These parsers and value functions are always available in Possum programs, unless Possum is ran with the --no-stdlib
Parser | Parses | Returns |
char |
One code point, informally called a "character" | Matched string |
ascii |
One ASCII code point | Matched string |
alpha |
One lower- or upper-case letter from the English alphabet, "a" to "z" or "A" to "Z" | Matched string |
alphas |
One or more alpha s |
Matched string |
lower |
One lower-case letter from the English alphabet, "a" to "Z" | Matched string |
lowers |
One or more lower s |
Matched string |
upper |
One upper-case letter from the English alphabet, "A" to "Z" | Matched string |
uppers |
One or more upper s |
Matched string |
numeral |
One Arabic numeral, "0" to "9" | Matched string |
numerals |
One or more numeral s |
Matched string |
binary_numeral |
One binary numeral, "0" or "1" | Matched string |
octal_numeral |
One octal numeral, "0" to "7" | Matched string |
hex_numeral |
One hexadecimal numeral, "0" to "9", "a" to "f", or "A" to "F" | Matched string |
alnum |
One alpha or numeral |
Matched string |
alnums |
One or more alnum s |
Matched string |
token |
One or more non-whitespace characters | Matched string |
word |
One or more alphanumeric characters, "_", or "-" | Matched string |
line |
All characters until a newline or end of input, which is not consumed | Matched string |
space |
One non-line-breaking blank character | Matched string |
spaces |
One or more space s |
Matched string |
newline |
One line-breaking blank character, or the two character line break code "\r\n" |
Matched string |
nl |
Alias for newline |
As above |
newlines |
One or more newline s |
Matched string |
nls |
Alias for newlines |
As above |
whitespace |
One or more space, tab, or newline characters | Matched string |
ws |
Alias for whitespace |
As above |
chars_until(stop) |
One or more codepoints, must be followed by stop which is not consumed |
Merged string of all matched codepoints |
Parser | Parses | Returns |
digit |
One Arabic numeral, "0" to "9" | Integer number between 0 and 9 |
integer |
Valid JSON integer | Integer number |
int |
Alias for integer |
As above |
non_negative_integer |
Valid JSON integer without a leading minus sign | Integer number greater than or equal to zero |
negative_integer |
Valid JSON integer with a leading minus sign | Integer number less than or equal to -0 |
float |
Valid JSON number with an integer and fractional part | Number |
scientific_integer |
Valid JSON number with an integer and exponent part | Number |
scientific_float |
Valid JSON number with an integer, fractional, and exponent part | Number |
number |
Valid JSON number with integer part and optional fraction and exponent part | Number |
num |
Alias for number |
As above |
non_negative_number |
Valid JSON number without a leading minus sign | Integer number greater than or equal to zero |
negative_number |
Valid JSON number with a leading minus sign | Integer number less than or equal to -0 |
binary_digit |
One binary numeral "0" or "1" | Integer number 0 or 1 |
octal_digit |
One octal numeral "0" to "7" | Integer number between 0 and 7 |
hex_digit |
One hexadecimal numeral, "0" to "9", "a" to "f", or "A" to "F" | Integer number between 0 and 15 |
binary_integer |
Binary digits, no leading zeros | Integer number converted to base 10 |
octal_integer |
Octal digits, no leading zeros | Integer number converted to base 10 |
hex_integer |
hexadecimal digits, no leading zeros | Integer number converted to base 10 |
Parser | Parses | Returns |
true(t) |
t |
true |
false(f) |
f |
false |
boolean(t, f) |
t or f |
true or false |
bool(t, f) |
Alias for boolean |
As above |
null(n) |
n |
null |
Parser | Parses | Returns |
array(elem) |
One or more elem |
Array of values parsed by elem |
array_sep(elem, sep) |
One or more elem , interspersed with sep |
Array of values parsed by elem |
array_until(elem, stop) |
One or more elem , must be followed by stop which is not consumed |
Array of values parsed by elem |
maybe_array(elem) |
Zero or more elem |
Array of values parsed by elem , maybe empty |
maybe_array_sep(elem, sep) |
