Releases: nuxt-community/firebase-module
Version 7 brings major breaking changes. Make sure to carefully read through the migration guide when migrate your application.
Version 7 comes with a handful of new features and some breaking changes in the naming of the $fire injections.
Check out the new Lazy mode, which allows you to load the Firebase services only where you need them. See the documentation and try it out yourself.
Version 7 also adds support for Firebase v8+ and adds the option to add the Firebase Auth
Make sure to carefully read through the migration guide when updating to this version.
✨ New
- Lazy Mode: add support for lazy service loading (4e96d28)
- firebase-v8: updated code to work with Firebase v8+ (4ae48b5)
- auth: Add emulatorPort and emulatorHost options for using a local Authentication Emulator (#356)
- functions: added emulatorHost option to Firebase Functions (08db302)
- auth: added initialize.subscribeManually and removed "helper" function (91ad279)
- analytics: added check whether browser supports Firebase Analytics before init (52ec6ef)
☘️ Small improvements & fixes
- analytics: Fixed service naming issue (addd317)
- auth: Fixed initialize (c4b203d)
- auth-credential: fixed auth-credential import (require) (faeed48)
- auth-serverlogin: fixed serverLogin issue (ctx.res missing) (edd1a75)
- fireObj: fireObj was not injected in non-lazy + non-legacy mode (dc66991)
- initauth: async import of initAuth within auth plugin (36eb8f4)
- initAuth: Fixed mmissing options in initAuth & small lazy mode fix (8e54384)
- legacymodeinfo: fixed error 'Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'legacyMode' in undefined ' (0684e64)
- loggerinfo: added module name to legyMode info log because it's not clear on multi-line log (cb85c29)
- naming: Improved readability by consistanly naming services constants (0d62e76)
- netlify: updated netlify.toml (26f5aa9)
- packageejson: missing comma (a6669fc)
- remoteconfig: fixed 'defaultConfig' being child of 'settings' instead of main obj (7e1020c)
- static: fixed static=true also dynamically importing the modules (cf61833)
- ts: Added ready() to $fire and added missing 'storage' (bb78d3a)
- ts: Fixed $fire.database (6bd9df9)
- make initAuth work again (db8a467)
- review comments (f5265ae)
- use existing injection name (a6971ac)
- use service mapping (33489a1)
- use service mapping (bd16287)
Thanks to
- Pim (@pimlie)
- Alexandra Moreau (@alemoreau)
- Juan Carlos González Cabrero (@malkomich)
- Jack Mullen (@jack-mullen)
⚠ Breaking Changes
- messaging: Messaging expects payloads to be delivered according to the new HTTP v1 API, as documented in the Firebase Documentation.
If you are using the
option with message actions, make sure to read through the documentation again and adapt your message payload accordingly.
See here for example payload.
☘️ Improvements
☘️ Small Improvements
- Auth: Improved SSR support & serverSide login by adding a session manager
- Helpers: Helpers are now exported as CommonJS modules for compatibility.
Huge thanks to @mentAl-maZe for the changes in auth.
🐜 Bug Fixes
- SSR Auth: move ssrAuth plugin to the bottom of the module
Thanks to @mentAl-maZe for the PR.
🐜 Bug Fixes
- Auth Server Login: Use plugin instead of middleware for SSR authentication to improve compatibility with custom server setups (Careful: Still experimental)
Thanks to @mentAl-maZe for the PR.