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290 lines (253 loc) · 21.8 KB

File metadata and controls

290 lines (253 loc) · 21.8 KB

Standard Library

These parsers and value functions are always available in Possum programs, unless Possum is ran with the --no-stdlib flag.



Parser Parses Returns
char One code point, informally called a "character" Matched string
ascii One ASCII code point Matched string
alpha One lower- or upper-case letter from the English alphabet, "a" to "z" or "A" to "Z" Matched string
alphas One or more alphas Matched string
lower One lower-case letter from the English alphabet, "a" to "Z" Matched string
lowers One or more lowers Matched string
upper One upper-case letter from the English alphabet, "A" to "Z" Matched string
uppers One or more uppers Matched string
numeral One Arabic numeral, "0" to "9" Matched string
numerals One or more numerals Matched string
binary_numeral One binary numeral, "0" or "1" Matched string
octal_numeral One octal numeral, "0" to "7" Matched string
hex_numeral One hexadecimal numeral, "0" to "9", "a" to "f", or "A" to "F" Matched string
alnum One alpha or numeral Matched string
alnums One or more alnums Matched string
token One or more non-whitespace characters Matched string
word One or more alphanumeric characters, "_", or "-" Matched string
line All characters until a newline or end of input, which is not consumed Matched string
space One non-line-breaking blank character Matched string
spaces One or more spaces Matched string
newline One line-breaking blank character, or the two character line break code "\r\n" Matched string
nl Alias for newline As above
newlines One or more newlines Matched string
nls Alias for newlines As above
whitespace One or more space, tab, or newline characters Matched string
ws Alias for whitespace As above
chars_until(stop) One or more codepoints, must be followed by stop which is not consumed Merged string of all matched codepoints


Parser Parses Returns
digit One Arabic numeral, "0" to "9" Integer number between 0 and 9
integer Valid JSON integer Integer number
int Alias for integer As above
non_negative_integer Valid JSON integer without a leading minus sign Integer number greater than or equal to zero
negative_integer Valid JSON integer with a leading minus sign Integer number less than or equal to -0
float Valid JSON number with an integer and fractional part Number
scientific_integer Valid JSON number with an integer and exponent part Number
scientific_float Valid JSON number with an integer, fractional, and exponent part Number
number Valid JSON number with integer part and optional fraction and exponent part Number
num Alias for number As above
non_negative_number Valid JSON number without a leading minus sign Integer number greater than or equal to zero
negative_number Valid JSON number with a leading minus sign Integer number less than or equal to -0
binary_digit One binary numeral "0" or "1" Integer number 0 or 1
octal_digit One octal numeral "0" to "7" Integer number between 0 and 7
hex_digit One hexadecimal numeral, "0" to "9", "a" to "f", or "A" to "F" Integer number between 0 and 15
binary_integer Binary digits, no leading zeros Integer number converted to base 10
octal_integer Octal digits, no leading zeros Integer number converted to base 10
hex_integer hexadecimal digits, no leading zeros Integer number converted to base 10


Parser Parses Returns
true(t) t true
false(f) f false
boolean(t, f) t or f true or false
bool(t, f) Alias for boolean As above
null(n) n null


Parser Parses Returns
array(elem) One or more elem Array of values parsed by elem
array_sep(elem, sep) One or more elem, interspersed with sep Array of values parsed by elem
array_until(elem, stop) One or more elem, must be followed by stop which is not consumed Array of values parsed by elem
maybe_array(elem) Zero or more elem Array of values parsed by elem, maybe empty
maybe_array_sep(elem, sep) Zero or more elem, interspersed with sep Array of values parsed by elem, maybe empty
tuple1(elem) elem Array of length 1 continuing result of elem
tuple2(elem1, elem2) elem1 and then elem2 Array of length 2 containing parsed elements
tuple2_sep(elem1, sep, elem2) elem1, sep, and then elem2 Array of length 2 containing parsed elements
tuple3(elem1, elem2, elem3) three element parsers in order Array of length 3 containing parsed elements
tuple3_sep(elem1, sep1, elem2, sep2, elem3) three element parsers, interspersed with separators Array of length 3 containing parsed elements
tuple(elem, N) elem exactly N times, where N is a non-negative integer Array of values parsed by elem
tuple_sep(elem, sep, N) elem exactly N times, interspersed with sep, where N is a non-negative integer Array of values parsed by elem
table_sep(elem, sep, row_sep) One or more elem, interspersed with sep or row_sep Array of array of values parsed by elem
maybe_table_sep(elem, sep, row_sep) Zero or more elem, interspersed with sep or row_sep Array of array of values parsed by elem, maybe empty