Zero or more elem , interspersed with sep |
Array of values parsed by elem , maybe empty |
tuple1(elem) |
elem |
Array of length 1 continuing result of elem |
tuple2(elem1, elem2) |
elem1 and then elem2 |
Array of length 2 containing parsed elements |
tuple2_sep(elem1, sep, elem2) |
elem1 , sep , and then elem2 |
Array of length 2 containing parsed elements |
tuple3(elem1, elem2, elem3) |
three element parsers in order | Array of length 3 containing parsed elements |
tuple3_sep(elem1, sep1, elem2, sep2, elem3) |
three element parsers, interspersed with separators | Array of length 3 containing parsed elements |
tuple(elem, N) |
elem exactly N times, where N is a non-negative integer |
Array of values parsed by elem |
tuple_sep(elem, sep, N) |
elem exactly N times, interspersed with sep , where N is a non-negative integer |
Array of values parsed by elem |
table_sep(elem, sep, row_sep) |
One or more elem , interspersed with sep or row_sep |
Array of array of values parsed by elem |
maybe_table_sep(elem, sep, row_sep) |
Zero or more elem , interspersed with sep or row_sep |
Array of array of values parsed by elem , maybe empty |
Parser | Parses | Returns |
object(key, value) |
Both key and value together one or more times |
Object of key/value pairs |
object_sep(key, pair_sep, value, sep) |
key , pair_sep , and value together one or more times, interspersed with sep |
Object of key/value pairs |
object_until(key, value, stop) |
One or more key /value pairs, must be followed by stop which is not consumed |
Object of key/value pairs |
maybe_object(key, value) |
Both key and value together zero or more times |
Object of key/value pairs, maybe empty |
maybe_object_sep(key, pair_sep, value, sep) |
key , pair_sep , and value together zero or more times, interspersed with sep |
Object of key/value pairs, maybe empty |
pair(key, value) |
key and then value once each |
Object with a single key/value pair |
pair_sep(key, sep, value) |
key , sep , and value once each |
Object with a single key/value pair |
record1(Key, value) |
Parses value |
Object with Key associated to the parsed value |
record2(Key1, value1, Key2, value2) |
value1 and then value2 |
Object with Key1 associated to the parsed value1 , etc |
record2_sep(Key1, value1, sep, Key2, value2) |
value1 , sep , and then value2 |
Object with Key1 associated to the parsed value1 , etc |
record3(Key1, value1, Key2, value2, Key3, value3) |
three value parsers in order | Object with Key1 associated to the parsed value1 , etc |
record3_sep(Key1, value1, sep1, Key2, value2, sep2, Key3, value3) |
three value parsers, interspersed with separators | Object with Key1 associated to the parsed value1 , etc |
Parser | Parses | Returns |
many(p) |
One or more p |
Merged values parsed by p |
many_sep(p, sep) |
One or more p , interspersed with sep |
Marged values parsed by p |
many_until(p, stop) |
One or more p , must be followed by stop which is not consumed |
Merged values parsed by p |
maybe_many(p) |
Zero or more p |
Merged values parsed by p , or null if p fails |
maybe_many_sep(p, sep) |
Zero or more p , interspersed with sep |
Merged values parsed by p , or null if p fails |
repeat2(p) |
p two times |
Merged values parsed by p |
repeat3(p) |
p three times |
Merged values parsed by p |
repeat4(p) |
p four times |
Merged values parsed by p |
repeat5(p) |
p five times |
Merged values parsed by p |
repeat6(p) |
p six times |
Merged values parsed by p |
repeat7(p) |
p seven times |
Merged values parsed by p |
repeat8(p) |
p eight times |
Merged values parsed by p |
repeat9(p) |
p nine times |
Merged values parsed by p |
repeat(p, N) |
p exactly N times, where N is a non-negative integer |
Merged values parsed by p , or null if N is 0 |
repeat_between(p, N, M) |
p at least N times and up to M times, where N and M are non-negative integers |
Merged values parsed by p , or null if N is 0 and no matches found |
Parser | Parses | Returns |
peek(p) |
p , consumes no input on success |
Result of p |
maybe(p) |
p or succeeds with no match |
Result of p , or null if p fails |
unless(p, excluded) |
