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bggardner edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 20 revisions


  • Asset: An individual piece of equipment that is uniquely identifiable.
  • Attribute: A property or metric of a model or asset, with a specified value.
  • Category: A hierarchical organization for the purpose and/or form factor of a model, such as Handheld Multimeters. Models may be assigned to multiple categories.
  • Manufacturer: The producer or vendor of an asset that specifies a model.
  • Model: A manufacturer code that identifies a specific design or option. There may be may assets of the same model, each with different serial numbers.
  • Location: A hierarchical organization for the physical storage and/or usage location of an asset, such as Campus > Building > Room. Every asset has a home location (where it is stored), and possibly a usage location specified by the user during check-out.
  • Transaction: A timestamped action that changes the state (availability) of an asset.
    • Check-in: Return an asset to its home location.
    • Check-out: Claim temporary custody of an asset by moving it to a specified location for a specified purpose and estimated time period.
    • Restrict: Prevent check-outs of an asset. This does not preclude use of the assets, but it must remain at its home location, such as for a permanent test fixture or workstation.
    • Unrestrict: Allow check-outs of an asset that is currently restricted.
  • User: An authenticated person, assigned to one of the following roles (with defined permissions):
    • Disabled: No access.
    • Viewer: Can view all assets, models, manufacturers, locations, categories, and attributes, but not transactions or users.
    • User: Viewer permissions, but can view transactions, and can check in and out assets.
    • Contributor: User permissions, and can add/edit/delete assets, models, manufactures, locations, categories, and attributes.
    • Administrator: Contributor permissions, and can add/edit/delete users and transactions, including (un)restricting assets; import/export SQL and uninstall.



Administrative Overrides

The Administrator role can emulate other roles and/or users via the admin query string parameter array with keys:

  • role: Numeric ID of role to emulate listed in the roles table and www/includes/classes/DataModels/Role.php. Non-persistent, must be present in HTTP GET request.
  • user: Numeric ID of user to emulate listed in the users table. Persistent until changed or re-authenticated.

Note that if both role and user are provided, the given user is emulated with the given role. Example: ?admin[role]=8&admin[user]=3


Without modifying the source code, there are some convenient options to customize some features of ISLE, all of which are accomplished my modifying www/includes/settings.php, which is generated by the setup wizard. The complete list of settings and their defaults can be found in www/includes/classes/Settings.php.


While most settings have literal values, hooks are PHP callables that may return a value and/or output to the buffer.


ISLE has a built-in simple user/password authentication function (ISLE\Service::userAuthenticator), but this can be overridden by a custom function. A common example is to implement LDAP authentication:

return [
    'hooks' => [
        'authentication' => function() {
            try {
                $entries = Ldap::search('uid=' . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']);
                if (!($entries['count'] ?? 0)) {
                    throw new Exception('User ' . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ' not found in the LDAP directory!');
                $entry = $entries[0];
                $id = ISLE\Service::executeStatement(
  SELECT `id`
  FROM `' . ISLE\Settings::get('table_prefix') . 'users`
  WHERE LOWER(`email`) = LOWER(?)
                    [['value' => $entry['email'][0], 'type' => PDO::PARAM_STR]]
                if (!$id) {
                    throw new Exception('You are not authorized.  Please contact an administrator for access.');
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $_SESSION['message'] = [
                    'type' => 'danger',
                    'text' => $e->getMessage()
                require 'views/layouts/pagestart.php';
                require 'views/layouts/pageend.php';
            return [
                'id' => $id,
                'name' => $entry['displayname'][0],
                'email' => $entry['email'][0]
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