Parser Parses Returns
object(key, value) Both key and value together one or more times Object of key/value pairs
object_sep(key, pair_sep, value, sep) key, pair_sep, and value together one or more times, interspersed with sep Object of key/value pairs
object_until(key, value, stop) One or more key/value pairs, must be followed by stop which is not consumed Object of key/value pairs
maybe_object(key, value) Both key and value together zero or more times Object of key/value pairs, maybe empty
maybe_object_sep(key, pair_sep, value, sep) key, pair_sep, and value together zero or more times, interspersed with sep Object of key/value pairs, maybe empty
pair(key, value) key and then value once each Object with a single key/value pair
pair_sep(key, sep, value) key, sep, and value once each Object with a single key/value pair
record1(Key, value) Parses value Object with Key associated to the parsed value
record2(Key1, value1, Key2, value2) value1 and then value2 Object with Key1 associated to the parsed value1, etc
record2_sep(Key1, value1, sep, Key2, value2) value1, sep, and then value2 Object with Key1 associated to the parsed value1, etc
record3(Key1, value1, Key2, value2, Key3, value3) three value parsers in order Object with Key1 associated to the parsed value1, etc
record3_sep(Key1, value1, sep1, Key2, value2, sep2, Key3, value3) three value parsers, interspersed with separators Object with Key1 associated to the parsed value1, etc


Parser Parses Returns
many(p) One or more p Merged values parsed by p
many_sep(p, sep) One or more p, interspersed with sep Marged values parsed by p
many_until(p, stop) One or more p, must be followed by stop which is not consumed Merged values parsed by p
maybe_many(p) Zero or more p Merged values parsed by p, or null if p fails
maybe_many_sep(p, sep) Zero or more p, interspersed with sep Merged values parsed by p, or null if p fails
repeat2(p) p two times Merged values parsed by p
repeat3(p) p three times Merged values parsed by p
repeat4(p) p four times Merged values parsed by p
repeat5(p) p five times Merged values parsed by p
repeat6(p) p six times Merged values parsed by p
repeat7(p) p seven times Merged values parsed by p
repeat8(p) p eight times Merged values parsed by p
repeat9(p) p nine times Merged values parsed by p
repeat(p, N) p exactly N times, where N is a non-negative integer Merged values parsed by p, or null if N is 0
repeat_between(p, N, M) p at least N times and up to M times, where N and M are non-negative integers Merged values parsed by p, or null if N is 0 and no matches found


Parser Parses Returns
peek(p) p, consumes no input on success Result of p
maybe(p) p or succeeds with no match Result of p, or null if p fails
unless(p, excluded) p unless parsing excluded instead would succeed Result of p
skip(p) p null
find(p) Skip input until p succeeds Result of p
find_all(p) Entire input, succeeds if p matches at least once Array of one or more results of p
find_before(p, stop) Skip input until p succeeds, or fail if stop is found first Result of p
find_all_before(p, stop) Entire input until stop, succeeds if p matches at least once Array of one or more results of p
succeed Succeeds, consumes no input null
default(p, D) p or succeeds with no match Result of p, or D if p fails
const(C) Succeeds with no match Value C
number_of(p) p, succeeds if the value is a valid JSON number or string encoding of a number Number
string_of(p) p Compact encoding of the parsed value as a JSON string
surround(p, fill) fill, then p, then fill again Result of p
end_of_input End of string or file input null
end Alias for end_of_input As above
input(p) Strips leading and trailing whitespace, succeeds if p parses to end of input Result of p


Parser Parses Returns
json Any valid JSON Matched JSON
json.string Valid JSON string Matched string contents, not including quotes
json.number Alias for number Number
json.boolean JSON "true" or "false" keyword true or false
json.null JSON "null" keyword null
json.array(elem) JSON array containing zero or more elems Array of values parsed by elem
json.object(value) JSON object containing zero or more values Object with values parsed by value


