This plugin is tightly integrated with OmniSharp-vim for C# development, providing default mappings and integrations that are better defined outside of OmniSharp-vim itself.
- Code actions available flag in the sign column
- Customisable statusline function for displaying server status
- Default mappings
- Manage file includes in legacy .csproj files
A flag is displayed in the sign column to indicate that one or more code actions are available.
Variable name | Default | |
g:sharpenup_codeactions |
1 |
Set to 0 to disable this feature |
g:sharpenup_codeactions_autocmd |
'CursorHold' |
Which autocmd to trigger on - can be a comma separated list. Suggestions: CursorHold , CursorMoved , BufEnter,CursorMoved |
g:sharpenup_codeactions_glyph |
'💡' |
Select the character to be used as the sign-column indicator |
g:sharpenup_codeactions_set_signcolumn |
1 |
'signcolumn' will be set to yes for .cs buffers |
The status of the current OmniSharp server can be added to your statusline using SharpenUp helper functions. The statusline flag can be particularly useful when working with multiple solutions in a single Vim session, as each buffer shows the status of the solution the buffer belongs to. It is also useful as an indicator of how many projects of a large solution have been loaded so far.
Integrated in lightline.vim:
Note: The statusline function does not support the HTTP server, Stdio only.
The g:sharpenup_statusline_opts
variable can be used to customise the text and highlighting of the statusline.
The defaults are as follows:
let g:sharpenup_statusline_opts = {
\ 'TextLoading': ' O#: %s loading... (%p of %P) ',
\ 'TextReady': ' O#: %s ',
\ 'TextDead': ' O#: Not running ',
\ 'Highlight': 1,
\ 'HiLoading': 'SharpenUpLoading',
\ 'HiReady': 'SharpenUpReady',
\ 'HiDead': 'SharpenUpDead'
The following special items can be included:
%s |
Solution/directory name of OmniSharp server associated with this buffer |
%P |
Total number of projects in this solution |
%p |
Number of projects loaded so far |
The texts can be set individually, or using property Text
A shortcut is to simply assign a text value to g:sharpenup_statusline_opts
, which is equivalent to only setting the Text
" Use a single glyph in the statusline, and allow the highlight groups to indicate server status
let g:sharpenup_statusline_opts = '•'
To change the highlight colours, either:
- assign different highlight groups to be used:
let g:sharpenup_statusline_opts = { 'HiLoading': 'NonText' }
- link the SharpenUp highlight groups to something else:
highlight link SharpenUpReady ModeMsg
- set the SharpenUp highlight groups directly:
highlight SharpenUpReady ctermfg=66 guifg=#458588
- or just disable highlighting:
let g:sharpenup_statusline_opts = { 'Highlight': 0 }
The simplest way to use the statusline function is to include it in 'statusline'
, e.g.:
set statusline=%<%f%h%m%r%=%b\ 0x%B\ \ %l,%c%V
let &statusline .= sharpenup#statusline#Build()
set statusline+=\ %P
When using lightline.vim you can also include the OmniSharp server status with the sharpenup#statusline#Build()
Here's an example:
" Ensure that `g:sharpenup_statusline_opts` is set _before_
" `sharpenup#statusline#Build()` is called
let g:sharpenup_statusline_opts = { 'Highlight': 0 }
let g:lightline = {
\ 'active': {
\ 'right': [['lineinfo'], ['percent'], ['fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype', 'sharpenup']]
\ },
\ 'inactive': {
\ 'right': [['lineinfo'], ['percent'], ['sharpenup']]
\ },
\ 'component': {
\ 'sharpenup': sharpenup#statusline#Build()
\ }
Highlighting has been disabled in g:sharpenup_statusline_opts
in this example, meaning that the default statusline texts will be displayed ("O#: Loading...", "O#", "O#: Not running") in the statusline colours.
This will work fine but the statusline will only be updated when Vim asks for it, which typically happens on cursor movements and changes etc. To have the server status updated immediately when the server status changes, add this autocmd
augroup lightline_integration
autocmd User OmniSharpStarted,OmniSharpReady,OmniSharpStopped call lightline#update()
augroup END
vim-airline has OmniSharp-vim integration built-in - no vim-sharpenup integration is necessary.
