For every German Election the "Wahl-O-Mat" offers an interactive tool to compare your views on a number of topics/theses with the polical parties up for election.
You can try the interactive comparison at:
The data can be downloaded from the site, the zip-file contains an excel sheet, that we can export as a CSV.
Our analysis is only for educational and scientific use.
Die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung ist Urheber des nachfolgend veröffentlichten "Wahl-O-Mat-Datensatzes". Die Veröffentlichung des Datensatzes dient lediglich dem Zugang zu den in ihm enthaltenen Informationen. Jede Nutzung des Datensatzes, egal welcher Art, wird untersagt. Die Schranken des Urheberrechts durch gesetzlich erlaubte Nutzung bleiben hiervon unberührt.
Eine Ausnahme gilt nur für die Analyse des Datensatzes zu wissenschaftlichen oder journalistischen Zwecken sowie für die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse dieser Analyse. Dabei muss jederzeit klar erkennbar sein, dass die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung nicht Urheber dieser Analyse ist.
We’re loading and exploring our data in Neo4j Aura Free.
The data model is pretty straightforward, we create a node for Party
and Topic
each and store the stance of the party as a weight on POSITION
releationhip, where
disagree is 0.0
neutral is 0.5
agree is 1.0
The CSV can be loaded directly into the Database using LOAD CSV and this script:
create index on :Party(name);
create index on :Topic(name);
create constraint if not exists on (p:Party) assert is unique;
create constraint if not exists on (t:Topic) assert is unique;
AS row
MERGE (p:Party {id:toInteger(row.`Partei: Nr.`)})
ON CREATE SET p.text = row.`Partei: Name`, = row.`Partei: Kurzbezeichnung`
MERGE (t:Topic {id:toInteger(row.`These: Nr.`)})
ON CREATE SET = row.`These: Titel`, t.text = row.`These: These`
MERGE (p)-[pos:POSITION]->(t)
ON CREATE SET pos.text = row.`Position: Begründung`,
pos.weight =
CASE row.`Position: Position`
WHEN "stimme nicht zu" THEN 0.0
WHEN "stimme zu" THEN 1.0
WHEN "neutral" THEN 0.5
RETURN count(*);
We can just visualize the Data by querying with Neo4j Browser or Neo4j Bloom (where we can style the results based on attributes).
MATCH (p:Party)-[r:POSITION]->(t)
WHERE <= 6 AND <10 AND r.weight = 1
We can also compute the similarity (distance) between parties, similar to ratings of movies by the sum or avg of weight distances.
MATCH (p1:Party)-[r1:POSITION]->(t:Topic)<-[r2:POSITION]-(p2:Party)
WHERE id(p1)>id(p2)
RETURN,, sum(abs(r1.weight-r2.weight)) AS sum,
avg(abs(r1.weight-r2.weight)) AS avg
We can turn that similarity (distance) when it’s below a certain threshhold into a relationship:
MATCH (p1:Party)-[r1:POSITION]->(t:Topic)<-[r2:POSITION]-(p2:Party)
WHERE id(p1)>id(p2)
WITH p1, p2, avg(abs(r1.weight-r2.weight)) AS dist
WHERE dist < 0.3
MERGE (p1)-[s:SIMILAR]-(p2) SET s.weight = 1-dist;