+ )
+ }
+ execute {
+ // Onboard the EVM contract
+ FlowEVMBridge.onboardByEVMAddress(
+ self.contractAddress,
+ feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
+ )
+ destroy self.scopedProvider
+ }
+### Bridging
+Once an asset has been onboarded, either by its Cadence type or EVM contract address, it can be bridged in either
+direction, referred to by its Cadence type. For Cadence-native assets, this is simply its native type. For EVM-native
+assets, this is in most cases a templated Cadence contract deployed to the bridge account, the name of which is derived
+from the EVM contract address. For instance, an ERC721 contract at address `0x1234` would be onboarded to the bridge as
+`EVMVMBridgedNFT_0x1234`, making its type identifier `A..EVMVMBridgedNFT_0x1234.NFT`.
+To get the type identifier for a given NFT, you can use the following code:
+// Where `nft` is either a @{NonFungibleToken.NFT} or &{NonFungibleToken.NFT}
+You may also retrieve the type associated with a given EVM contract address using the following script:
+```cadence title="get_associated_type.cdc"
+// source: https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/scripts/bridge/get_associated_type.cdc
+import "EVM"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
+/// Returns the Cadence Type associated with the given EVM address (as its hex String)
+/// @param evmAddressHex: The hex-encoded address of the EVM contract as a String
+/// @return The Cadence Type associated with the EVM address or nil if the address is not onboarded. `nil` may also be
+/// returned if the address is not a valid EVM address.
+fun main(addressHex: String): Type? {
+ let address = EVM.addressFromString(addressHex)
+ return FlowEVMBridgeConfig.getTypeAssociated(with: address)
+Alternatively, given some onboarded Cadence type, you can retrieve the associated EVM address using the following
+```cadence title="get_associated_address.cdc"
+// source: https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/scripts/bridge/get_associated_evm_address.cdc
+import "EVM"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
+/// Returns the EVM address associated with the given Cadence type (as its identifier String)
+/// @param typeIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier String
+/// @return The EVM address as a hex string if the type has an associated EVMAddress, otherwise nil
+fun main(identifier: String): String? {
+ if let type = CompositeType(identifier) {
+ if let address = FlowEVMBridgeConfig.getEVMAddressAssociated(with: type) {
+ return address.toString()
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+#### NFTs
+Any Cadence NFTs bridging to EVM are escrowed in the bridge account and either minted in a bridge-deployed ERC721
+contract or transferred from escrow to the calling COA in EVM. On the return trip, NFTs are escrowed in EVM - owned by
+the bridge's COA - and either unlocked from escrow if locked or minted from a bridge-owned NFT contract.
+Below are transactions relevant to bridging NFTs:
+```cadence title="bridge_nft_to_evm.cdc"
+// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/nft/bridge_nft_to_evm.cdc
+import "FungibleToken"
+import "NonFungibleToken"
+import "ViewResolver"
+import "MetadataViews"
+import "FlowToken"
+import "ScopedFTProviders"
+import "EVM"
+import "FlowEVMBridge"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeUtils"
+/// Bridges an NFT from the signer's collection in Cadence to the signer's COA in FlowEVM
+/// NOTE: This transaction also onboards the NFT to the bridge if necessary which may incur additional fees
+/// than bridging an asset that has already been onboarded.
