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Releases: nerves-networking/vintage_net


18 Mar 15:33
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  • Bug fixes
    • Ensure that Technology.normalize/1 is always called. Previously, this
      wasn't guaranteed, and it could result in a surprise when an unnormalized
      configuration got saved.
    • Remove duplicate resolv.conf entries on multi-homed devices
    • Fix warnings found by Elixir 1.10


10 Feb 20:09
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  • Bug fixes
    • Fix routing table error when configuring multiple interfaces of the same
    • Fix for when it's called before vintage_net is loaded.


22 Jan 22:57
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  • Bug fixes
    • Fix crash when displaying AP mode configurations
    • Save configurations using the :sync flag to reduce the chance that they're
      lost on ungraceful power offs. I.e., people pulling the power cable after
      device configuration.


22 Jan 22:57
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  • Improvements
    • Scrub output to avoid accidental disclosure of WiFi
    • Support options to deconfigure/2 to mirror those on configure/2
    • Prefix udhcpc logs with interface to more easily blame problematic
    • Support IPv4 /32 subnets
    • Various documentation fixes and improvements


20 Dec 19:19
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  • Bug fix
    • Remove noisy log message introduced in v0.7.1


20 Dec 16:41
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This release fixes an issue where the Internet-connectivity checking code could
crash. It was automatically restarted, but that had a side effect of delaying a
report that the device was connected AND breaking mdns_lite. Both the crash
and the restart issue were fixed. The mdns_lite side effect was due to its
multicast group membership being lost so this would affect other multicast-using

  • Bug fixes

    • Fix :timeout_value crash in the InternetConnectivityChecker
    • Force clear IPv4 addresses when the DHCP notifies a deconfig event. This
      occurs on a restart and is quickly followed by a renew. However, if
      applications don't see this bounce and don't reregister their multicast
      listeners on affected IPv4 address, they'll lose the subscription.
  • Improvements

    • Added check for nerves_network and nerves_init_gadget. If your project
      pulls these in, it will get a moderately friendly notice to remove them.


10 Dec 12:56
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This release moves network technology implementations (WiFi, wired Ethernet,
etc.) into their own projects. This means that they can evolve at their own
pace. It also means that we're finally ready to support the
VintageNet.Technology behaviour as part of the public API so that VintageNet
users can add support for network technologies that we haven't gotten to yet.

IMPORTANT: This change is not backwards compatible. You will need to update
existing projects to bring in a new dependency. The runtime is backwards
compatible. I.e., If you have a networking configuration saved in VintageNet, it
will be updated on load. It won't be re-saved, so if you need to revert an
update, it will still work. The next save, though, will use the new naming.

If you're using VintageNet.Technology.Gadget, do the following:

  1. Add {:vintage_net_direct, "~> 0.7.0"} to your mix.exs dependencies.
    You'll notice that references to "gadget" have been replaced with the word
    "direct". We think the new naming is more accurate.
  2. Replace all references to VintageNet.Technology.Gadget in your code to
    VintageNetDirect. Be aware of aliases and configuration.
  3. If you passed options when configurating the network, the :gadget key is
    now :vintage_net_direct. Most users don't pass options.

If you're using VintageNet.Technology.Ethernet, do the following:

  1. Add {:vintage_net_ethernet, "~> 0.7.0"} to your mix.exs dependencies.
  2. Replace all references to VintageNet.Technology.Ethernet in your code to
    VintageNetEthernet. Be aware of aliases and configuration.

If you're using VintageNet.Technology.WiFi, do the following:

  1. Add {:vintage_net_wifi, "~> 0.7.0"} to your mix.exs dependencies.
  2. Replace all references to VintageNet.Technology.WiFi in your code to
    VintageNetWiFi. Be aware of aliases and configuration. Also, the "F" is
  3. The :wifi key in the network configuration is now :vintage_net_wifi.


02 Dec 12:32
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  • Bug fixes

    • Fix warning from Dialyzer when making wild card subscriptions. Code was also
      added to more thoroughly validate properties paths to raise on subtle issues
      that won't do what the programmer intends.
  • New features

    • Added VintageNet.match/1 to support "gets" on properties using wildcards.


22 Nov 22:19
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  • New features
    • Support wild card subscriptions to properties. This makes it possible to
      subscribe to things like ["interface", :_, "addresses"] where the :_
      indicates that any value in the second position should match. That
      particular subscription would send a message whenever an IP address anywhere
      gets added, changed, or removed.


31 Oct 21:38
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  • Improvements
    • Added the ["interface", ifname, "eap_status"] property for EAP
      events. EAP is currently only supported on WiFi, but is anticipated for
      wired Ethernet too.