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File metadata and controls

161 lines (132 loc) · 8.46 KB

Making the model grids


Grid file ( coordinates )

The procedure used to produce the ocean grid is very similar to the procdedure used for eNATL60: using the 3.6 nesting tools with a refinement of 3 from ORCA12 grid. The region was slightly larger than the targetted grid and is refered as version 2 (v2) of the domain. [Version 1 was a very crude cut from MERCATOR ORCA36 grid].

create_coordinates.exe was used with the following namelist :

   parent_coordinate_file = ''
   parent_meshmask_file   = ''
   imin = 2257
   imax = 3975
   jmin = 1362
   jmax = 2723
   rho  = 3
   rhot = 3
   bathy_update = true
   updated_parent_file = ''

This produced file, which is used for creating the bathymetry (create_bathy.exe)

Resizing of the grid

In order to optimize the size of the domain, we extract a subdomain from domain v2.0. We aim at having the final domain in such a way that a coarsening of the horizontal mesk by a factor of 3x3 leads to an exact subdomain of the ORCA12 grid. In order to do so from v2 to v3 :

ncks -F -d  x,39,5054 -d y,3,3749  V2-file v3-file

Doing so, gridsize is 5016 x 3747 and matching points with ORCA12 are:

G36(   2,   2) = ORCA12(2271, 1364)
G36(5015,3746) = ORCA12(3942, 2612)

The OPERATIONAL version of coordinates is


Bathymetry is created with the nesting tools (create_bathy.exe), using the following namelist:

  new_topo = true
  elevation_database = ''
  elevation_name = 'elevation'
  smoothing = false
  smoothing_factor = 0.6
  nb_connection_pts = 3
  removeclosedseas = true
  type_bathy_interp = 2        !


The (version 20150318) file was used (in the mean-time a more recent version went out ...:( ).
This produced bathymetric files.


In this data set, the coast line needs to be corrected. This was done with BMGTOOLS using a high resolution coastline file, taken from the NOAA site. In order to better handle big files, I splitted the original files (bathy and coordinates) into 20 subdomain (5 x 4) using the splitfile2 personal tool. Then each subdomain was corrected, trying to best follow the coasline. This procedure ends up with version 2.1 of the bathymetry (


In this file, there were still some unconnected points. So I wrote a new tool (bat_mark_pool.exe) for the tracking of un-connected points. The cleaned bathymetry after this last treatment is version 2.2 ( The runoff file was made on the basis of this v2.2 bathymetry (see more details )


This is just v2.2 with Corner rise seamounts deeper than 800 m


This is v2.3 but with the Greenland coast adapted to fit CREG12 runoff expanded to 1/36.


This is v2.3 retailed to v3 domain, and with Hudson Bay filled in. Some adjustement near open boudaries


This is v2.3.1 retailed to v3 domain, nothing else.


This is v3.3.1 with Hudson Bay filled in and some adjusments near open boudaries. OPERATIONAL


This is v3.3.2 corrected for isolated points on Greenland. After few month of run, these 9 points (1/12 grid cell) have an increased SSH (14 m by the end of october), that may cause the model to crash. Those points are just filled (1838:1840,3292:3294) OPERATIONAL after Sep. 17,2019. Changed at segment 18 of the run JZ003.
Note that the correction was only done in the domain_cfg file (

Vertical grid

We wil take 150 levels already tested by P. Colombo. The corresponding namdom block of namelist is :

Note that we choose a minimum depth of 35m, just like eNATL60, in view of putting tides in the simulation

&namdom        !   space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep)
     nn_bathy    =    1      !  compute (=0) or read (=1) the bathymetry file
     rn_bathy    =    0.     !  value of the bathymetry. if (=0) bottom flat at jpkm1
     nn_closea   =    0      !  remove (=0) or keep (=1) closed seas and lakes (ORCA)
     nn_msh      =    0      !  create (/=0) a mesh file(s) or not (=0)
                             !  if not 0 can be in [1 - 6 ] for drakkar usually 6
     rn_hmin     =   35.     !  min depth of the ocean (>0) or min number of ocean level (<0)
     rn_e3zps_min=   25.     !  partial step thickness is set larger than the minimum of
     rn_e3zps_rat=    0.2    !  rn_e3zps_min and rn_e3zps_rat*e3t, with 0<rn_e3zps_rat<1
     rn_rdt      =  300.     !  time step for the dynamics (and tracer if nn_acc=0)
     rn_atfp     =    0.1    !  asselin time filter parameter
     nn_acc      =    0      !  acceleration of convergence : =1      used, rdt < rdttra(k)
                                   !                          =0, not used, rdt = rdttra
     rn_rdtmin   = 1080.     !  minimum time step on tracers (used if nn_acc=1)
     rn_rdtmax   = 1080.     !  maximum time step on tracers (used if nn_acc=1)
     rn_rdth     =  800.     !  depth variation of tracer time step  (used if nn_acc=1)
     ln_crs      = .false.      !  Logical switch for coarsening module
     jphgr_msh   =       0               !  type of horizontal mesh
                                         !  = 0 curvilinear coordinate on the sphere read in
                                         !  = 1 geographical mesh on the sphere with regular grid-spacing
                                         !  = 2 f-plane with regular grid-spacing
                                         !  = 3 beta-plane with regular grid-spacing
                                         !  = 4 Mercator grid with T/U point at the equator
     ppglam0     =  999999.d0            !  longitude of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1)
     ppgphi0     =  999999.d0            ! latitude  of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1)
     ppe1_deg    =  999999.d0            !  zonal      grid-spacing (degrees)
     ppe2_deg    =  999999.d0            !  meridional grid-spacing (degrees)
     ppe1_m      =  999999.d0            !  zonal      grid-spacing (degrees)
     ppe2_m      =  999999.d0            !  meridional grid-spacing (degrees)
     ppsur       =  -2013.96079017d0     !  ORCA r4, r2 and r05 coefficients
     ppa0        =    42.8600419214d0    ! (default coefficients)
     ppa1        =   -15.4142803532d0    !
     ppkth       =   184.2121644d0       !
     ppacr       =    80.00000000d0      !
     ppdzmin     =        999999.d0      !  Minimum vertical spacing
     pphmax      =        999999.d0      !  Maximum depth
     ldbletanh   =           .TRUE.      !  Use/do not use double tanf function for vertical coordinates
     ppa2        =  57.857101458d0       !  Double tanh function parameters
     ppkth2      =  96.05978744d0        !
     ppacr2      =  39.00000000d0        !

Domain_cfg file

  • Construction performed on occigen:
  • I used 20 nodes (560 cores). 10 nodes are not enough.
  • Rebuild the global file with JM tool mergefile4.exe (part of the REBUILD_MPP DCM tool).
  • Problem with 1D+time variables (z,t) (TBFixed..) Workaround: copy all var_1d variables from a subdomain file (all the same).
  • Try to rebuild with rebuild_nemo ..
  • Standard rebuild is done without deflation ( and really takes advantage of deflation).
  • Use a lot of memory (up to 30.2% of a login node).
  • Finally crashed when writing bottom_level variable (Segmentation Fault) (??).
  • Apply dcmtk_dom_doc.exe tool in order to copy the namelist into the domain_cfg file.
  • OPERATIONAL file is (same version than the operational bathymetric file).