+/// @param nftIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier of the NFT to bridge - e.g. nft.getType().identifier
+/// @param id: The Cadence NFT.id of the NFT to bridge to EVM
+transaction(nftIdentifier: String, id: UInt64) {
+ let nft: @{NonFungibleToken.NFT}
+ let coa: auth(EVM.Bridge) &EVM.CadenceOwnedAccount
+ let requiresOnboarding: Bool
+ let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
+ prepare(signer: auth(CopyValue, BorrowValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue) &Account) {
+ /* --- Reference the signer's CadenceOwnedAccount --- */
+ //
+ // Borrow a reference to the signer's COA
+ self.coa = signer.storage.borrow(from: /storage/evm)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow COA from provided gateway address")
+ /* --- Construct the NFT type --- */
+ //
+ // Construct the NFT type from the provided identifier
+ let nftType = CompositeType(nftIdentifier)
+ ?? panic("Could not construct NFT type from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
+ // Parse the NFT identifier into its components
+ let nftContractAddress = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractAddress(fromType: nftType)
+ ?? panic("Could not get contract address from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
+ let nftContractName = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractName(fromType: nftType)
+ ?? panic("Could not get contract name from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
+ /* --- Retrieve the NFT --- */
+ //
+ // Borrow a reference to the NFT collection, configuring if necessary
+ let viewResolver = getAccount(nftContractAddress).contracts.borrow<&{ViewResolver}>(name: nftContractName)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow ViewResolver from NFT contract")
+ let collectionData = viewResolver.resolveContractView(
+ resourceType: nftType,
+ viewType: Type()
+ ) as! MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData? ?? panic("Could not resolve NFTCollectionData view")
+ let collection = signer.storage.borrow(
+ from: collectionData.storagePath
+ ) ?? panic("Could not access signer's NFT Collection")
+ // Withdraw the requested NFT & calculate the approximate bridge fee based on NFT storage usage
+ let currentStorageUsage = signer.storage.used
+ self.nft <- collection.withdraw(withdrawID: id)
+ let withdrawnStorageUsage = signer.storage.used
+ var approxFee = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.calculateBridgeFee(
+ bytes: currentStorageUsage - withdrawnStorageUsage
+ ) * 1.10
+ // Determine if the NFT requires onboarding - this impacts the fee required
+ self.requiresOnboarding = FlowEVMBridge.typeRequiresOnboarding(self.nft.getType())
+ ?? panic("Bridge does not support this asset type")
+ if self.requiresOnboarding {
+ approxFee = approxFee + FlowEVMBridgeConfig.onboardFee
+ }
+ /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
+ //
+ // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
+ if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
+ let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
+ /storage/flowTokenVault
+ )
+ signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
+ }
+ // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
+ let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
+ from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
+ ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
+ let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(approxFee)
+ self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
+ provider: providerCapCopy,
+ filters: [ providerFilter ],
+ expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
+ )
+ }
+ pre {
+ self.nft.getType().identifier == nftIdentifier:
+ "Attempting to send invalid nft type - requested: ".concat(nftIdentifier)
+ .concat(", sending: ").concat(self.nft.getType().identifier)
+ }
+ execute {
+ if self.requiresOnboarding {
+ // Onboard the NFT to the bridge
+ FlowEVMBridge.onboardByType(
+ self.nft.getType(),
+ feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
+ )
+ }
+ // Execute the bridge
+ self.coa.depositNFT(
+ nft: <-self.nft,
+ feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
+ )
+ // Destroy the ScopedFTProvider
+ destroy self.scopedProvider
+ }
+```cadence title="bridge_nft_from_evm.cdc"
+// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/nft/bridge_nft_from_evm.cdc
+import "FungibleToken"
+import "NonFungibleToken"
+import "ViewResolver"
+import "MetadataViews"
+import "FlowToken"
+import "ScopedFTProviders"
+import "EVM"
+import "FlowEVMBridge"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeUtils"
+/// This transaction bridges an NFT from EVM to Cadence assuming it has already been onboarded to the FlowEVMBridge
+/// NOTE: The ERC721 must have first been onboarded to the bridge. This can be checked via the method
+/// FlowEVMBridge.evmAddressRequiresOnboarding(address: self.evmContractAddress)
+/// @param nftIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier of the NFT to bridge - e.g. nft.getType().identifier
+/// @param id: The ERC721 id of the NFT to bridge to Cadence from EVM
+transaction(nftIdentifier: String, id: UInt256) {
+ let nftType: Type
+ let collection: &{NonFungibleToken.Collection}
+ let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
+ let coa: auth(EVM.Bridge) &EVM.CadenceOwnedAccount
