A generic user can:
- see and browse a data list of movies
- delete an entry
- create a new entry
- view and edit details of a single movie
Frontend (Browser)
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------- REST API ---------
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Backend (Node.js)
Persistence layer (file system)
- backend integration is provided through REST API
- UI is a SPA (Single Page Application)
- good Lighthouse scoring (over 90% in production)
|-- /home ------- <Home />
|-- /view/:id --- <View />
<App /> -----|
|-- /add -------- <Add />
|-- /edit/:id --- <Edit />
- React (Hooks, Context)
- SASS & CSS Modules
- react-router-dom
- normalize.css
<Alert />
Display feedbacks to the user (example: fetch failing).
<Card />
UI container.