Learning SQL Basic Query #1
- Where
- And, Or, Not
- Like
- Order by
- Join
- Is Null
- Between
Make a database and tables:
- Create database named "akademik"
- Create 4 tables i.e. “student”, “task”, “course”, “lecturer"
- Table “student” has columns “id”, “nrp”, “name”
- Table “course” has columns “id”, ”name”
- Table “lecturer” has columns “id”, “nip”, “name”
- Table “task” has columns “id”, “desc”, “id_mk”, “id_mhs”, “id_dos”, “score”
Import this Database Dumps using your MySQL GUI
Display student names, task descriptions, and grades for students who have completed the tasks.
-- Using Natural Join
SELECT name_student, desc_task, score
FROM akademik.student
NATURAL JOIN akademik.task;
-- Using Inner Join
SELECT name_student, desc_task, score
FROM akademik.student
INNER JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs;
If you want to check the number of data
-- Using Natural Join
SELECT count(name_student)
FROM akademik.student
NATURAL JOIN akademik.task;
-- Using Inner Join
SELECT count(name_student)
FROM akademik.student
INNER JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs;
Display student names, task descriptions, and grades for all students, including those who haven't completed tasks.
SELECT name_student, desc_task, score
FROM akademik.student
LEFT JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs;
If you want to check the number of data
SELECT count(name_student)
FROM akademik.student
LEFT JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs;
Display student names, task descriptions, and grades for all tasks, including tasks that are not associated with any student.
SELECT name_student, desc_task, score
FROM akademik.student
RIGHT JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs;
If you want to check the number of data
SELECT count(name_student)
FROM akademik.student
RIGHT JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs;
Display student names and task descriptions, including students who haven't completed tasks and tasks that are not associated with any student.
SELECT name_student, desc_task, score
FROM akademik.student
LEFT JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs
SELECT name_student, desc_task, score
FROM akademik.student
RIGHT JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs
WHERE akademik.student.id IS NULL;
If you want to check the number of data
SELECT count(name_student)
FROM akademik.student
LEFT JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs
SELECT count(name_student)
FROM akademik.student
RIGHT JOIN akademik.task ON akademik.student.id = akademik.task.id_mhs
WHERE akademik.student.id IS NULL;
Display the names of students and task descriptions, if each student works on every task.
SELECT name_student, desc_task, score
FROM akademik.student
CROSS JOIN akademik.task;
If you want to check the number of data
SELECT count(name_student)
FROM akademik.student
CROSS JOIN akademik.task;
It's because the number of students is 500 and the number of tasks is 100, so the total number of cross joins is 500 x 100 = 50000 data
Display all the names of students, task descriptions, course names, and lecturer names of students who have completed the task
Display the names of students, task descriptions, course names, and lecturer names of students who have completed the task and the task was assigned by an instructor whose name starts with "H"
Display the names of students, task descriptions, course names, and lecturer names of students who have completed the task with a task score between 60 and 80, sorted from the smallest score
Display the names and NRP of students who have never completed any tasks at all