+ prepare(signer: auth(BorrowValue, CopyValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue, UnpublishCapability) &Account) {
+ /* --- Reference the signer's CadenceOwnedAccount --- */
+ //
+ // Borrow a reference to the signer's COA
+ self.coa = signer.storage.borrow(from: /storage/evm)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow COA from provided gateway address")
+ /* --- Construct the NFT type --- */
+ //
+ // Construct the NFT type from the provided identifier
+ self.nftType = CompositeType(nftIdentifier)
+ ?? panic("Could not construct NFT type from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
+ // Parse the NFT identifier into its components
+ let nftContractAddress = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractAddress(fromType: self.nftType)
+ ?? panic("Could not get contract address from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
+ let nftContractName = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractName(fromType: self.nftType)
+ ?? panic("Could not get contract name from identifier: ".concat(nftIdentifier))
+ /* --- Reference the signer's NFT Collection --- */
+ //
+ // Borrow a reference to the NFT collection, configuring if necessary
+ let viewResolver = getAccount(nftContractAddress).contracts.borrow<&{ViewResolver}>(name: nftContractName)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow ViewResolver from NFT contract")
+ let collectionData = viewResolver.resolveContractView(
+ resourceType: self.nftType,
+ viewType: Type()
+ ) as! MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData? ?? panic("Could not resolve NFTCollectionData view")
+ if signer.storage.borrow<&{NonFungibleToken.Collection}>(from: collectionData.storagePath) == nil {
+ signer.storage.save(<-collectionData.createEmptyCollection(), to: collectionData.storagePath)
+ signer.capabilities.unpublish(collectionData.publicPath)
+ let collectionCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue<&{NonFungibleToken.Collection}>(collectionData.storagePath)
+ signer.capabilities.publish(collectionCap, at: collectionData.publicPath)
+ }
+ self.collection = signer.storage.borrow<&{NonFungibleToken.Collection}>(from: collectionData.storagePath)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow collection from storage path")
+ /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
+ //
+ // Calculate the bridge fee - bridging from EVM consumes no storage, so flat fee
+ let approxFee = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.calculateBridgeFee(bytes: 0)
+ // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
+ if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
+ let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
+ /storage/flowTokenVault
+ )
+ signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
+ }
+ // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
+ let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
+ from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
+ ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
+ let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(approxFee)
+ self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
+ provider: providerCapCopy,
+ filters: [ providerFilter ],
+ expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
+ )
+ }
+ execute {
+ // Execute the bridge
+ let nft: @{NonFungibleToken.NFT} <- self.coa.withdrawNFT(
+ type: self.nftType,
+ id: id,
+ feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
+ )
+ // Ensure the bridged nft is the correct type
+ assert(
+ nft.getType() == self.nftType,
+ message: "Bridged nft type mismatch - requeswted: ".concat(self.nftType.identifier)
+ .concat(", received: ").concat(nft.getType().identifier)
+ )
+ // Deposit the bridged NFT into the signer's collection
+ self.collection.deposit(token: <-nft)
+ // Destroy the ScopedFTProvider
+ destroy self.scopedProvider
+ }
+#### Fungible Tokens
+Any Cadence fungible tokens bridging to EVM are escrowed in the bridge account only if they are Cadence-native. If the
+bridge defines the tokens, they are burned. On the return trip the pattern is similar, with the bridge burning
+bridge-defined tokens or escrowing them if they are EVM-native. In all cases, if the bridge has authority to mint on one
+side, it must escrow on the other as the native VM contract is owned by an external party.
+With fungible tokens in particular, there may be some cases where the Cadence contract is not deployed to the bridge
+account, but the bridge still follows a mint/burn pattern in Cadence. These cases are handled via
+implementations. Also know that moving $FLOW to EVM is built into the `EVMAddress` object so any requests bridging $FLOW
+to EVM will simply leverage this interface; however, moving $FLOW from EVM to Cadence must be done through the COA
+Below are transactions relevant to bridging fungible tokens:
+```cadence title="bridge_tokens_to_evm.cdc"
+// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/tokens/bridge_tokens_to_evm.cdc
+import "FungibleToken"
+import "ViewResolver"
+import "FungibleTokenMetadataViews"
+import "FlowToken"
+import "ScopedFTProviders"
+import "EVM"
+import "FlowEVMBridge"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeUtils"
+/// Bridges a Vault from the signer's storage to the signer's COA in EVM.Account.
