class: center, middle
npm install -g bs-platform reason-cli
class: middle
type something('a) = Some('a) | None;
let record = {
foo: number,
bar: string,
=> [2, "hello"]
let betterRecord = {
bar: string => unit,
unpack: something(int) => int => int
let addNumbers = (a: number, b: number) => {
a + b;
let addTwo = addNumbers(2);
class: middle
let value = "blahblah";
type raw_object = {.
"count": int
let withCount: raw_object = {
pub count = 1337
=> { "count": 1337 };
withCount##count => 1337
let mutableReference: ref(bool) = ref(true)
mutableReference := false;
mutableReference^ => false
mutableReference := true;
mutableReference^ => true
Show the compact built representation, reason for quick operation.
There is a way to interact with raw JS objects
class: middle
BuckleScript provides an underlying mechanism for automatic generation of converters to and from records into javascript objects.
[@bs.deriving jsConverter]
type coordinates = {
x: int,
y: int
let coordinatesToJs: coordinates => {. "x": int, "y": int};
let coordinatesFromJs: {.. "x": int, "y": int} => coordinates;
For added type safety you can use the newtype converter
[@bs.deriving {jsConverter: newType}]
type coordinates = {
x: int,
y: int
let coordinatesToJs: coordinates => abs_coordinates;
let coordinatesFromJs: abs_coordinates => coordinates;
Converters are shallow, there is an open object
class: middle
is option
type option('a) = None | Some('a);
let foo = None; /* var foo = 0; */
let bar = Some("thing"); /* var bar = ["thing"] */
Unfortunately we don't have monadic operators on hand, helper functions are exported by the Js.Option
module. There are also constructs for interfacing with JS APIs that can return null
or undefined
let theJsValue: Js.Nullable.t(string) = /* the value you've gotten here */
let nullableString: Js.Nullable.t(string) = Js.Nullable.return("hello");
And nullable can be automatically converted to option
at the FFI boundary:
type element;
[@bs.val] [@bs.return nullable] [@bs.scope "document"] external getElementById : string => option(element) = "getElementById";
class: middle
Advantage of this approach is that the conversion to option
is only applied if the value isn't decructured at the point of calling the function:
switch (getElementById("most-important")) {
| None => Js.log("none");
| Some(a) => Js.log(a);
var match = document.getElementById("most-important");
if (match == null) {
} else {
let a = getElementById("b");
var a = document.getElementById("b");
console.log((a == null) ? 0 : [a]);
class: middle
We would use the create
function of observable like so
let (observer, createResult) = Observable.create();
Modules are resolved from capitalized file names, there are no explicit imports we are used to from other languages.
There can also be multiple modules in one file:
module First = {
let a = 2;
module Second = {
let b = First.a;
the same in-order reading applies.
module Second = {
open First;
let b = a;
class: middle
There are three main function application (pipe) operators:
#typeof "@@"
external Pervasives.@@: ('a => 'b, 'a) => 'b = "%apply";
#typeof "|>"
external Pervasives.|>: ('a, 'a => 'b) => 'b = "%revapply";
#typeof "|."
Unknown type
is a fast pipe, because the compiler eliminates it at build time:
(Js.log) |. (["a", "b"])
=> {
return 0;
}), ["a", ["b"]]);
Unknown type because |. is part of the language (Reason/BuckleScript).
class: middle
Polymorphic variants can exist on their own:
- : [> `Flakes ] = `Flakes
and can be used in multiple types:
type foo = [`Flakes | `Sandwitch];
type bar = [`Flakes];
Equality is also the equality of constructors:
type foo = [`One | `Two];
type bar = [`Two | `One];
let id = (arg: foo) => arg;
let test: bar = `One;
- : foo = `One;
class: middle