Get Started
Start by typing :play intro
into the command-line and pressing Enter.
-Please follow the guide to learn about our user interface.
Feedback & Questions
If you have feedback or questions on how to use the Neo4j Browser, there is a small messaging system in the configuration (cog) drawer. -You can provide your name and send us a message.
-Useful Commands and Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcut | -Purpose | -
-Help System |
-Useful Commands |
-Clear Frames |
-Styling Popup & Reset |
-Keyboard Help |
Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter |
-Execute Statement |
Ctrl+Up or Cmd+Up |
-Previous Statement |
Shift+Enter |
-Enter Multiline Mode |
/ |
-Move Focus to Editor |
-Toggle Editor to Full Screen |
Built in Guides
If you want to learn more first, click on any of the helpful links shown after startup: these are quick guides that introduce the different concepts.
-You find more helpful links in the left sidebar in the "Information" tab, with the (i)
Intro - a guided tour of Neo4j browser
-:play intro
- -
Concepts - GraphDB 101
-:play concepts
- -
Cypher - query language
-:play cypher
- -
The Movie Graph - a mini graph model with use-cases
-:play movie graph
- -
The Northwind Database - the classic demo database with import instructions & use-case queries
-:play northwind graph
- -
Custom Guides - starting with Neo4j 2.3 you can use
-:play <url>
to play a custom guide, e.g.:play
from the fundamentals training.
Import our sample movie graph by entering :play movie graph
On the second slide click the large Cypher CREATE ... statement, then hit the Run
After a few seconds the data is imported, and you’ll see a subset of the movie data rendered as a graph.
-Styling Neo4j Browser Visualization
You can pan the visual view around and drag nodes to rearrange them.
-The nodes already have a sensible captions, it auto-selects a property from the property list to be rendered as caption.
-If you click on any node or relationship you see the properties of that element below the visualization, larger property sets might be folded in, there is a little triangle on the right to fold them out.
-E.g. you click on one of the Movies then you can see it’s properties below the graph.
-Same for actors or the ACTED_IN
If you click on any label or relationship above the graph visualization, you can then chose its styling in the area below the graph.
-Colors, sizes and captions are selectable from there.
-For instance click on the (Movies)
label above the graph and change the color, size and captions of nodes labeled with Movie
Running Queries
When you continue with the guide, you will see more queries. -You can get them into the editor by clicking on them. -To execute, hit the triangular play button.
-Query results are rendered either as visual graph or tabular result. -You can switch between those with the icons on the left side of the result frame.
-Remove all accumulated output frames with :clear
, the cross removes a single frame and aborts a (long-)running statement.
You can click the query above the graph visualisation to pull it back into the editor.
-Use the keyboard shortcuts listed above to work efficiently with the editor area.
-Navigate input history with Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down, access all of it via :history
. The history will be persisted across browser restarts.
You can switch between tabular, visual mode, query plan and x-ray mode for results with the icons on the left of each panel,
- Note
- |
--Don’t worry if you don’t see any output, you might just be in visual mode but returned tabular/scalar data, just switch the mode to tabular - | -
Query time is reported in the tabular view, don’t rely on that exact timing though it includes the latency and (de-)serialization costs, not just the actual query execution time.
-You can download the results as CSV from the tabular output panel (top right download icon), and as JSON (download icon above the panel). -The graph visualization can be exported as PNG and SVG.
-Meta Graph
In the left side drawer on the three bubbles section (that resemble the Neo4j logo) you find the currently used node-labels and relationship types. -Clicking on any of those runs a quick query to show you a sample of the graph using those.
-Queries and Favorites
If you start with an empty frame, display some nodes and relationships, use the Favorites (Star) drawer on the left, click on the Get Some Data entry, and run the query.
-This executes the statement MATCH (n) RETURN n limit 100
which fetches some nodes.
The browser helpfully also fetches and displays relationships between those nodes, even if they were not part of your query result. -You can disable the latter behavior with the "Auto-Complete" switch in the bottom left corner. -Then only relationships returned by the actual query will be shown.
-You can save your own queries as favorites by "starring" them.
-Use a comment // comment
above your query for a title.
-Use folders to organize the favorites you can rearrange them by dragging and delete if they are no longer useful.
- Note
- |
--Favorites are stored in your local browser storage, so they are only available per Browser and URL. - | -
For more advanced styling you can bring up the style-viewer with :style
, download the graph-style-sheet (GRASS), edit it offline and drag it back onto the drag-area of the viewer.
- Note
- |
-You can reset to the default styles with :style reset .
-Alternatively by clicking the "fire extinguisher" icon in the popup from :style .
- |
Within the GRASS file you can change colors, fonts, sizes, outlines and titles per node-label and relationship-type.
-It is also possible to combine multiple properties into a caption with caption: '{name}, born in {born}';
since Neo4j 2.3 there is a config drawer on the left (with the cog), no need for the
command anymore
- -
you can retrieve the current configuration with
- -
the individual settings are configured with:
-:config maxNeighbours:100
- maxiumum number of neighbours for a node
- -
-:config maxRows:100
- maximum number of rows for the tabular result
- -
Executing REST requests
You can also execute REST requests with the Neo4j Browser, the command-syntax is
-:COMMAND /a/path {"some":"data"}
-The available commands are :GET
, :PUT
A simple query would inspect the available endpoints of the database :GET /db/data/
, the results are listed as formatted JSON.
-Then you can for instance retrieve all labels in the database with :GET /db/data/labels
To execute a Cypher statement you post to the transaction Cypher endpoint like this:
-:POST /db/data/transaction/commit {"statements":[
- {"statement":"MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE m.title={title} RETURN m.title, m.released, labels(m)",
- "parameters":{"title":"Cloud Atlas"}}]}