If you want to scan your target device, you need to find out which systems are active on the network and how often they are active on the network. Are they only active at certain times? You also need to determine the currently active ports. open on this node, and what services are running? Each of these things can help you determine if there are any vulnerabilities that you can track down on your target device.net is figuring out if there are any banners you can grab. Going through this process will tell you which ports you want to close. If there are banners, you can hide or customize them. You need to see which services you don't want and if you don't want them you have to disable them. This also gives you an idea of how to standardize the rules of your firewall and intrusion detection system. You will also see the misconfiguration vector and what you want to do to fix those misconfigurations. Once the scanning process starts, you need to run a host discovery.This will identify the hosts that are active in the target network. There are numerous tools that you can use. Some of these are GUI based while others are command line based. For example, the Nmap tool searches DOS or environment-only commands. Nmap also has a GUI version called ZenMap. There are other tools as well, but these are the most popular. These tools are not intended to be misleading; but you can use them like thatWell. Once you've compiled a list of the nodes that are active on the network, your next goal is to perform a port scan. You can find out which ports are open by running a port scan. An attacker can use these ports to install malware on a system. or exploit certain vulnerabilities. You should therefore always check which ports are open and include them in your report if they do not need to be open."Nmap" I've talked about this before, but you need to understand that some of these tools are multipurpose tools. Another tool you can use is called "NetScanTools Pro". You may have other tools that you prefer, but you need to choose one and master one. In the meantime, it's nice to get in touch with other tools as well, and not just because of your experience or your résumé, but also for other reasons. For example, when you start using these tools, you will find that each of these tools has certain limitationsothers can help you do a better job. I recommend that you focus on "Nmap" for your immediate future as well as for your real world. Nmap is a very useful and flexible tool, but when it comes to this industry, most ethical hacking or pen testing professionals love it.
The next step is a banner capture. Sometimes it is referred to as the operating system's fingerprint. With banner capture, you can send individual commands to a system that responds in a certain way. We know that Windows devices respond in certain ways too. As Linux devices, each operating system responds differently to the same commands and Macs do too. These answers identify the operating system and enable you to find and exploit the associated vulnerabilityOperating system. Tools that you can use for banner capture include devices such as Telnet or SSH. You can then search for vulnerabilities. When scanning the network for vulnerabilities, you can use certain tools, but you may have your own settings. Let me give you an overview. Some of the best tools that you can use to scan your network for vulnerabilities are Core Impact Professional or Retina. Microsoft toomakes one called MBSA, also known as Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer or GFI LanGuard. The aim is to identify the security vulnerability or vulnerabilities in these target devices. In short, you already understand that it is a Microsoft device or an Apache server. So the next thing you need to find out is what vulnerabilities can affect you. You can use these tools to determine which vulnerabilities would work. At this point you have a lot of information and it goes hand in hand with itDocumentation, but you also need to draw the network. That way, you can better understand the connection and path between the nodes in your network. There are numerous tools that you can use to easily draw a network diagram. The best tools to use are called SolarWinds and Network Topology Manager. Some of these tools are free while others are paid products. Most companies use SolarWinds, which you can use for a variety of purposes.With SolarWinds, you can draw network maps, send external commands to multiple devices in real time, or, if you prefer or need to, set the date and time of command delivery. You can use SolarWinds for IP administration purposes, such as: B. to inform about network failures or downtimes of the interface etc. SolarWinds is paid, but it's great software that businesses use for a wide variety of purposes. Your goal is to get a visual representation to better understand where and how they are connected. Once you know the goals whyThey have fully identified them and their weak points and worked out the network topology. The next step during your penetration test is to activate your proxy servers. The proxy is used to hide servers so that the client or client cannot determine where the attack is coming from. You can activate both internal and external proxies. One of the best tools you can use with proxies is called the ProxyWorkbench. Proxy Workbench has a GUI interface that uses TORAnother product for Mac OS is called "Proxifier". Once you run the proxy you want, you'll get a list of IP addresses and choose how many to use. Some of these proxies are free services. Using Google's "free proxies" will have you up and running a proxy chain in no time. Regardless of which proxy you use, you need to document it as well. Documentation is the most important step in testing pens as it will help youThis will also help you find potential vulnerabilities in the network so that you can recommend some countermeasures. At the same time, you want to show your customers how you achieved what you did. It is also the best way to legitimize what you did and what an attacker could do to you.
On Kali Linux, "traceroute" is a command line utility that uses ICMP packets to map the path. To trace the path to the Google server, type in "traceroute www.google.com" and you should see that it took 12 to 16 hops to access the Google server. If you try again but run nmap this time, the result will be slightly different.You can do exactly the same thing with nmap, but instead use the TCP protocol, which almost all firewalls allow. To give you an idea of some of the basic Nmap scan examples, often used in the first level of the listing, run the following commands: "nmap -sP 10.0 / 24" ping scans the network and lists the computers responding to the ping. "nmap -p 1-65535 -sV -sS -T4 target" Full TCP port scan with service version detection - usually my firstScan I find T4 more accurate than T5 and still "very fast". "nmap -v -sS-A-T4-Ziel" Prints detailed output, executes stealth sync scan, T4 timing, operating system and version detection and provides traceroute and scripts for target services. "nmap -v -sS-A-T5-Ziel" Prints detailed output, performs stealth sync scan, T5 timing, version and operating system detection and provides traceroute and scripts for target services. "nmap -v -sV -O -sS -T5 target" Prints detailed output, performs a stealth sync scan and T5 timing, and provides OS and version detection."Nmap -v -p 1-65535 -sV -O -sS -T4-Ziel" Prints a detailed output, performs a stealth sync scan, T4 timing, operating system and version detection and offers a scan of the entire port range. "Nmap -v -p 1-65535 -sV -O -sS -T5-Ziel" Prints a detailed output, performs a stealth sync scan, T5 timing, operating system and version detection and offers a scan for the entire port range . Anytime you see three dots in your command line output, it means that the packages are causing this. This can be a firewall like Checkpoint or Cisco ASA Firewalls that remove these types ofStandard packages. Port scanning with nmap connects to TCP and UDP ports to determine what services and applications are running on the target system. There are 65,535 ports for TCP and UDP on each computer. They are known to be associated with certain services. For example, TCP port 21 is known to the FTP service. The first 124,000 ports are also known as "known ports" and are used by most of the defined services.Whenever you talk about port scanning, "nmap" should come to mind. Nmap is a universal port mapping tool and the mapping is based on Activestack fingerprints. Specially crafted packets are sent to the target system, and the response from the operating system to these packets enables a card to identify the operating system. For nmap to work, at least one monitoring port must be open and the operating system must be known and have a fingerprint.The whole book is about nmap, and if you've never used it before, I highly recommend checking it out. There are additional resources on basic host discovery, as well as ICMP echo requests and responses, and questions about DNS and host name resolution.