Add support for operations from CUDA-7.0
Add support for online linking
Add support for inter-process communication
Bug fixes, extra documentation, improve library coverage.
Mac OS X no longer requires the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in order to compile or run programs that use this package.
- Add support for building on Windows (thanks to mwu-tow)
- Build fix
- Build fixes for ghc-7.6 and ghc-7.10
Drop support for CUDA 3.0 and older.
Combine the definition of the 'Event' and 'Stream' data types. As of CUDA-3.1 these data structures are equivalent, and can be safely shared between runtime and driver API calls and libraries.
Mark FFI imports of potentially long-running API functions as safe. This allows them to be safely called from Haskell threads without blocking the entire HEC.
Add compute-capability data for 3.7, 5.2 devices.
- Build fix for Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)
- Add support for the CUDA-6.5 release