+/// NOTE: This transaction also onboards the Vault to the bridge if necessary which may incur additional fees
+/// than bridging an asset that has already been onboarded.
+/// @param vaultIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier of the FungibleToken Vault to bridge
+/// - e.g. vault.getType().identifier
+/// @param amount: The amount of tokens to bridge from EVM
+transaction(vaultIdentifier: String, amount: UFix64) {
+ let sentVault: @{FungibleToken.Vault}
+ let coa: auth(EVM.Bridge) &EVM.CadenceOwnedAccount
+ let requiresOnboarding: Bool
+ let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
+ prepare(signer: auth(CopyValue, BorrowValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue) &Account) {
+ /* --- Reference the signer's CadenceOwnedAccount --- */
+ //
+ // Borrow a reference to the signer's COA
+ self.coa = signer.storage.borrow(from: /storage/evm)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow COA from provided gateway address")
+ /* --- Construct the Vault type --- */
+ //
+ // Construct the Vault type from the provided identifier
+ let vaultType = CompositeType(vaultIdentifier)
+ ?? panic("Could not construct Vault type from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
+ // Parse the Vault identifier into its components
+ let tokenContractAddress = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractAddress(fromType: vaultType)
+ ?? panic("Could not get contract address from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
+ let tokenContractName = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractName(fromType: vaultType)
+ ?? panic("Could not get contract name from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
+ /* --- Retrieve the funds --- */
+ //
+ // Borrow a reference to the FungibleToken Vault
+ let viewResolver = getAccount(tokenContractAddress).contracts.borrow<&{ViewResolver}>(name: tokenContractName)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow ViewResolver from FungibleToken contract")
+ let vaultData = viewResolver.resolveContractView(
+ resourceType: vaultType,
+ viewType: Type()
+ ) as! FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTVaultData? ?? panic("Could not resolve FTVaultData view")
+ let vault = signer.storage.borrow(
+ from: vaultData.storagePath
+ ) ?? panic("Could not access signer's FungibleToken Vault")
+ // Withdraw the requested balance & calculate the approximate bridge fee based on storage usage
+ let currentStorageUsage = signer.storage.used
+ self.sentVault <- vault.withdraw(amount: amount)
+ let withdrawnStorageUsage = signer.storage.used
+ // Approximate the bridge fee based on the difference in storage usage with some buffer
+ var approxFee = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.calculateBridgeFee(
+ bytes: currentStorageUsage - withdrawnStorageUsage
+ ) * 1.10
+ // Determine if the Vault requires onboarding - this impacts the fee required
+ self.requiresOnboarding = FlowEVMBridge.typeRequiresOnboarding(self.sentVault.getType())
+ ?? panic("Bridge does not support this asset type")
+ if self.requiresOnboarding {
+ approxFee = approxFee + FlowEVMBridgeConfig.onboardFee
+ }
+ /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
+ //
+ // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
+ if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
+ let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
+ /storage/flowTokenVault
+ )
+ signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
+ }
+ // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
+ let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
+ from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
+ ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
+ let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(approxFee)
+ self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
+ provider: providerCapCopy,
+ filters: [ providerFilter ],
+ expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
+ )
+ }
+ pre {
+ self.sentVault.getType().identifier == vaultIdentifier:
+ "Attempting to send invalid vault type - requested: ".concat(vaultIdentifier)
+ .concat(", sending: ").concat(self.sentVault.getType().identifier)
+ }
+ execute {
+ if self.requiresOnboarding {
+ // Onboard the Vault to the bridge
+ FlowEVMBridge.onboardByType(
+ self.sentVault.getType(),
+ feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
+ )
+ }
+ // Execute the bridge
+ self.coa.depositTokens(
+ vault: <-self.sentVault,
+ feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
+ )
+ // Destroy the ScopedFTProvider
+ destroy self.scopedProvider
+ }
+```cadence title="bridge_tokens_from_evm.cdc"
+// source: https://www.github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/transactions/bridge/tokens/bridge_tokens_from_evm.cdc
+import "FungibleToken"
+import "FungibleTokenMetadataViews"
+import "ViewResolver"
+import "MetadataViews"
+import "FlowToken"
+import "ScopedFTProviders"
+import "EVM"
+import "FlowEVMBridge"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeConfig"
+import "FlowEVMBridgeUtils"
+/// This transaction bridges fungible tokens from EVM to Cadence assuming it has already been onboarded to the
+/// FlowEVMBridge.
