Create a new virtualenv and install the required libraries for the default pyrebase + the testing tools.
mkvirtualenv -p python3 pyrebase-dev # if you have virtualenvwrapper installed
pip install -r requirements.txt -r
Configure a test database
cp ~/my_secret_firebase_service_account_key.json ./secret.json
cp ./tests/ ./tests/
# Update the ./tests/ file with your test database.
Note that to make it easier to run the tests, they read/write to
on your firebase database. They should not mess
up the rest of the database.
Run the tests:
pytest -s tests
On MacOS you may need to fix the shebang in the pytest executable to make it point to the correct python binary.
- Install/Update build dependencies:
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel twine
- Increment the version number in
- Clean the
directory - Create the package files:
python sdist bdist_wheel
- Upload to test pypi repo:
twine upload --repository-url dist/*
- Check that package installs and works in another project:
pip install --index-url pyrebase4==[new version]
- Upload to main pypi repo:
twine upload dist/*
NOTE: Registration for is separate from