p unless parsing excluded instead would succeed |
Result of p |
skip(p) |
p |
null |
find(p) |
Skip input until p succeeds |
Result of p |
find_all(p) |
Entire input, succeeds if p matches at least once |
Array of one or more results of p |
find_before(p, stop) |
Skip input until p succeeds, or fail if stop is found first |
Result of p |
find_all_before(p, stop) |
Entire input until stop , succeeds if p matches at least once |
Array of one or more results of p |
succeed |
Succeeds, consumes no input | null |
default(p, D) |
p or succeeds with no match |
Result of p , or D if p fails |
const(C) |
Succeeds with no match | Value C |
number_of(p) |
p , succeeds if the value is a valid JSON number or string encoding of a number |
Number |
string_of(p) |
p |
Compact encoding of the parsed value as a JSON string |
surround(p, fill) |
fill , then p , then fill again |
Result of p |
end_of_input |
End of string or file input | null |
end |
Alias for end_of_input |
As above |
input(p) |
Strips leading and trailing whitespace, succeeds if p parses to end of input |
Result of p |
Parser | Parses | Returns |
json |
Any valid JSON | Matched JSON |
json.string |
Valid JSON string | Matched string contents, not including quotes |
json.number |
Alias for number |
Number |
json.boolean |
JSON "true" or "false" keyword | true or false |
json.null |
JSON "null" keyword | null |
json.array(elem) |
JSON array containing zero or more elem s |
Array of values parsed by elem |
json.object(value) |
JSON object containing zero or more value s |
Object with values parsed by value |
Parser | Parses | Returns |
toml |
Alias for toml.simple |
As below |
toml.simple |
Valid TOML document | Object with TOML values, unsupported types encoded as strings |
toml.tagged |
Valid TOML document | Object with TOML values, unsupported types encoded as strings tagged with type information |
toml.custom(value) |
TOML document with custom value s for each key/value pair |
Object with parsed values |
toml.root_table(value, Doc) |
TOML table without header | Doc object with additional parsed key/value pairs |
toml.tables(value, Doc) |
One or more TOML tables with headers | Doc object with additional keys for each parsed table |
toml.table(value, Doc) |
TOML table with header | Doc object with an additional key inserted at the header path |
toml.array_of_tables(value, Doc) |
TOML table with array of tables header | Doc object with object inserted into an array at the header path |
toml.simple_value |
Valid TOML value | Parsed value, unsupported types encoded as strings |
toml.tagged_value |
Valid TOML value | Parsed value, unsupported types encoded as strings tagged with type information |
toml.string |
TOML string | String |
toml.datetime |
TOML date-time | String |
toml.number |
TOML number | Integer, float, or string encoding of Infinity/NaN/Binary/Octal/Hex number |
toml.boolean |
TOML boolean | true or false |
toml.array(elem) |
TOML array containing zero or more elem s |
Array of values parsed by elem |
toml.inline_table(value) |
TOML inline table containing zero or more value s |
Object with values parsed by value |
toml.string.basic |
TOML single-line basic string | String |
toml.string.literal |
TOML single-line literal string | String |
toml.string.multi_line_basic |
TOML multi-line basic string | String |
toml.string.multi_line_literal |
TOML multi-line literal string | String |
toml.datetime.offset |
TOML date-time with timezone offset | String |
toml.datetime.local |
TOML date-time without timezone offset | String |
toml.datetime.local_date |
TOML date without time or offset | String |
toml.datetime.local_time |
TOML time without date or offset | String |
toml.number.integer |
TOML integer | Integer number |
toml.number.float |
TOML float | Float number |
toml.number.infinity |
TOML infinity | String |
toml.number.not_a_number |
TOML NaN | String |
toml.number.binary_integer |
TOML binary integer | Integer |
toml.number.octal_integer |
TOML octal integer | Integer |
toml.number.hex_integer |
TOML hexadecimal integer | Integer |
See the stdlib-ast
docs for more detailed documentation.