+/// NOTE: The ERC20 must have first been onboarded to the bridge. This can be checked via the method
+/// FlowEVMBridge.evmAddressRequiresOnboarding(address: self.evmContractAddress)
+/// @param vaultIdentifier: The Cadence type identifier of the FungibleToken Vault to bridge
+/// - e.g. vault.getType().identifier
+/// @param amount: The amount of tokens to bridge from EVM
+transaction(vaultIdentifier: String, amount: UInt256) {
+ let vaultType: Type
+ let receiver: &{FungibleToken.Vault}
+ let scopedProvider: @ScopedFTProviders.ScopedFTProvider
+ let coa: auth(EVM.Bridge) &EVM.CadenceOwnedAccount
+ prepare(signer: auth(BorrowValue, CopyValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue, UnpublishCapability) &Account) {
+ /* --- Reference the signer's CadenceOwnedAccount --- */
+ //
+ // Borrow a reference to the signer's COA
+ self.coa = signer.storage.borrow(from: /storage/evm)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow COA from provided gateway address")
+ /* --- Construct the Vault type --- */
+ //
+ // Construct the Vault type from the provided identifier
+ self.vaultType = CompositeType(vaultIdentifier)
+ ?? panic("Could not construct Vault type from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
+ // Parse the Vault identifier into its components
+ let tokenContractAddress = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractAddress(fromType: self.vaultType)
+ ?? panic("Could not get contract address from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
+ let tokenContractName = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.getContractName(fromType: self.vaultType)
+ ?? panic("Could not get contract name from identifier: ".concat(vaultIdentifier))
+ /* --- Reference the signer's Vault --- */
+ //
+ // Borrow a reference to the FungibleToken Vault, configuring if necessary
+ let viewResolver = getAccount(tokenContractAddress).contracts.borrow<&{ViewResolver}>(name: tokenContractName)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow ViewResolver from FungibleToken contract")
+ let vaultData = viewResolver.resolveContractView(
+ resourceType: self.vaultType,
+ viewType: Type()
+ ) as! FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTVaultData? ?? panic("Could not resolve FTVaultData view")
+ // If the vault does not exist, create it and publish according to the contract's defined configuration
+ if signer.storage.borrow<&{FungibleToken.Vault}>(from: vaultData.storagePath) == nil {
+ signer.storage.save(<-vaultData.createEmptyVault(), to: vaultData.storagePath)
+ signer.capabilities.unpublish(vaultData.receiverPath)
+ signer.capabilities.unpublish(vaultData.metadataPath)
+ let receiverCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue<&{FungibleToken.Vault}>(vaultData.storagePath)
+ let metadataCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue<&{FungibleToken.Vault}>(vaultData.storagePath)
+ signer.capabilities.publish(receiverCap, at: vaultData.receiverPath)
+ signer.capabilities.publish(metadataCap, at: vaultData.metadataPath)
+ }
+ self.receiver = signer.storage.borrow<&{FungibleToken.Vault}>(from: vaultData.storagePath)
+ ?? panic("Could not borrow Vault from storage path")
+ /* --- Configure a ScopedFTProvider --- */
+ //
+ // Calculate the bridge fee - bridging from EVM consumes no storage, so flat fee
+ let approxFee = FlowEVMBridgeUtils.calculateBridgeFee(bytes: 0)
+ // Issue and store bridge-dedicated Provider Capability in storage if necessary
+ if signer.storage.type(at: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath) == nil {
+ let providerCap = signer.capabilities.storage.issue(
+ /storage/flowTokenVault
+ )
+ signer.storage.save(providerCap, to: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath)
+ }
+ // Copy the stored Provider capability and create a ScopedFTProvider
+ let providerCapCopy = signer.storage.copy>(
+ from: FlowEVMBridgeConfig.providerCapabilityStoragePath
+ ) ?? panic("Invalid Provider Capability found in storage.")
