Unoriginally we work off the concept of issues. An issue is something we want to change, it can be a critical bug or a nice addition. You can find all the issues here. Issues are then given priorities (in the forms of labels) and assigned to milestones. Milestones are a collection of issues, often with a due date and this often makes up a release cycle.
When you are ready to work on your first issue make sure to follow these steps:
On the issue make sure it is added to the app project and set it as in progress Assign your self to the issue Branch off the dev branch and name the new branch either bugfix/ or feature/ (depending on if its a bug or an enhancement) Fix the thing (it helps if you split work into smaller commits) If you have any issues comment on the issue (or message someone directly if you're on slack/email me) Make a pull request from your branch (which contains the fix) into dev. Add the issue that you fixed to the linked issues section of the pull request and any other useful info.