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Parameters Configuration

Davide Benvegnù edited this page Mar 3, 2017 · 8 revisions

Parameters Configuration

To assign the settings using the configuration file, just edit the appsettings.json file.

Add this section:

"BugGuardian": {
    "Url": "VSTS_OR_TFS_URL",
    "Username": "USERNAME",
    "Password": "PASSWORD",
    "CollectionName": "COLLECTION_NAME",
    "ProjectName": "TEAM_PROJECT_NAME",
    "AvoidMultipleReport": true

###Parameters### These are the parameters format and meaning.

Url: url for the Visual Studio Team Services account ( or for your on-premises Team Foundation Server host (http(s)://yourhostname:port/tfs, default port is 8080)

Username: to use with VSTS, you need to enable the Alternate Credentials and put here the username, for TFS just use a "normal" username. In both cases, the user must have the permission to create work items on the project you want to interact with

Password: the password for the user you want to use

CollectionName: optional value. Is the name of the Team Project Collection which contains the Team Project you want to have the bugs created in. Default value is "DefaultCollection"

ProjectName: the name of the Team Project in which you want to create the bugs

AvoidMultipleReport: optional. When set to true, if the same exception is thrown multiple times it will be reported only once to VSTS/TFS and a counter will increased (in the Bug title and in its history). When set to false, if the same exception is thrown more than once it will be reported every time as a new bug. Default value is true.

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