Releases: muflone/gespeaker
Releases · muflone/gespeaker
Release 0.6.0
- Fixed audio testing localized string.
- An error message is now shown if the audio player is not found instead of quietly ignore the error.
- New spanish translation provided by David Prieto.
- New MBROLA support with more realistic voices.
- Added MBROLA voices to languages list.
- Tabbed preferences dialog for new MBROLA support.
- Moved language, voice type and variants to base settings and pitch, volume, speed and gap sliders to advanced settings upon suggestion of frandavid100.
- Added automatic txt extension on saving text file.
- Added automatic wav extension on saving WAVE file. This was causing weird noises on playing the recorded track if it wasn't a .wav filename.
Release 0.5.0
- Added an extender separator for settings to allow maximum usage of the window with the text.
- Added filters for load/save text dialogs.
- Added support for recording the audio track to wave.
- Added a statusbar showing the active record mode.
- Added preferences dialog.
- Added preferences save and reload for welcome message, window size, voice settings and expander status.
- Added support for audio frontend: ALSA (aplay), PulseAudio (paplay) and user customized player command, with audio command test.
- Added voice variants by scanning /usr/share/espeak-data/voices/!v folder for extra voice variants.
Fixed stock icon for DialogFileOpenSave.
Release 0.4.0
- Added SubprocessWrapper.Popen to wrap subprocess.Popen in order to support python versions prior to 2.6 which don't have the delete argument on object creation.
- Added TempfileWrapper.NamedTemporaryFile to wrap tempfile's Popen object in order to support python versions prior to 2.6 which don't have terminate and send_signal methods. Actually no more used, left for future usage.
- Now Gespeaker works with python version 2.4 and higher.
- Temporary file for output to speech is created at program start so new temporary files are no longer created after each play.
- Included pause and resume features.
- New icon and logo, kindly provided by MIX.
- New french translation provided by Emmanuel.
- Added support for voice type (male/female) via +12 for female voice.
- Removed escaped text substitution with a more secure temporary file with the text to play.
- Substituted direct shell piping with more secure subprocess' piping.
- Better control of external calls, now both espeak and player execution are polled for exitcode and terminated if requested.
- Added documentation and artists parameters to DialogAbout.
Release 0.2.0
- Changed UI layout according to Gnome HIG specifications
- Fixed DialogAbout.set_icon_from_file icon usage, which was wrongly hardcoded.
- Symlinked copyright file to /usr/share/doc/gespeaker/copyright