checkout the project, then look in deploy/1.8+ directory.
kubectl create -f deploy/1.8+/
- By default, the self signed cert on metrics service won't be acceptable
E1004 15:45:12.363261 1 manager.go:111] unable to fully collect metrics: [unable to fully scrape metrics from source kubelet_summary:ip-172-20-40-132.ec2.internal: unable to fetch metrics from Kubelet ip-172-20-40-132.ec2.internal (ip-172-20-40-132.ec2.internal): Get https://ip-172-20-40-132.ec2.internal:10250/stats/summary?only_cpu_and_memory=true: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority, unable to fully scrape metrics from source kubelet_summary:ip-172-20-39-210.ec2.internal: unable to fetch metrics from Kubelet ip-172-20-39-210.ec2.internal (ip-172-20-39-210.ec2.internal): Get https://ip-172-20-39-210.ec2.internal:10250/stats/summary?only_cpu_and_memory=true: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority, unable to fully scrape metrics from source kubelet_summary:ip-172-20-34-17.ec2.internal: unable to fetch metrics from Kubelet ip-172-20-34-17.ec2.internal (ip-172-20-34-17.ec2.internal): Get https://ip-172-20-34-17.ec2.internal:10250/stats/summary?only_cpu_and_memory=true: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority, unable to fully scrape metrics from source kubelet_summary:ip-172-20-46-84.ec2.internal: unable to fetch metrics from Kubelet ip-172-20-46-84.ec2.internal (ip-172-20-46-84.ec2.internal): Get https://ip-172-20-46-84.ec2.internal:10250/stats/summary?only_cpu_and_memory=true: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority]
- Anonymous access to the kubelet is turned off, need to enable token verification on the kubelet .... OR
- Turn off by adding the following the the deployment of metrics-server
- command: - /metrics-server - --cert-dir=/tmp - --logtostderr - --deprecated-kubelet-completely-insecure - --kubelet-port=10255 - --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP
- Run kubectl top node to see node metrics
- Run kubectl top pod to see pod metrics in the current namespace
- See the metrics from the API itself, kubectl get --raw "/apis/" or kubectl get --raw "/apis/"
- By default, we are serving read only data from our kubeletes on port 10255 (curl -vvv http://:10255/stats/summary?only_cpu_and_memory=true)
- We can see what is running, and other data, allowing an attacker to get a starting point for what to attack, and to see what is interesting.
- You can set the default http port to 0 to turn off the http service, ... but ... you need to allow access to the clients of kubelet's aggregate APIs.
Make sure the CA for kubelet is the same CA for the client service accounts that will call kubelet
Enable on the API server via the runtime config parameters
Service account needs RBAC permissions to the kubelet APIs
Kubelet needs some extra parameters to call the API server to perform the authentication:
--authentication-token-webhook=true --extra-config=kubelet.authorization-mode=Webhook