+ let providerFilter = ScopedFTProviders.AllowanceFilter(approxFee)
+ self.scopedProvider <- ScopedFTProviders.createScopedFTProvider(
+ provider: providerCapCopy,
+ filters: [ providerFilter ],
+ expiration: getCurrentBlock().timestamp + 1.0
+ )
+ }
+ execute {
+ // Execute the bridge request
+ let vault: @{FungibleToken.Vault} <- self.coa.withdrawTokens(
+ type: self.vaultType,
+ amount: amount,
+ feeProvider: &self.scopedProvider as auth(FungibleToken.Withdraw) &{FungibleToken.Provider}
+ )
+ // Ensure the bridged vault is the correct type
+ assert(vault.getType() == self.vaultType, message: "Bridged vault type mismatch")
+ // Deposit the bridged token into the signer's vault
+ self.receiver.deposit(from: <-vault)
+ // Destroy the ScopedFTProvider
+ destroy self.scopedProvider
+ }
+## Prep Your Assets for Bridging
+### Context
+To maximize utility to the ecosystem, this bridge is permissionless and open to any fungible or non-fungible token as
+defined by the respective Cadence standards and limited to ERC20 and ERC721 Solidity standards. Ultimately, a project
+does not have to do anything for users to be able to bridge their assets between VMs. However, there are some
+considerations developers may take to enhance the representation of their assets in non-native VMs. These largely relate
+to asset metadata and ensuring that bridging does not compromise critical user assumptions about asset ownership.
+### EVMBridgedMetadata
+Proposed in [@onflow/flow-nft/pull/203](https://github.com/onflow/flow-nft/pull/203), the `EVMBridgedMetadata` view
+presents a mechanism to both represent metadata from bridged EVM assets as well as enable Cadence-native projects to
+specify the representation of their assets in EVM. Implementing this view is not required for assets to be bridged, but
+the bridge does default to it when available as a way to provide projects greater control over their EVM asset
+definitions within the scope of ERC20 and ERC721 standards.
+The interface for this view is as follows:
+access(all) struct URI: MetadataViews.File {
+ /// The base URI prefix, if any. Not needed for all URIs, but helpful
+ /// for some use cases For example, updating a whole NFT collection's
+ /// image host easily
+ access(all) let baseURI: String?
+ /// The URI string value
+ /// NOTE: this is set on init as a concatenation of the baseURI and the
+ /// value if baseURI != nil
+ access(self) let value: String
+ access(all) view fun uri(): String
+access(all) struct EVMBridgedMetadata {
+ access(all) let name: String
+ access(all) let symbol: String
+ access(all) let uri: {MetadataViews.File}
+This uri value could be a pointer to some offchain metadata if you expect your metadata to be static. Or you could
+couple the `uri()` method with the utility contract below to serialize the onchain metadata on the fly. Alternatively,
+you may choose to host a metadata proxy which serves the requested token URI content.