Parser | Parses | Returns |
ast.with_operator_precedence(operand, prefix, infix, postfix) |
operands s with prefix and postfix operators, composed with infix operators |
Abstract syntax tree |
ast.node(Type, value) |
value |
Object with "type" , "value" , "start" , and "end" fields |
Value | Behavior |
Num.Add(A, B) |
Sum A and B , error if values are not numbers or null |
Num.Sub(A, B) |
Subtract B from A , error if values are not numbers or null |
Num.Mul(A, B) |
Multiply A and B , error if values are not numbers or null |
Num.Div(A, B) |
Divide A by B , error if values are not numbers or null, or if B is 0 |
Num.Pow(A, B) |
Raise A to the exponent B , error if values are not numbers or null |
Num.Inc(N) |
Increment, return N + 1 |
Num.Dec(N) |
Decrement, return N - 1 |
Num.FromBinaryDigits(Bs) |
Convert an array of 0 s and 1 s to a base 10 integer |
Num.FromOctalDigits(Os) |
Convert an array of numbers between 0 and 7 to a base 10 integer |
Num.FromHexDigits(Hs) |
Convert an array of numbers between 0 and 15 to a base 10 integer |
Value | Behavior |
Array.First(A) |
Get the first element in A , fail if A is not an array with at least one element |
Array.Rest(A) |
Return the remaining array without the first element, fails if A is not an array with at least one element |
Array.Length(A) |
Number of elements in A |
Array.Reverse(A) |
Reverse elements of the array A so that the first element becomes the last, etc |
Array.Map(A, Fn) |
Apply the function Fn to each element in the array A |
Array.Filter(A, Pred) |
Apply the function Pred to each element in the array A , return an array excluding elements where Pred fails |
Array.Reject(A, Pred) |
Apply the function Pred to each element in the array A , return an array excluding elements where Pred succeeds |
Array.ZipObject(Ks, Vs) |
Pair together keys from Ks and values from Vs into an object |
Array.ZipPairs(Ks, Vs) |
Pair together keys from Ks and values from Vs into an object |
Table.Transpose(T) |
Swap an array of arrays over the diagonal so that rows become columns |
Table.RotateClockwise(T) |
Rotate an array of arrays 90 degrees clockwise |
Table.RotateCounterClockwise(T) |
Rotate an array of arrays 90 degrees clockwise |
Table.ZipObjects(Ks, Rows) |
Transform an array of Rows into an array of objects where each column is paired with its header from Headers |
Value | Behavior |
Obj.Get(O, K) |
Retrieve the value associated with the key K |
Obj.Put(O, K, V) |
Add the key K with value V to the object O |
See the stdlib-ast
docs for more detailed documentation.
Value Function | Behavior |
Ast.OpPrecedence(OpNode, BindingPower) |
Returns array with two elements, OpNode and BindingPower |
Ast.InfixOpPrecedence(OpNode, LeftBindingPower, RightBindingPower) |
Returns array with three elements, OpNode , LeftBindingPower , and RightBindingPower |
Value | Behavior |
Is.String(V) |
Return V if the value is a string, otherwise fail |
Is.Number(V) |
Return V if the value is a number, otherwise fail |
Is.Bool(V) |
Return V if the value is true or false , otherwise fail |
Is.Null(V) |
Return V if the value is null , otherwise fail |
Is.Array(V) |
Return V if the value is an array, otherwise fail |
Is.Object(V) |
Return V if the value is an object, otherwise fail |
Is.Equal(A, B) |
Return A if A and B are structurally equal values |
Is.LessThan(A, B) |
Return A if A is strictly less than B |
Is.LessThanOrEqual(A, B) |
Return A if A is less than or equal to B |
Is.GreaterThan(A, B) |
Return A if A is strictly greater than B |
Is.GreaterThanOrEqual(A, B) |
Return A if A is greater than or equal to B |