By default, vim-sharpenup creates standard OmniSharp-vim mappings in .cs buffers. This can be globally disabled like this:
let g:sharpenup_create_mappings = 0
The mappings all use a common prefix, except for these exceptions: gd
, <C-\>
, [[
, ]]
The full list of mappings is as follows:
Action | LHS | Full default mapping |
Go to definition | gd |
nmap <silent> <buffer> gd <Plug>(omnisharp_go_to_definition) |
Go to type definition | prefix+gt |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osgt <Plug>(omnisharp_go_to_type_definition) |
Find usages | prefix+fu |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osfu <Plug>(omnisharp_find_usages) |
Find implementations | prefix+fi |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osfi <Plug>(omnisharp_find_implementations) |
Preview definition | prefix+pd |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>ospd <Plug>(omnisharp_preview_definition) |
Preview implementations | prefix+pi |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>ospi <Plug>(omnisharp_preview_implementations) |
Type lookup | prefix+t |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>ost <Plug>(omnisharp_type_lookup) |
Show documentation | prefix+d |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osd <Plug>(omnisharp_documentation) |
Find symbol | prefix+fs |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osfs <Plug>(omnisharp_find_symbol) |
Find type | prefix+ft |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osft <Plug>(omnisharp_find_type) |
Fix usings | prefix+fx |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osfx <Plug>(omnisharp_fix_usings) |
Signature help (normal) | <C-\> |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <C-\> <Plug>(omnisharp_signature_help) |
Signature help (insert) | <C-\> |
imap <silent> <buffer> <C-\> <Plug>(omnisharp_signature_help) |
Navigate up | [[ |
nmap <silent> <buffer> [[ <Plug>(omnisharp_navigate_up) |
Navigate down | ]] |
nmap <silent> <buffer> ]] <Plug>(omnisharp_navigate_down) |
Global code check | prefix+gcc |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osgcc <Plug>(omnisharp_global_code_check) |
Code actions (normal) | prefix+ca |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osca <Plug>(omnisharp_code_actions) |
Code actions (visual) | prefix+ca |
xmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osca <Plug>(omnisharp_code_actions) |
Repeat last code action (normal) | prefix+. |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>os. <Plug>(omnisharp_code_action_repeat) |
Repeat last code action (visual) | prefix+. |
xmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>os. <Plug>(omnisharp_code_action_repeat) |
Rename | prefix+nm |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osnm <Plug>(omnisharp_rename) |
Code format | prefix+= |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>os= <Plug>(omnisharp_code_format) |
Restart server | prefix+re |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osre <Plug>(omnisharp_restart_server) |
Start server | prefix+st |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osst <Plug>(omnisharp_start_server) |
Stop server | prefix+sp |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>ossp <Plug>(omnisharp_stop_server) |
Run test under cursor | prefix+rt |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osrt <Plug>(omnisharp_run_test) |
Run test under cursor (no build) | prefix+rnt |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osrnt <Plug>(omnisharp_run_test_no_build) |
Run all tests in file | prefix+rat |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osrat <Plug>(omnisharp_run_tests_in_file) |
Run all tests in file (no build) | prefix+rant |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osrant <Plug>(omnisharp_run_tests_in_file_no_build) |
Debug test under cursor | prefix+rdt |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osrdt <Plug>(omnisharp_debug_test) |
Debug test under cursor (no build) | prefix+rdnt |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osrdnt <Plug>(omnisharp_debug_test_no_build) |
The default prefix is <LocalLeader>os
Vim's default local-leader is \
which means that the default prefixed mappings all begin with \os
This can be overridden either by changing maplocalleader
, or setting a different prefix:
" Creates “Find implementations” mapping: '<Space>osfi'
let maplocalleader = "\<Space>"
" Creates “Find implementations” mapping: ',fi'
let g:sharpenup_map_prefix = ','
In older .NET Framework projects, all .cs files are listed explicitly in the .csproj file. vim-sharpenup provides some functionality for maintaining this style of .csproj file, by adding and renaming referenced .cs files.
The following commands are provided:
add the current .cs file to the .csproj file:SharpenUpRenameInProject
rename the current .cs file in the .csproj file, e.g.:SharpenUpRenameInProject NewFilename.cs
When the g:sharpenup_map_legacy_csproj_actions
flag is set (it is by default), the following mappings are also created (note that the g:sharpenup_map_prefix
is used, see mappings):
Action | LHS | Full default mapping |
Add file to .csproj | prefix+xa |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osxa <Plug>(sharpenup_add_to_csproj) |
Rename file in .csproj | prefix+xr |
nmap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>osxr <Plug>(sharpenup_rename_in_csproj) |
The mapping to rename a file populates the vim command line with the :SharpenUpRenameInProject
command and the current filename (relative to the .csproj file), and is used like this:
:SharpenUpRenameInProject Path/To/NewFileName.cs
The :SharpenUpRenameInProject
command can be configured to execute a callback function after successfully renaming a file in the .csproj file.
Here you can script the physical rename of the file to match the name you have just set in the .csproj file.
let g:sharpenup_legacy_csproj_rename_callback = 'MoveAfterProjectRename'
The g:sharpenup_legacy_csproj_rename_callback
variable should be the name of a function which accepts 3 arguments:
: The new filename, with path relative to the .csproj fileoldname
: The old filename, with path relative to the .csproj fileproject_dir
: The full path to the .csproj parent directory
Example: Rename the file, in a *nix environment:
function! MoveAfterProjectRename(newname, oldname, project_dir)
call system('mkdir -p ' . a:project_dir . '/' . fnamemodify(a:newname, ':h'))
call system('mv ' . a:project_dir . '/' . a:oldname . ' ' . a:project_dir . '/' . a:newname)
execute 'edit' a:project_dir . '/' . a:newname
bdelete #
lcd .
Here's an example that makes use of vim-eunuch's :Move
command, which takes care of most of the details in the previous example and is OS-agnostic:
function! MoveAfterProjectRename(newname, oldname, project_dir)
execute 'lcd' a:project_dir
execute 'Move' a:newname
lcd .