heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack https://github.com/monum/heroku-buildpack-python-gis.git
Free sandbox level of MongoDB from MongoHQ:
heroku addons:add mongohq:sandbox
Download 2010 Census block shapefile from TIGER. On http://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger-data.html
Select the last option: 2010 Census Population & Housing Unit Counts -- Blocks
Select your state or DC from the dropdown
Click GO to download a zipped shapefile
Open the shapefile in QGIS, ArcGIS (with Esri2Open toolbar), or another GIS tool.
Select all blocks with COUNTYFP10 equal to your county's ID (for example, '025')
Save selection as data/blocks.geojson in WGS84/EPSG:4326 projection and GeoJSON format.
Get your own API key here:
Find the codes for each state using:
Once you have the number for the state, modify this URL to list all counties in your state:
Once you have the number for your county, modify these lines in app.py:
state_code = '25'
county_code = '025'
Run app.loadcounty() in Python. This will start inserting block data into the 'blocks' collection. You do not need to create a new collection for the blocks; Mongo will create the collection upon first use. You also do not need to create a particular database.
Use web, Python, or other MongoDB tools to ensure a { "shape": "2dsphere" } index on your blocks collection e.g.,
db.blocks.ensureIndex( { "shape":"2dsphere" } )
In the data directory, run import_geojson.py