All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Removed default parameter value for pushType(). The function pushType() already requires a parameter so the default is redundant.
- changed pushType() function documentation to make it clearer that a parameter is required.
- Typo in
- Missing semicolons and Serial.begin() statement in examples\options\options.ino.
- examples\options\options.ino to print serial output only on rotation.
- added section on troubleshooting missed pulses when using an LCD.
- Typo in example code for pushType(); Returned value should be byte not int.
- pushType(); function to allow for both short and long button pushes.
- Example for pushType();
- to reflect pushType() function.
- Documentation to
- Initial creation.