The trails.js team maintains this document to serve as a foward-looking plan for how the framework will grow and evolve. Please submit a Pull Request if you feel that something should be added or changed in this document, and we are happy to discuss.
Each future minor release will be represented by a Github Milestone, which will be linked to in the following sections. Each future major version will contain one or more minor-release Milestones.
Major and minor version releases occur according to a regular calendar schedule, and versions are assigned according to semver. The preview of each major release occurs in January of each year; the final major version GA (General Availability) release occurs in April of each year, coincident with each major Node.js release. In October, a minor-version of the April release will be memorialized as an LTS release.
Trails v1.0 Alpha will be the first preview release for Trails 1.0. In this release, the core framework will be feature-complete and the API will be final. The following trailpacks also must reach v1.0-alpha status:
- trailpack-core (v1.0-alpha milestone)
- trailpack-repl (v1.0-alpha milestone)
- trailpack-router (v1.0-alpha milestone)
- trailpack-hapi (v1.0-alpha milestone)
- trailpack-waterline (v1.0-alpha milestone)
- trailpack-swagger (v1.0-alpha milestone)
See: trailsjs/trails/milestones/v1.0-alpha
See: trailsjs/trails/milestones/v1.0-beta
The April 2016 release of Trails will constitute the first production-ready release. The following trailpacks also must reach v1.0 status:
- trailpack-auth (v1.0 milestone)
- trailpack-permissions (v1.0 milestone)
- trailpack-sails (v1.0 milestone)
See: trailsjs/trails/milestones/v1.0
The backlog consists of features which are not currently in the immediate-term roadmap above, but are useful. We would exuberantly accept a pull request implementing any of the items below, so long as it was accompanied with reasonable tests that prove it, and it doesn't break other core functionality.
This backlog table is intended for major pieces of functionality that have not been broken down yet. If you have a backlog item that's a smaller piece of work, please add it to the Backlog milestone in the Issue queue.
ProTip: (feel free to suggest things)
Feature | Owner | Details |