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Kenneth Hoste edited this page Apr 26, 2012 · 2 revisions

Using EasyBuild in the simplest form is really easy: just run the script and supply a .eb easyconfig file to it, and EasyBuild will try and build/install the software as specified in the .eb file.

Note: we will use $EBHOME to indicate the location where EasyBuild was installed.

$EBHOME/ example.eb

EasyBuild offers various command line options to access other features, see below.

-h, --help: List of available options

To obtain the list of available options, just run the script with the -h or --help option, which will provide output as shown below. Running the script without specifying a .eb file will also generate this output.

The usage description at the top specifies because is just a wrapper around easybuild/, which updates the PYTHONPATH to ensure that EasyBuild can work as expected.

Usage: [options] easyconfig [..]

Builds software package based on easyconfig (or parse a directory)
Provide one or more easyconfigs or directories, use -h or --help more

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -C CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
                        path to EasyBuild config file [default:
                        $EASYBUILDCONFIG or easybuild/]
  -r path, --robot=path
                        path to search for easyconfigs for missing
  -a, --avail-easyconfig-params
                        show available easyconfig parameters
  --dump-classes        show classes available
  --search=SEARCH       search for module-files in the robot-directory
  -e easyblock.class, --easyblock=easyblock.class
                        loads the class from module to process the spec file
                        or dump the options for [default: Application class]
  -p, --pretend         does the build/installation in a test directory
                        located in $HOME/easybuildinstall
  -s STOP, --stop=STOP  stop the installation after certain step(valid: cfg,
                        source, patch, configure, make, install, test,
                        postproc, cleanup, packages)
  -b blocks, --only-blocks=blocks
                        Only build blocks blk[,blk2]
  -k, --skip            skip existing software (useful for installing
                        additional packages)
  -t, --skip-tests      skip testing
  -f, --force           force to rebuild software even if it's already
                        installed (i.e. can be found as module)
  -l                    log to stdout
  -d, --debug           log debug messages
  -v, --version         show version

-C, --CONFIG: Configuration file

-r, --robot: Automatic dependency resolution (robot)

-a, --avail-easyconfig-params: List of available easyconfig parameters



-e, --easyblock:

-p, --pretend:

-s, --stop:

-b, --only-blocks:

-k, --skip:

-t, --skip-tests:

-f, --force:


-d, --debug:

-v, --version:

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