Parser Parses Returns
toml Alias for toml.simple As below
toml.simple Valid TOML document Object with TOML values, unsupported types encoded as strings
toml.tagged Valid TOML document Object with TOML values, unsupported types encoded as strings tagged with type information
toml.custom(value) TOML document with custom values for each key/value pair Object with parsed values
toml.root_table(value, Doc) TOML table without header Doc object with additional parsed key/value pairs
toml.tables(value, Doc) One or more TOML tables with headers Doc object with additional keys for each parsed table
toml.table(value, Doc) TOML table with header Doc object with an additional key inserted at the header path
toml.array_of_tables(value, Doc) TOML table with array of tables header Doc object with object inserted into an array at the header path
toml.simple_value Valid TOML value Parsed value, unsupported types encoded as strings
toml.tagged_value Valid TOML value Parsed value, unsupported types encoded as strings tagged with type information
toml.string TOML string String
toml.datetime TOML date-time String
toml.number TOML number Integer, float, or string encoding of Infinity/NaN/Binary/Octal/Hex number
toml.boolean TOML boolean true or false
toml.array(elem) TOML array containing zero or more elems Array of values parsed by elem
toml.inline_table(value) TOML inline table containing zero or more values Object with values parsed by value
toml.string.basic TOML single-line basic string String
toml.string.literal TOML single-line literal string String
toml.string.multi_line_basic TOML multi-line basic string String
toml.string.multi_line_literal TOML multi-line literal string String
toml.datetime.offset TOML date-time with timezone offset String
toml.datetime.local TOML date-time without timezone offset String
toml.datetime.local_date TOML date without time or offset String
toml.datetime.local_time TOML time without date or offset String
toml.number.integer TOML integer Integer number
toml.number.float TOML float Float number
toml.number.infinity TOML infinity String
toml.number.not_a_number TOML NaN String
toml.number.binary_integer TOML binary integer Integer
toml.number.octal_integer TOML octal integer Integer
toml.number.hex_integer TOML hexadecimal integer Integer

Abstract Syntax Trees

See the stdlib-ast docs for more detailed documentation.

Parser Parses Returns
ast.with_operator_precedence(operand, prefix, infix, postfix) operandss with prefix and postfix operators, composed with infix operators Abstract syntax tree
ast.node(Type, value) value Object with "type", "value", "start", and "end" fields



Value Behavior
Num.Add(A, B) Sum A and B, error if values are not numbers or null
Num.Sub(A, B) Subtract B from A, error if values are not numbers or null
Num.Mul(A, B) Multiply A and B, error if values are not numbers or null
Num.Div(A, B) Divide A by B, error if values are not numbers or null, or if B is 0
Num.Pow(A, B) Raise A to the exponent B, error if values are not numbers or null
Num.Inc(N) Increment, return N + 1
Num.Dec(N) Decrement, return N - 1
Num.FromBinaryDigits(Bs) Convert an array of 0s and 1s to a base 10 integer
Num.FromOctalDigits(Os) Convert an array of numbers between 0 and 7 to a base 10 integer
Num.FromHexDigits(Hs) Convert an array of numbers between 0 and 15 to a base 10 integer


Value Behavior
Array.First(A) Get the first element in A, fail if A is not an array with at least one element
Array.Rest(A) Return the remaining array without the first element, fails if A is not an array with at least one element
Array.Length(A) Number of elements in A
Array.Reverse(A) Reverse elements of the array A so that the first element becomes the last, etc
Array.Map(A, Fn) Apply the function Fn to each element in the array A
Array.Filter(A, Pred) Apply the function Pred to each element in the array A, return an array excluding elements where Pred fails
Array.Reject(A, Pred) Apply the function Pred to each element in the array A, return an array excluding elements where Pred succeeds
Array.ZipObject(Ks, Vs) Pair together keys from Ks and values from Vs into an object
Array.ZipPairs(Ks, Vs) Pair together keys from Ks and values from Vs into an object
Table.Transpose(T) Swap an array of arrays over the diagonal so that rows become columns
Table.RotateClockwise(T) Rotate an array of arrays 90 degrees clockwise
Table.RotateCounterClockwise(T) Rotate an array of arrays 90 degrees clockwise
Table.ZipObjects(Ks, Rows) Transform an array of Rows into an array of objects where each column is paired with its header from Headers


Value Behavior
Obj.Get(O, K) Retrieve the value associated with the key K
Obj.Put(O, K, V) Add the key K with value V to the object O

Abstract Syntax Trees

See the stdlib-ast docs for more detailed documentation.

Value Function Behavior
Ast.OpPrecedence(OpNode, BindingPower) Returns array with two elements, OpNode and BindingPower
Ast.InfixOpPrecedence(OpNode, LeftBindingPower, RightBindingPower) Returns array with three elements, OpNode, LeftBindingPower, and RightBindingPower


Value Behavior
Is.String(V) Return V if the value is a string, otherwise fail
Is.Number(V) Return V if the value is a number, otherwise fail
Is.Bool(V) Return V if the value is true or false, otherwise fail
Is.Null(V) Return V if the value is null, otherwise fail
Is.Array(V) Return V if the value is an array, otherwise fail
Is.Object(V) Return V if the value is an object, otherwise fail
Is.Equal(A, B) Return A if A and B are structurally equal values
Is.LessThan(A, B) Return A if A is strictly less than B
Is.LessThanOrEqual(A, B) Return A if A is less than or equal to B
Is.GreaterThan(A, B) Return A if A is strictly greater than B
Is.GreaterThanOrEqual(A, B) Return A if A is greater than or equal to B