+### SerializeMetadata
+The key consideration with respect to metadata is the distinct metadata storage patterns between ecosystem. It's
+critical for NFT utility that the metadata be bridged in addition to the representation of the NFTs ownership. However,
+it's commonplace for Cadence NFTs to store metadata onchain while EVM NFTs often store an onchain pointer to metadata
+stored offchain. In order for Cadence NFTs to be properly represented in EVM platforms, the metadata must be bridged in
+a format expected by those platforms and be done in a manner that also preserves the atomicity of bridge requests. The
+path forward on this was decided to be a commitment of serialized Cadence NFT metadata into formats popular in the EVM
+For assets that do not implement `EVMBridgedMetadata`, the bridge will attempt to serialize the metadata of the asset as
+a JSON data URL string. This is done via the [`SerializeMetadata`
+contract](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/cadence/contracts/utils/SerializeMetadata.cdc) which
+serializes metadata values into a JSON blob compatible with the OpenSea metadata standard. The serialized metadata is
+then committed as the ERC721 `tokenURI` upon bridging Cadence-native NFTs to EVM. Since Cadence NFTs can easily update
+onchain metadata either by field or by the ownership of sub-NFTs, this serialization pattern enables token URI updates
+on subsequent bridge requests.
+### Opting Out
+It's also recognized that the logic of some use cases may actually be compromised by the act of bridging, particularly
+in such a unique partitioned runtime environment. Such cases might include those that do not maintain ownership
+assumptions implicit to ecosystem standards.
+For instance, an ERC721 implementation may reclaim a user's assets after a month of inactivity. In such a case, bridging
+that ERC721 to Cadence would decouple the representation of ownership of the bridged NFT from the actual ownership in
+the defining ERC721 contract after the token had been reclaimed - there would be no NFT in escrow for the bridge to
+transfer on fulfillment of the NFT back to EVM. In such cases, projects may choose to opt-out of bridging, but
+**importantly must do so before the asset has been onboarded to the bridge**.
+For Solidity contracts, opting out is as simple as extending the [`BridgePermissions.sol` abstract
+contract](https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-bridge/blob/main/solidity/src/interfaces/BridgePermissions.sol) which
+defaults `allowsBridging()` to `false`. The bridge explicitly checks for the implementation of `IBridgePermissions` and
+the value of `allowsBridging()` to validate that the contract has not opted out of bridging.
+Similarly, Cadence contracts can implement the [`IBridgePermissions.cdc` contract
+This contract has a single method `allowsBridging()` with a default implementation returning `false`. Again, the bridge
+explicitly checks for the implementation of `IBridgePermissions` and the value of `allowsBridging()` to validate that
+the contract has not opted out of bridging. Should you later choose to enable bridging, you can simply override the
+default implementation and return `true`.
+In both cases, `allowsBridging()` gates onboarding to the bridge. Once onboarded - **a permissionless operation anyone
+can execute** - the value of `allowsBridging()` is irrelevant and assets can move between VMs permissionlessly.
+## Under the Hood
+For an in-depth look at the high-level architecture of the bridge, see [FLIP
+### Additional Resources
+For the current state of Flow EVM across various task paths, see the following resources:
+- [Flow EVM Equivalence forum post](https://forum.flow.com/t/evm-equivalence-on-flow-proposal-and-path-forward/5478)
+- [EVM Integration FLIP #223](https://github.com/onflow/flips/pull/225/files)
+- [Gateway & JSON RPC FLIP #235](https://github.com/onflow/flips/pull/235)
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-# Cross-VM Bridge
-Flow provides the cross-VM bridge which enables Cadence to interact with EVM on Flow in order to bridge tokens, fungible and non-fungible, from one VM environment to the other. The cross-VM bridge is a contract-based, trustless protocol enabling the automated bridging of tokens from Cadence into EVM with the corresponding ERC-20 and ERC-721 token types. In the opposite direction, it supports bridging of arbitrary EVM ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens into the corresponding Cadence FT or NFT token types. The cross-VM bridge internalizes the capabilities to deploy new token contracts in either VM state as needed, resolving access to, and maintaining links between , contracts. It additionally automates account and contract calls to enforce source VM asset burn or lock, and target VM token mint or unlock.
-Developers wishing to use the cross-VM bridge will be required to use a Cadence transaction as cross-VM bridging functionality is currently not available natively in EVM.
-This [FLIP](https://github.com/onflow/flips/pull/233) outlines the architecture and implementation of the VM bridge.